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Posts posted by ccfcman

  1. Couldn't find anything surfing the web, might try the internet super highway on Netscape for certainty.



    Sod all mentions on Teletext's Bamboozle.

    That's cuz your reveal button is broken.  It's there alright.


    Press return.


    Bugger, I see we have slipped down to 5th this evening.



    Europa League for us next season, then. :(





    Don't be so down on our chances.  Remember we beat a team who not only had never lost a game in the Premier League in their entire history, they have never even conceded a goal in the Premier League in their entire history.   If we can finish above a team with a quality record like that then we are in with a shot.   I'd say 35 more wins and the title is ours. 


    To be fair if you look at our PL reckord versus Bournemouth we have absolutely decimated them, no other team in this league has punished them to the extent we have.

    I fully expect us to finish better than 1st actually.

    • Like 2
  3. I think Sherwood would gladly take 17th.

    Not in a month of Sundays. He has bought a lot of "his" players, he's in his first major permanent job and needs to solidify the supposition he is a good manager. Those are just the selfish reasons on his end.

    As regards the club, I genuinely believe he's attached and want's to better us, push us forward, it of course puts him in a favourable light but I think he has taken a shine to Villa. To suggest he would be happy with 17th is to suggest he would be happy at Lambert's level, you can't honeslty believe that is the case surely?

    • Like 1
  4. I have shoes older than Jack Grealish, I think the guy deserves plenty of time and sadly as stated above by DDID time has already been unkind to the guy.

    The carry on in the summer is nonsense and it's no big deal, 19 year old lad with cash on the hip, we'd all be doing the same thing. We're too quick to forget the good, rationalise the great and chastise for the mediocre.

    For some one so young and involved with Villa it's exciting times.

    • Like 4
  5. I think we're going to be a lot like Keegan's Newcastle this season.  Not in terms of attacking ability/pushing for the title, but I think we'll be an entertaining team.  Plenty of goals scored, plenty of goals conceded.


    I can't even put a finger on where I think we'll finish.  It's anything from 8th down to 16th for me.


    It's going to be fun, though, for a change :D

    I'll tell you something ,I will love it I would, love it!

  6. Praying that we splash a large portion of our remaining budget on a quality CB.



    N'Koulou (25) Marseille

    Dragovic (24) Dynamo Kiev

    Martins-Indi (23) Porto

    Matip (23) Schalke


    And finally, an absolute(ly impossible) dream signing:

    De Vrij (23) Lazio

    Had suggested raiding Greece and Ukraine for players, the major draw for almost all of those players is very simple: Champions League Football or at the very least UEFA Cup


    Is he as good as I think? (Re my post on last page)


    Nah, he looked shit, was exhausted and couldn't pass.


    We've been had by Nantes. Payed way over the top for him. 


    I know, I watch Ligue 1. 


    I believe thats actually called the Froggy League, non?

  8. Richards will play there. So will Clark. And Okore. And Crespo. And Baker. And Senderos. Wouldn't say we badly need one.

    Right back on the other hand: Hutfon. That's it.

    We certainly have quantity, I feel it's the quality that has the VT crew worried!

    • Like 2
  9. I'm actually getting that panicky feeling I get when I'm playing Football Manager and I realise i've signed too many players.....

    I remember my mate saying to me once, in all seriousness - “you’d feel a bit shitty for some of the lads, low morale cos they’re not getting their game"



    Amavi crossing to Gestede...



    Honestly, I think that post is Gueye


    Good job you didnt see what I was up to when the Veretout deal was announced  :blink:


    I’ll give you a pass, there is a serious level of stiffies on VT right about now.

    Who knew a good transfer window would be so homo-erotic!

    • Like 1
  11. Fair play to the club and Randy, they've spent money this window.

    I have to say I was worried we wouldn't spend a dime because of RL trying to cut his losses, but this really is the best window we've had in a long time.

    I hope we complete Adebayor today for attacking depth and then focus on our defense. I still worry about the GK position. I'd like to see Adebayor then a GK and CB to close off the Window.

    Without a doubt we should be thanking Randy but look at it big picture also. Pump money into a great but arguably failing club, the worst that is likely to happen is we stay put. What's more likely is we will push on and probably be a mid table club again. That alone would probably add a lovely percentage to the selling price and if nothing else make us more likely to be taken over.

    With some luck we can push about the 7th-10th places which I think would be a meteoric return to success owing to the past few years. Granted we won't be hassling any big clubs but we'll mix it with the smaller sides like Stoke, Everton and Liverpool.

    He's investing wisely.



    Frankly, it's lowest common denominator stuff. It's like that pukey White Strips tune every football club from here to Saturn uses.

    I imagine it's the kind of sound I'd make if forced to use a cheese grater as a tool of self pleasure.


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