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Posts posted by tomzep

  1. He will never be one of the best players in the world.

    i don't see why he can't be with the natural ability that he has, he is the complete footballer, he can do anything with a football

    he can do anything with a ball, but so could trundle. However, neithegr of them think tactically, and have to be carried when the team are defending, a luxury high level teams cant afford. Even Zidane, messi etc fulfilled basic duties when they didnt have possesion. Trabaat needs to learn a hel of a lot. He needs to learn to play an actual position to, QPR gave him free reign as they could afford to at that level, like swansea did with trundle. A long way of being great atm. Being able to tackle wouldnt be bad either.

  2. Sweet mother of Jesus, yes. :thumb:

    supported these guys a few years back. very underated. Was a great show, like 200 ppl max capacity, it was our home town so rammed and mental! great memory

    Awesome. Pray tell, thine band's moniker?

    we were called 51 breaks, had a great time, highlights being meet band slike this, cooper temple claus, infadels and just lots of good laughs!

  3. sorry didnt realise there was a thread going for this already! Ignore my pointless thread!

    watching the rioting now live on a stream, theyve set part of the ground on fire, and teh police and penned in the ground and just randomly firing rubber bullets out at the crowd

    Just saw a few coppers get absolute hell beaten out of them and the news reports keeps saying rumours of one fan dead

  4. How come you're in Toronto, Tom? Travelling, or job?

    Came here 3 weeks ago on a 12 month working visa. Just looking for work now, if i dont find some by August ill move to South Korea for a teachng job!

    He's being a jammy bastard. VERY fit women in Toronto.

    This is so true! Its incredible here!

  5. IMG_1070.jpg

    Who needs friends when you have Doink with real feel hair?

    This image brings back sooooo many memories! Thats the ring and a lot of the wrestlers I had, great days!

    My favourite past time though was doing my own commentry to the fights, or playing Fifa, turning crowd noise up and commentry off and doing my own match day commentry. What made it extra sad is I used to play 90 minute matches!! I remember a cracking England 34 - 0 Egypt game

  6. For me Im quite proud of them. Im not even really sure why myself but I cant help it. Theyre like living history that immediatly conjures up all the things I love about Englad even if they arent directly linked to them. I also like how they are a constant represenatation around the world. Nations change statemen all the time but we dont get many Kings or Queens in a lifetime, and that means they are recognised world wide and for a long time.

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