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Posts posted by ccfcman

  1. Over priced? Same price as Curtis Davies IIIRC, considering transfer prices for even mediocre players have exploded I'd say relatively speaking, it's a good price.

    I hope Ayew prove me right Jordan ....

  2. Genuinely buzzing for the new season!


    After the FA Cup episode I was flat and looking forward to not having my weekends absorbed by football. Now - I cannot wait for the season to begin!


    No bloody idea how the signings will turn out, but for now, it is **** exciting.

    Just remember to drink lots of water and hug your mates, you'll be fine!

  3. I used to like Leicester, and wished them well when they were in the Chumpionship. But after seeing numerous Leicester fans giving it the big'un, seeing Pearson's antics last season and having a big falling out with a Leicester fan I used to be friends with....

    .... I'm now going to refer to them as Crisp City, and I will not be wishing them well for a good few years, that's for sure! No, don't try to change my mind! It's made up! I will not be wishing them well for 2, 3 or even 4 years.

    End of!

    They were pretty flakey for the majority of last season but did add some spice in the end ...

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    No announcements today apparently. Makes me wonder if they're holding out until tomorrow when they might be able to confirm Ade, Veretout an Gestede at the same time.

    or maybe,  just maybe,  they are really busy today on a few things.  wait and see


    Ah you`d be no good at a game of Chinese Whispers!

  5. Looks like we are going to be an attacking team who'll leak a lot of goals at the back. It could be like Lambert's first season in charge.



    We urgently need a really good CB. If we start the season with Clark as our best CB I think we'll struggle

    ​IMO we have a better squad now than we had at the end of last season. More promise, more speed, guile and I believe we will actually score many more goals regardless of losing the PL most rounded striker save for maybe Diego Costa.

    The only downside is while we may score 2 or 3 in a game *shock* we will leak goals like never before. It may be exciting and frankly whirlwind but I’d expect a blast of 2-5, 3-4 style defeats as well as wins. Of course we’ll take our annual pastings from the usual big clubs but smaller teams like Liverpool, Stoke and Everton will unlock us handily too.

    I can’t wait for the season, I think it’ll be bold and exciting but dear god please sign a centre back as soon as possible. If we’re willing to spend 7-10m on attack minded players so swiftly it’s time to consider an equal or greater purchase for defence.

    As an aside I’m surprised we haven’t looked at Greek or Ukrainian leagues for players. Both countries and consequently leagues are relatively unstable at the moment and sure it’s a bit churlish to consider signing players from those countries for that kind of reasoning but you know, we’re raiding France because our money goes further after all.

  6. Much ado about nothing, ain't happening.

    Amazingly we do seem to be after another striker as I've posted in the speculation thread but it isn't Bertbatov as far as I'm aware.

    Perhaps we should make Villa Freddy’s 14th club?

    yeh yeh, Adu know it’s spelled differently ...


    Thauvin is quality. Would love for him to replace Zog.

    Actually thought he was a striker but he's a left footed winger. Could play down the right - just what we need. This window is incroyable.


    Ou magnifique, non?

  8. Talk about luxury players, jesus wept this is dodgy going.Still though, both Berbatov and Adebayor if even remotely interested are genuinely deadly strikers, it's just those days seem so rare.

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    Delphinho123, on 28 Jul 2015 - 1:56 PM, said:

    Apparently we have bid for a striker that is not Adebayor.

    I don't know who it is though.



    Rudy G?


    Guilianni? NY Villa

  10. Odd one really, signing Adebayor in isolation would have been relatively deflating but owing to the calibre of players we're bringing in, a c'est moment *ahem*, then he looks a far better proposition altogether.

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