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Posts posted by Genie

  1. i dont particulaly rate shorey, but surely it would have made sense to play him and put luke young back on the right? whats the point of recalling him otherwise?? he could even have had young at LB but put beye Rb if he really didnt want shorey starting

    as i understand it, shoreys loan has expired, he wasnt recalled. forest want to extend it but as it stands he is no longer on loan there.

    On the stream I'm watching Martin Tyler said Villa recalled Shorey from his loan as cover.

  2. Its kinda like splitting up with your girlfriend cos she's cheating on you, when you know that she started seeing you behind her previous boyfriends back.

    Robbie (as Mark Hughes liked to put it) sulked his way out of Santos and into Real Madrid, then sulked out of Madrid to Citeh, they can't really be surprised he's lost interest there as well.

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