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Posts posted by RunRickyRun

  1. Battlefront has been my favourite game of the current gen so Battlefront 2 is my most anticipated game. I predict it will be well received but sales will be poor, mirroring Watch dogs 2 and Titanfall 2 in that respect.


  2. 21 hours ago, tonyh29 said:

    My son (aged 12) has ditched minecraft for Space Engineers 

    would this game suit him ?

    Not really. It's more likely to appeal to an older person. 

    Kerbal Space Program my be worth a look.

    • Like 1
  3. Season 3 has started.

    Finished my placement matches. Went 5-4-1 and I'm in the top 1% for eliminations per minute, Damage done per minute and k/d...


    ...Placed in silver @ 1789 (bottom 4% of players) :unsure:

    Serves me right for picking Torbjorn though :D

  4. Unfortunately, you can't change a bad ending and I think this is what killed the game for a lot of people.

    I found the first 20 or so hours fun. I liked picking up information about the world, exploring and learning the mechanics. When I learned that the ending was what it was, I stopped playing. I'd done everything I had wanted to at that point so grinding for a crap ending was never on the cards.

    What would bring me back would be enhanced space combat. If you could upgrade your ship a ton, added a bounty system, trade faction relationships and improve the mechanics & Ai it may help. Even throwing a multiplayer system in there that you could warp to would be an idea.

    Never a full price release though. If they had kept it sensibly priced, been a bit more open, released it as an alpha with the promise of updates and hired a decent scriptwriter, the base game was good enough to make it a very good title.

  5. Things you don't see anymore part 1:

    The computer game section in WH Smiths

    Console owners with a library of only 2 or 3 games (usually the ones bundled with the machine)

    Thick manuals - Learned the history of aviation during the first world war thanks to The Red Baron's manual.

    Chip music on pirated software (usually accompanied by flame wars between the Pompey Pirates and Automation)

  6. 4 hours ago, villa4europe said:

    first big patch

    think the biggest change for me will be operations, i personally didnt think there was that much of an issue but apparantly the data is showing a big advantage to the defenders so they're giving the attackers more tickets and speeding up the capturing 

    The problem with operations is it becomes clear early on who will win. If the attackers take the first 3 objectives without being stopped then they will win the vast majority of the time. The behemoth support will help them roll over the last few sectors, even if the defenders make a comeback, leaving them with 2 lives going into the 2nd map. If they use a life in the first 3 sectors then it becomes too tough to win the rest of the map in one life and near impossible to take the entire 2nd map in one life.

    Still fun though!

  7. My top ten:

    Kick off 2 - greatest game ever. Still have the odd game 26 years latery

    Rogue - Seriously, play it if you never have. The Atari ST version was my favourite version. Still never got to the amulet on level 26. 24 is about as far as I got. You'll learn to hate hunger.

    Millennium 2.2 - The first game I played where the story hooked me. Up until then plot was a few lines of text on a loading screen.

    Trivial Pursuit (Atari ST version) - Another I still play when the family get together. I've never found a version with a better set of questions.

    Dragons Breath - Great music, spells, barbarians and fire breathing dragons. 

    Half Life - This came out about a year after Goldeneye. Never has the difference in quality between console and PC been greater. Still has better AI than the vast amount of shooters released today.

    Counter Strike - Condition Zero was my favourite version and sunk thousands of hours into it. The social side was really good too - known a fair few people who found their partners playing the game. Most fun when knifing people. 

    Civilisation 2. My favourite version because I liked rapid expansion strategy.

    Close Combat 3 - The Russian Front. A genre that has died a death but produced this near perfect game. 

    Persona 3. A toss up between this, P4 and Virtue's last reward but the final scene in P3 was the most memorable.


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  8. ^^Madden is even worse. At least Fifa had to up their game a bit around 2009 to see off competition from PES. EA just put a ton of money down to secure exclusivity and as a result, the game has regressed since 2004.

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    4 hours ago, Straggler said:


    History Tells Us What Will Happen Next With Brexit And Trump

    It seems we’re entering another of those stupid seasons humans impose on themselves at fairly regular intervals.

    My background is archaeology, so also history and anthropology. It leads me to look at big historical patterns. My theory is that most peoples’ perspective of history is limited to the experience communicated by their parents and grandparents, so 50-100 years. To go beyond that you have to read, study and learn to untangle the propaganda that is inevitable in all telling of history. In a nutshell, at university I would fail a paper if I didn’t compare at least two, if not three opposing views on a topic. Taking one telling of events as gospel doesn’t wash in the comparative analytical method of research that forms the core of British academia. (I can’t speak for other systems, but they’re definitely not all alike in this way.)

    his chap saved me writing a longer post

    Boasts of a better perspective because other people only look at events in the last 50-100 years. Goes on to write an article that mostly (after a list of historical disasters and the obligatory referencing of Plato) talks about events that happened in the last 102 years. 

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