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Posts posted by praisedmambo

  1. Why does it matter? Mmmm let me think.......


    As Villa are on a seemingly massive cost cutting exercise do you honestly think that Lerner is going to let Lambert spend £3.5m on a player that the silly **** could have got for nothing 6 months ago!

    (And by this logic we'll never buy a player ever again who has increased in value. Nice brain work, sir) 

  2. Does anyone think we will sign anyone over the next 6 days. Genuine question.

    I'm not feeling like we will, and I seem to have resigned myself to that. I still think we have a chance of pulling out of relegation though now that some players like Vlaar are back and N'Zogbia seems to have started performing. Hopefully KEA might return and stop being shit? Morocco will be out of the ACN by Sunday if they don't beat South Africa, I think. 

  3. We should have done our business now and got on with the job of

    rebuilding a team that may actually win a game!!

    Now we're screwed a we will be held to ransom on any fee or wages..

    Worst transfer window ever from our worst manager since McNeil and Turner.

    Logically though it doesn't work out the way you make it out. By all accounts from the very start selling teams hold clubs to ransom. They don't have to sell and if there are a few parties interested then they can hold out for stupid amounts.


    Listen to Lambert's quotes through the window and that's the reality he makes out.


    I'm sorry, in my opinion there are a lot of statements thrown around like they're facts which are not true at all. 

  4. Are people seriously questioning RL's financial commitment to this club. Ffs you can rightly criticise the way the money was spent over the years but to question the level of money he has pumped into Villa since his takover is outrageous.

    This is something all villa fans with a modicum of intelligence should be able to agree on.

    Forgotten too easily by some 

  5. This thread started beginning of Jan with people saying we will not sign anyone, yet with the month almost over and we wont sign anyone, these same people are getting up uppity about it. That doesnt make sense.


    Match threads are the same post after post of we'll lose, we lose then post after post of abuse if you knew we were going to lose why you kicking off about it?


    Makes no sense.


    This made me nod. 

  6. Di Matteo is such a bad idea. I'm fully behind Lambert. Even if things aren't going right we all know the problems in this club over the last few years and I see what he's trying to do. We are goign backwards to go forwards but I think he can, given the time, turn it around and put the club on a good healthy standing. Losing our heads now - after the last few years - is not an option, as far as I am concerned. 


    And in my humble opinion sacking Lambert and getting in Di Matteo is well and truly losing our heads territory.


    Lambert's staying though so everyone might as well stop shouting abuse at the **** players and support them. 

  7. If it was a back 3 then we can question why Bennett was playing LWB, as Baker was covering down the left side for Bennett. I would have started Lichaj. All 9 games won this season won with Lichaj in the team.

    (maybe in spite of Lichaj being in the team) Look, defenders have to cover sometimes - it happens all through the game and it is to be expected. He was not playing Left Back but left Centre Back.

  8. Imagine how **** we would be if Benteke got injured! What is your point? Any player can get injured at any time.

    It is what Lambert said: He has just come back from a long injury and you have to look after him. The logic is it is risky to push a player too much if they have just come back from injury and it is better to take them off sometimes. We DO have a lot of games coming up - not just the bradford game but important league games - and an injured N'Zogbia, pushed when he is fresh back from injury will not be much use.

    That is why Lambert said he took him off. To me, I find it impossible to argue with that logic. If N'Zogbia was fit to continue there is not a person on the planet who would have taken him off.

    • Like 1
  9. What do you think went through his mind when he took him off? Do you reckon it was one of the two things I suggested, or do you reckon it was "I'll take Charlie off now so that we can fall apart and throw away points"?

    Imagine how **** we'd be if N'Zogbia got injured and was out for another two months. There is definite sense in what he did, shame some just want to go crazy about anything and everything without thinking about what they're saying first

  10. Side back is funny. No, centre backs never have to be able to turn and run do they?

    Con seemingly doesn't remember the days of Ugo Ehiogu as "side back" - he was far from dainty.

    He didn't warm up properly? Clutching at straws?

    "He is a tall centre back who should not have been played (in the imaginary) position of side back?"

    Er? He might have been on the side of a three but he was still playing centre back. All this "should not" business just seems like desperate digs at Lambert, as with Bannan.

  11. Bannan was superb against Bradford in the first leg, creating five chances which various players wasted.

    Being half scottish I have been a supporter of Bannan for a while. However, I have come to think this year that he is missing the pace needed to make up for his stature. I'm just saying this because I have read your posts (and I want to say this with it understood I would love it if Bannan did well) but the only logical explanation for your stance is that you're his mother or his gran or something.

    Bannan was not superb against Bradford. I had him down as a massive weak link in that game. He gave the ball away numerous times and was a non-entity in midfield.

    How can you say anyone was superb against Bradford? It was a terrible game.

  12. I wouldn't have put it like he put it but after we failed to win today, we should get another manager. Paul Lambert is good at some aspects of management, but when it comes to picking the team, substitutions and tactics, he's getting it wrong.

    After losing to Wigan and Southampton and only getting a draw at Swansea today was a must win game and we didn't win.

    Manager has to take responsibility for that.

    We had a 0 - 2 lead. With that lead at half-time, we should have won the game. What did he say in the team talk?

    The decision not to replace Delph, when he got injured, with a ball-winning midfielder (e.g. by moving Clark into midfield) was naive.

    Manager has to be better than this tactically in the Premier League.

    It was naive not moving Clark into midfield? Which would have left us, presumably with a back 3 of who? Lowton, Vlaar, Stevens? Lowton Vlaar Lichaj? It's as bad an option as putting Bannan on, if not worse. West Brom are a good team they're not going to let us win you willy. The squad is poor, there are no decent sub options.

  13. That requires a defensive midfielder to help control the game in the middle of the park.

    We don't have one. Lambert didn't buy one.

    By some accounts we did - Karim El Ahamadi, only he's one of the signings who hasn't worked out so well. No manager is going to have 100% of his signings effective straight away. I still think KEA can be good for Villa but he doesn't look like much of a premiership defensive midfielder.

    • Like 1
  14. Lambert is a poor manager for Villa.

    In your opinion.

    He has evidenced this since his appointment by signing lower league players and throwing them in alongside academy players and hoping to do okay in the PL.

    You can't blame him for the academy players mate. I bet he'd rather have brought in even more players. I think you're a bit unreasonable. His signings have on the most part looked pretty good. We signed about 8 players for 20million, I don't see how he could have done much better.

    He has presided over our worst start to a PL season and the worst goal difference I can ever remember.

    He has not shown, to any level of consistency, that he has the ability to succeed at VP.

    Come on man, we have been in a mess for years. These things are hardly surprising. "He has not shown to any consistency"? But he has shown the ability sometimes? Then maybe he deserves more than the 6 months you want to give him. Particularly with how shit the starting squad was.

  15. I think he joined spurs from wigan for £12million, joined stoke for £6million and I believe a journo I follow on twitter said they want 4 for him and his wages were 35k. I think it was nursey who tweeted it

    Someone said something about his brother being murdered and his head not being in the right place.


  16. Today's game was "massive" too. However, it is another morale sapping 80th+ minute **** up leading to more dropped points.

    I have no faith that we will pick up any points at home anymore.

    More stellar logic on display there. We lose a point late in the game to get a draw in a tough away derby game and so we are never going to win at home again.

    • Like 1
  17. Problem with those two clubs is that besides the managers changing most things have stayed the same. There's been so much turmoil at Villa recently, both on and off the pitch.

    If anyone can compare Lambert taking over at Villa (who have been in a mess for years) and Laudrup and Clarke (two teams who have built effectively from previous managers who left them in strong healthy positions, with finances in control and full decent squads) then there is no hope for them. Come on.

  18. Not sure who Lambert was supposed to bring on in all honesty.

    Just look who he had on the bench.

    Even if we sign 2 quality players, do we really think Lambert would drop Bennett and say stop playing Bannan. This is the problem he thinks they are quality premiership players

    He has no choice with Bannan. People on here :angry: All this talk of getting some presence in midfield sounds like he doesn't really fancy Bannan - but right now there is no alternative. **** **** **** **** why do people make negatives out of ridiculous things.

  19. Adkins was doing a very good job at Southampton and has achieved more there than Lambert has here.

    Adkins actually took them on a good run, i've yet to see us go on a good run...

    Adkins took over as Saints manager in SEPTEMBER 2010. Lambert took over at Villa HALF A SEASON AGO, and he inherited a shit team. Of course he needs time and he'll get it. There is no way he is getting sacked when McLeish - the most unpopular manager ever - got the whole season.

  20. And yeah sure, none of it was the quality of the squad that Lambert inherited? Maybe those teams getting promoted had the whole of last year playing with well balanced squads capable of performing and actually winning games. Whereas we have been in a mess since Milner's transfer.

    If we were in the championship last year with the squad we had I bet we would have struggled to be promoted.

    I wasn't even blaming Lerner. I wasn't blaming anyone (maybe MON and McLeish and Houllier having a heart attack)

  21. Well we had a Premier League squad last season when Reading, West Ham, Southampton and arguably even Wigan did not. We then went and spent a lots more money than all of those sides to improve the squad and yet find ourselves below 3 of them.

    The manager and his decisions are responsible for that.

    This is so horrendously simplistic. **** sake. BLIND.

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