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Posts posted by TOTTI-THE-GOD

  1. Received a Cube U30GT yesterday , heard some decent reviews so thought what the hey its for my Daughters 6th birthday had a quick 20 min play on it last night and i have to say considering is a Chinese important its a beast really pleased with it only draw back i've found is the fact Sky go doesn't work on it other than that i'm really impressed , its a 10.1 sized screen with Android 4.1 on it and 1.6 ghz dual core processor all for as little as £140 quid .

  2. Do people realise this is far more humiliating than Doncaster

    Bradford are mid table Division 4 FFS !!

    We are a national laughing stock

    To be fair Doncaster were a mid table league 1 team when we played them they played us off the park and we didnt have a single shot on goal that night , it was still one of if not THE worst match i've ever been to .

  3. This result reminds me of Doncaster under o'leary that day we turned up cocky and expected to win and got turned over easily , last night we turned up and weren't even cocky we were just plain **** awful . Its funny the commentators were saying Villa look shacky from set piece's so whats **** new we've looked shaky at them for the last 2 years .

    Fair play to those that travelled up there and gave some great support shame that shower of shit couldnt be **** to clap you at the end .

  4. Ok i've gotta say the more i'm playing the more i'm getting annoyed with little things , ok explain this one to me i pretty much always play TDM and recently i've been noticing that my kill to points rate isnt matching up for example i've noticed i've got say 13 kills and a few assist yet my overall score is like 1275 which makes no sense , anyone else finding this or am i just being thick ? Also i've gotta say i'm really hating some of the maps i think its just me i'm pretty crap at this game , It's annoying cause i really want to do well on this game .

    My pet hates have been the fact u actually have to earn your attachments i liked on the old black ops that u could just buy them and that was the end of it , Also can someone tell me how u change your sight view thing , i've earned new ones but have noooo idea how you actually change them , i need some guidance dont i either that or i need to retire lol

  5. I'm very hit and miss with this at the moment , i quite like the small boat one managed to get 20 kills on it the other night ( yeah i know that's not actually that spectacular ) I'm still trying to work out the whole perks thing , i like the fact the smaller weapons have a really large ammo clip , I'm up to level 21 at the moment . How do u get those annoying bouncing betty things ?

  6. Keep your scorestreaks low is my advice . I have UAV , Hunter drone and care package . It helps stack up XP and you can usually go through a few cycles of getting all 3 in a game. Having the care package gives you the chance of getting something fun that you would rarely get as well, especially when paired with the engineer perk .

    I can also not stress enough just how amazing the black hat is .

    I've gotta ask what the heck is the black hat ?

  7. Ok finally purchased this game from Asda last night , i've gotta say i like it i feel i've taken to it quite well something i didnt do on mw3 . Currently using an MP7 with a reflex sight and suppressor , been getting some decent kills haven't sorted my killstreak thing out yet , any recomendations ?

  8. You should make a complaint, not having the game on release day is bad enough, but still no sign 2 days later, taking the piss. With any luck, they might throw some vouchers your way or something.

    If its any consolation, the story is boring, and the multiplayer is the same as previous games in the series and with the same annoyances.

    Dont worry i fully intend to , they told me if i havent recieved it with in 10 days i can get a full refund , something i'll be doing even if i have got the game or not ;)

  9. Well at least u lucky buggers have got your game soooooo regretting ordering mine off Tesco , still no sign of it , all i'm being told is blame Royal mail it was supposedly dispatched on the 11th absolute shambled .

  10. Well thanks to Tesco i haven't actually got mine yet grrr , a little worried by people saying its as bad as MW3 which i was sooo hidiously crap at , i'm determined to give this game a fair crack of the wip like i did with the first black ops .

  11. No, he needed to land a trophy for that level of spend. At least one League Cup.

    The Peace Cup cannot really count.

    You do realise the Peace cup won us more money than if we'd of won the league cup right ?

  12. When i saw the name of the topic i thought it was about the rumours of Benteke being wanted back in Belgium for car jacking charges , anyone else heard this ?

    Yeah there is a big discussion about it, in The Benteke thread.

    Yeah just checked it out , i really should of looked before opening my mouth :lol:

  13. Selling Luke is looking like an error

    What about part-time taxi driver part time footballer stefan >

    He owns a taxi firm, not quite the same as being a driver.

    Still a fairly dramatic fall from grace. I remember when he came on against Charlton. I thought he was going to be a world beater!

    No he does actually drive the taxis aswell , he picked up one of the lads i work with the other day .

  14. Finally saw Ted a couple of nights ago ( pirate copy ) the interview scene litterally had me laughing for a good 5 min and had to rewind it twice , a pretty enjoyable film certainly give it a good 7.5 out of 10.

  15. FAMAS I have the most kills with, so I guess that. Think the G11 is great fun to use though.

    Anyways, BO2, supposedly it works like this:

    Kill = 100 points.

    Objective (bomb plant, flag cap, etc.) = 150 points.

    Objective kill (kill while capping enemy flag) = 200 points.

    It seems the scorestreaks range from 375 points - 1400 points. It really looks like they're putting a big emphasis on objective gameplay which is always a good thing. Apparently if someone on your team gets a kill when you put a UAV up, you also get 25 points which is cool.

    From the videos I've seen, it doesn't look like the scorestreaks dominate much. Especially on TDM where there's no objectives and the fact that the streaks don't stack, so it's tough to pick up any of the top ones.

    Just been watching a few vids on youtube , have u seen that u can put on and take off a silencer during the game , thought that looked a useful feature ?

  16. When is this bad boy being released ?

    I'm really hopping its better than MW3 i just couldnt get into it and end up selling it after playing it litterally 5 times .

    Slightly off topic but on the the first black ops what are peoples preferred gun ?

    Ak74u - Grip - Rapid Fire.

    Good choice , i've recently prestiged for the second time and found i've been getting decent success with an MP5K with rapid fire and a sight added , might give that AK74u a try :winkold:

  17. When is this bad boy being released ?

    I'm really hopping its better than MW3 i just couldnt get into it and end up selling it after playing it litterally 5 times .

    Slightly off topic but on the the first black ops what are peoples preferred gun ?

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