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Posts posted by AndyM3000

  1. Without wanting to focus too much on times and distance at the moment as its not important has anyone got any tips on how to keep going?

    I want to run 6 miles in an hour, a pretty easy time IMO. I just did a mile in 8 minutes jogging but I doubt I could keep that pace for an hour at the moment. Any ideas on how I could train to aim for that?

  2. Interesting this thread came up, as I've just been on my first run in a couple of months. I've had a lot of stuff going on lately and haven't really been in good physical shape at all. Now I've decided to try a bit of sunday league level football again, so I felt I needed to get in (slightly better) shape before I lace my boots for my comeback.

    So I take my running shoes on and actually felt pretty good the first mile or so. Then my calfs suddenly said 'no Sir, we're not doing this anymore'. That's the worst thing about starting from scratch again - your legs just can't handle the running on tarmac. I managed to run the last couple of miles of my round eventually, but it was painful. Will probably have another go tomorrow and I'm not looking forward to it at all.

    Too far, too fast, too soon. The classic mistake.

    If you've done nothing for ages, you need a much gentler return to running. Just do (say) 15-20 minutes, jogging pace. Have a day off to recover. Then slowly increase the time until you start to feel more comfortable with it. Forget about speed, forget about distance. After a couple of weeks you can start to push it a bit and throw in some fartlek (alternating fast/slow) and longer runs. You'll get there.

    Yep that seems to be my mistake too. Only been able to go twice and I keep feeling dead for a few days after so I cant run again. My free time totally varies too so I cant keep to a proper system and because I just jumped into two 5 mile runs I haven't looked forward to going again. Have to change my plan and do slower runs for a while.

    Im doing the fun run in May and I want to be able to run at least the first 6 miles in a decent time. If I have to I can drag myself the last 2 and a bit miles! I dont want to get to the first mile and find me stopping already.

    Anyone else also eat bananas before running? Not seen this talked about yet.

  3. Got up at 6.50am to get MJ tickets and I couldn't even get the sodding things. Pissed me right off.

    got 4 MJ tickets... wohoo.

    surprised no MJ thread on it

    Get 'em on ebay! (Can't think why you'd want to keep them).

    I didn't want to. I wanted to get 4 and sell them for 4 x face value.

    I could have had two in lower levels off this external site but they weren't together so I tried again and I couldn't get anything at all for hours, seems it was a lucky first attempt. They would have got me about £300 profit :( Bummer.

  4. If you want a decent all action film then Taken is good.

    Comedy? Hmm I will have a think. Rush Hour 3 is good if you haven't seen that. Im not very up to date with the newer stuff. Ill need to erm 'Rent' some more.

  5. I only left a couple of years ago and since then I have had a couple of years off and I am now back with part time work and college. School is shit and always was for me, yes you make friends but I am only in contact with about 4 of them now. I was fairly grown up for my age and I couldn't stand half the dickheads there. College/Uni allows you much more freedom and although nobody really likes working it gives me money and I can do pretty much whatever I want at this age without having to worry about too many bills.

    Id take working life over school life anyday! Schools the best days of your life I was always told.. Bollocks.

  6. Well the thing is this is a big game (In terms of the teams, not the importance anymore) and I know if I was playing for Aston Villa and this was my first time in European compeitition I would want to play. Young/Gabby/Laursen and a few others will all WANT to play no matter what IMO.

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