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Posts posted by PauloBarnesi

  1. They are advisors to AVFC; they advise? They cannot be held responsible if the PLC do not act upon its advice. They will have signed agreements with Aston Villa surely outlining there obligations to each other, and they will have something within them that will absolve them of responsibility if AVFC PLC act inproperly. Well thats how I read it; can someone with better understanding explain?

    Are Rothschild being paid per hour or do they get paid when the deal is actually completed?

  2. Here’s my two pence worth; go and have a look at the work of the great masters; Cartier-Bresson, Avedon, Capa, etc, etc. Look at the pictures. Work out how they work; the composition, the lighting, the idea behind the picture, etc. Form an opinion on what is good or bad about them.

    Then you can have opinion about your own work and how to improve it.

  3. Neither, they would ruin there reputations; have you seen Johnny Marr recently?

    Something are best left in the past. Mind you the Fire Engines still sound brill, but then they were truly awesome

    I would be interested in a night of reformed bands where they all had dead members reincarnated; great bill:

    First on would be the Associates; classic 1980 lineup; MacKenzine/Rankine/Dempsey/Murphy

    Then the Bunnymen: Ian McCulloch/Sergeant/Pattinson/Pete De Freitas

    Finally and not least Joy Division: Curtis/Sumner/Hook/Morris

  4. Here is an utterly silly theory. The Comer brothers do want to buy a football club. They are growing sick of Doug. Another Irish man phones them up; ‘I am interested in buying a football club. I reckon I could turn it round. Massive fan base, etc, etc’. Brothers say sure; whats the deal? Niall Quinn tells them... Its probably conspiracy theory. Quinn has signed a confidentially agreement not to reveal his backers. Rumours were strong it was Fergies friends. But hey you never know. I reckon .0005% reality!

  5. Apart from Villa fans this story has decidely gone very cold. Infact in press terms its dead. It might come back to life, but I suspect all the national papers have lost interest in it. There is definitely something strange going on behind the scenes, but papers aren’t interested unless they can actually start spinning a story. I think the summer will see movement; and then it might be very quick.

  6. This is not even worth voting on without Dads Army. Perry used to go to the same gym as me; but Bicks is right its the characters who are in it who make it and the dynamic between them. People like John Le Mesurier, Arthur Lowe, John Laurie, James Beck and Arthur Ridley were fantastic characters actors. Clive Dunn however was just annoying

    And is it The likely Lads?; or Whatever Happened to the Likely Lads?

  7. Who knows what the reality will be? I don’t think it will be likely, but things could get worse (hard to imagine). The most important appointment whoever takes over will be who manages the club, I just can’t see it being DOL. If its done in the summer there is every chance the manager will be an ex-national manager. Still hoping for Guus from PSV...

  8. I would be interested if anyone knows anything about this particular part of the Rothschild empire; are they any good? The Rothschild’s in France make a fine wine and they own a very nice pad in Buckinghamshire. Can anyone expand... apart from the obvious they have a website...

  9. Not really sure; I am self employed designer/consultant/teacher/writer. Reasonably well paid, and do what I like with my time most of the time, though I seem to work much harder than I should. I worry though that I should be running a large company merciless exploited young designers! Have been around the world through work and met people who I wouldn’t otherwise; some famous, infamous and also just interesting. I sometimes wish though I did something has a greater value, so I have considered going into full time teaching and living in Cornwall. Probably won’t happen with the wife and kids! Also find that sometimes I get lonely being by myself. Spend more time on here than I should. When I was young (aged 5) would have loved Rev’s job. Oh and the police, met nice ones, idiots, smart ones, dodgy ones. Generally had only pleasant meetings with them, but I can imagine there are some clowns

  10. I can see your point Bill, but then you get the opposite side; Unions aren’t always democratic organisations are they. Look at the tatics of Scargill; it had less to do with conditions and closures, more to do with his political ambitions. He bought down the Tory government in 74, and tried again in the miners strike; he refused to call a democratic vote, which led to Nottinghamshire refusing to strike. They sent in pickets to try and stop them. Yet the men in Nottinghamshire always maintained that if there was a vote they would strike.

    Ultimately in a democracy no man should stop another man from working; its an indvidual’s choice. Yes people should go to Tolpuddle, but equally they should look at the British car industry and its decline for which union action must take a large share of blame. Unions are good and bad. Striking can be good and bad.

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