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Posts posted by Big_John_10

  1. If he goes then whilst I won't be shedding any tears, there will be an element of regret. I still think he's the man for the job in the long term.

    One thing is for sure, if he does go, he will leave behind a far better squad for the next incumbent than the previous four managers did.

    It's a results games and lambert's haven't been good enough, simple as that. I just think there is a lot more to it than that.

    He is leaving one outstanding individual. A far better squad? Not really.
    I disagree. He is the one manager who at least tried to build a squad that could improve and grow. A squad built around youth and energy, not overpaid journey men or players on the edge of decline. The previous mangers bought for the moment regardless of future potential and value and many of them were acts of desperation.

    If he goes then he leaves a spine of; Guzan, OKore, Vlaar, Delph, Westwood and Benteke. You put good good players alongside those 6 and we've got a good side.

    Bacuna has clear potential, Lowton could yet still come good, as could the likes of Tonev, Helenius and Kozak.

    He's built a nucleus that can be added to, not something that needs dismantling.

    If that were true we wouldn't be in such a mess. He's signed a lot of players who are either not good enough or barely good enough to play at this level.
    • Like 1
  2. He could actually be a really decent owner if he's learned from his mistakes. Probably no way back for him here but maybe at another team.

    I think I've read some comment about him learning from his mistakes every summer for the last 4 years.

  3. The home losses make it the worst for me.

    Both home records have been shit, but didn't we actually win more and score more at home this season?

    I think we did. But loss after loss just deflates any joy from picking up those few extra points for me.

  4. Richard was being very serious. It's a claim he's made on a few occasions.

    **** me - I've heard it all now. Lerner may not be perfect and has made some howlers but you can't fault him he put his own money in the club unlike that other one who relegated us - dismantled the European and League Champions - called fans 'men on the terrace' and had just as much (if not more) disrespect/contempt for the fans and shareholders as Lerner.

    For me I didn't experience any of that. In my experience as a villa fan I'd have to say lerner has been worse, however I recognise what Doug did in the past was awful. In terms of putting money in, I don't think that means he gets a free pass, I also think he'll get a lot of it back when he eventually sells.

    I think he's been a shocking owner and the fact our last 3 years have seen less points than Doug's final season shows how poorly he's run the club so far.

    He's gambled with our premiership status and has dragged us down to a level I've never seen us in before. I can't wait for his statement telling us he's leaving. I just hope for the sake of other sports fans out there he doesn't buy another sporting team.

    • Like 1
  5. One thing is for sure, if he does go, he will leave behind a far better squad for the next incumbent than the previous four managers did.

    So you think this squad is better than the one mcleish left? Yet he's had a worse year than McLeish. So I'm not sure why you'd think he was the man for the job.

    Cardiff away. Marshall was immense for them.

    On the flipside Cardiff missed a couple of sitters and should have had a pen before Marshall kept them in it.

  6. I never said people weren't saying it, I just don't believe we did ride our luck that much. People often mistake well executed counter-attacking victories for "luck".

    A little patronising. I assure you that I and a fair few others can tell the difference between that and 'sit back and hope' football. Anyway I'm done. You believe we've been unlucky, I believe luck has evened out and just glad to still be in this division.

    Were there any games this season we were particularly unlucky not to win? Can't think of any off the top of my head, but have wiped most of the season from my memory.

    Could say we were unlucky to not get a point against chelsea at the start of the season.

    I never said people weren't saying it, I just don't believe we did ride our luck that much. People often mistake well executed counter-attacking victories for "luck".

    A little patronising. I assure you that I and a fair few others can tell the difference between that and 'sit back and hope' football. Anyway I'm done. You believe we've been unlucky, I believe luck has evened out and just glad to still be in this division.

    Were there any games this season we were particularly unlucky not to win? Can't think of any off the top of my head, but have wiped most of the season from my memory.

    Everton at home comes to mind.

    I think there were quite a few more games we were unlucky to lose though.

    Using your logic though would you not credit Everton for executing a good football plan?

  7. Lambert annoys me with his post match comments. Saying today was a step too far after Wednesdays effort??

    Deary me, what a load of bollocks

    Good god. First of all its embarrassing to think our players couldn't compete today because of trying so hard in a 4-0 loss. And secondly if he knew that why not use other players? You know the other ones he's signed that do nothing.

  8. I didn't think it was luck but I also didn't think the way we were playing and getting a few results was sustainable.

    We were relying on moments of individual brilliance (bacuna freekick, delph wonder goal) rather than good football and a well executed plan.

    I think injuries are over used as a reason for our struggles. There were still games we looked absolutely awful in with benteke or kozak playing in them.

    • Like 1
  9. Apparently Lambert just referred to us as they on local BBC Radio and said you know what's going to hapen.

    He's going. I'd imagine it will be announced tomorrow and we'll hear what lerner says later in the week.

  10. I just hope Lerner follows him out the door or at the very least invests some money. Mark my words, nothing will change if we're still paying peanuts this summer.

    I may be wrong but haven't you defended the level of investment the past few transfer windows?

    Only to a certain extent. Why are you so keen on pointscoring at this moment in time anyway?

    It's not point scoring. I just find it hard to understand how you can defend lerner and the investment in the squad but then use those same constraints to say nothing will change with a different manager.

  11. I just hope Lerner follows him out the door or at the very least invests some money. Mark my words, nothing will change if we're still paying peanuts this summer.

    I may be wrong but haven't you defended the level of investment the past few transfer windows?

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