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Posts posted by RunRickyRun

  1. Anyone playing the Beta?

    Despite its flaws, I loved the first game (2015). It did not have a huge amount of content on launch but I really liked the casual arcade feel of the game. A lot of the early balance issues and grenade spam were fixed and I had a blast. Supremacy on Endor was probably the best map I've played in a multiplayer console shooter.

    The best thing in the beta is the space combat. I think it's good enough to carry the game and the closest we will get to a dogfighting multiplayer game on console.

    I didn't care much for the infantry fighting. There is a huge amount of grenade spam, little choice in weapons available and once defenders figure out that turrets are OP it will become a very frustrating experience. I also am experiencing frame rate drops during hectic action.

    The most egregious aspect is the new lootbox system. It's blatantly pay2win with some legendarys offering huge bonuses (40% extra base health on starfighters being the most obvious example)

    I suspect they will leave this in until  month or two after launch then nerf the hell out of it. They did a similar thing with the preorder bonus (Han Solo's pistol) in the first game. This is the main reason I wont be buying at launch.


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  2. 10 hours ago, Genie said:

    Birmingham Airport robbing bastards, before you could collect for free, then you had to pay £1 to use the short stay car park, now it's called "premium set down" and it's £2 minimum charge and goes up faster than the planes. They really are taking the piss.

    There's a free short stay car park at the rail station. As long as it's not peak time you wont get hassled to move on and there's a monorail across to the airport that takes about 5 minutes in total.

  3. On 9/27/2017 at 12:44, Dick said:

    So is this worth getting when my broadband is installed?

    Bear in mind that the expansions are due out in early December and Spring 2018. If you buy the game then don't buy the expansions then you will be locked out of content. If you can wait then it may be better to buy a bundled version later down the line. Angry Joe's review is the fairest and most accurate I've seen

    Having played it a week I prefer it to Destiny 1. The drop rate is much much better. In Vanilla Destiny, I had to play around a month before getting my first exotic and then another week to fully upgrade it. Legendarys took over a week to earn as the number of tokens you could earn was capped. So far I've unlocked 8 or so exotics and around 20 legendarys from the campaign and crucible.

    Shaxx is awesome in the crucible and probably the best thing in the game

  4. I bought it on sale (simply games has it for £30) and very little has changed from the original. Sometimes I want to play a brainless, low effort shooter and this one is the most brainless of them all.

    The crucible is the main draw for me but the amount of cheap one hit kills stops it from being a great multiplayer game.

    The game looks incredible and the level design is much improved but the story is almost exclusively revealed by narration and in game conversation, meaning there is little point in doing anything other than running as fast as you can through them all. With a minimum amount of effort they could put nuggets of lore around the level to reward exploration, much like in fallout. 

  5. The game is going from strength to strength and I am finding myself playing it more than Overwatch these days.

    So far there is no pay2win but the grind for newer players is longer and there are now four (yes four!) ingame currencies. However they have just released Raeve Maeve which is probably the best skin in any game:


  6. Tried a couple of twin stick shooters tonight:

    Nex Machina - Really highly reviewed but really disappointing considering the high praise. The enemies are as generic as it gets and there's little in the way of tactics apart from shooting the most pertinent target. I'll sink a few hours into it though as it's still fun though I doubt I'll be chasing a high score.

    Neon Chrome - A slower, more tactical shooter with some fun RPG elements. I really like playing as with a melee build, unleashing hell on unsuspecting enemies. The only really challenge I've faced are from the bosses but it's definitely worth a look. I'm going to try and complete this without sinking any points into the stat boosts to ramp up the challenge.

  7. It's been a really good month for ps4 releases: Sonic Mania, Undertale, Circuit breakers, Shadow Tactics and Cities Skylines are all titles I will want to try eventually.

    Shadow tactics looks a lot like Commandos which was a great great game back in the day.

  8. No Man's Sky *runs and hides*

    In all seriousness, the first 10 or so hours are incredible - gathering resources in an unknown world then blasting off into the infinite universe. It's only after you get used to all the mechanics that the game dies a death. It's now too controversial to recommend to everyone.

    Oh and Polybius needs to be experienced at least once. I've stopped playing so I can still have the wow factor once I get VR.

    • Like 1
  9. Decided to take a medium passenger mission of 1400ly to do some exploration. Spent a few hours putting my stamp on a few systems before finally reaching my goal.

    Then I looked at the destination name - "Strong G" - A planet surrounded by 8 or 9 suns with a gravity of 9.61 times Earth. They weren't joking.

     I quickly saved up and watched a few youtube videos on how to land on a high G planet. It was no help I couldn't control anything so decided to back out. Problem was that even with modded grade 5 thrusters (dirty drives are a lot of fun), I couldn't escape the gravitational field. Luckily I managed to quickly cycle to another system and barely frame shifted out of danger taking heat damage in the process. It's probably a broken mechanic that allows you to do this but it saved my bacon and a few million worth of exploration data.

    Lesson learned. I will never ever try to land on a high G planet ever again.

  10. I Can't recommend the Asp Explorer enough - it's a great ship that opens up so much of the game.

    I'm running a hybrid build so I can do a bit of everything (6 pulse lasers, 64T cargo, 6 capacity first class cabin, an advanced discovery scanner, a detailed planet scanner and an SRV for landings). The only thing I can't do is interdict pirates but I've done enough of that in my Vulture.

    I went to pick up the community goal reward (400 ly away) arrived  and was excited when I saw a passenger mission to visit a black hole. Did the mission (i'll try and post a pic later) then flew back to the bubble forgetting to pick up my goal reward - d'oh.

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  11. 12 hours ago, Straggler said:

    I can't even get through the advanced fighter pilot training mission at the moment.  I got shot down time after time until I gave up.  I'm a bit worried what will happen to me when I get out into the real universe.

    From what I've read most can't beat this one at first so no need to worry.

    If you want to, you will need to set up a button for the chaff launcher (I use circle and have set boost to R3) put 4 pips into systems (triples your shield strength) and 2 into weapons and keep your throttle in the blue zone (max maneuverability). Fire only when you get a lock on, use missiles when shields are down and keep spamming the chaff to keep yourself out of trouble.

  12. 2 hours ago, lapal_fan said:

    Claimed my bounties now. 125k! Now.. do I upgrade, or buy a new ship??

    Ricky got it spot on. Every play through is better atm. You're more confident in flight controls, what's going on around you and what you can do. It's a quest for knowledge and practice that will keep me coming back. 

    Looking forward to more!

    Upgrade the fsd (jump drive) in the sidey so you can do more missions.

    I'd save until you get a million from missions/bounties then either get a Viper mk 3 if you like combat or the cobra mk 3 for anything else.

    There should be a new community goal on Thursday. Grinding the bounties over a week can net you around 20 million which can be used to buy and upgrade your first good ship. I went for the Vulture.

    • Like 1
  13. o7 cmdrs

    I'm really enjoying the game. The controller implementation is sublime and noticing a nice progression where you get better every play session and open up more activities to do. I'm yet to go on an exploration trip, trade, smuggle or mine but I'm comfortable leaving that until later.

    There are a few notable issues. The mission structure is a bit flawed. It's better to grind missions in one or two systems in order to gain rep to unlock better missions which goes against the grain of the open world nature of the game. Hopping from system to system leads to offerings of meagre payouts and activities. Even when you do rank up in a system, you often find yourself at the mercy of RNJesus, quitting out and loading back in to get a decent mission.

    I've also found the factions to be a bit sterile and passive. I recently did well in the community goal slaughtering hundreds from a group called the Purple People Crew. What surprised me was that they never sent anyone after me, left me alone whenever I encountered them and even continued to offer me missions when I docked. My early impressions are that a permanent karma system of some sort would benefit the game's narrative, where your actions within the game have consequences and would lead to incidents within the game. When I get a bit more time, I'll check out powerplay to see if that's where I'll find this.

    Saying that, I've been waiting a long time for a great space game and I've definitely found it in Elite. 

    • Like 1
  14. On 6/23/2017 at 23:11, V01 said:

    Learning curve is a literal cliff face, 

    You are not wrong! I'm impressed with how little handholding there is so far but literally have no clue about 90% of the things wizzing past my hud. It will be fun to figure all this out.

    Managed to master docking which I guess is the first baby step. I've even managed to beat the advanced combat training mission. I've still got to rebind a few keys.

    My rookie mistakes so far:

    -Accepting a mission which I could not reach with my limited jump range

    -supercruising into an asteroid field in a planet ring

    -panicking when taking off (usually mixing up my throttle and thrusters), forgetting all the controls and spinning wildly within the station.

    -Accepting a mission with only 2 jumps. Loading the cargo for the mission then finding out I now need 13 jumps because my weight has increased.


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  15. 5 hours ago, hogso said:

    Which 2 didn't you manage? As for Fortune's abilities, never used any of them, and I'm well on my way to maxing them all.

    Emperor and Tower. I probably did too many attribute activities early on which would have naturally been maxed out by hanging out with confidants later in the game.


  16. Just completed it and have to say it's a brilliant game and stands up with the rest of the series.

    There's a point when you start palace 6 where the game ramps up from a good game to a great game. The story advances rapidly, you max out most of your confidants, the music is amazing, the palaces are more interesting, you don't have to manage your sp as much and it's boss fight after boss fight after boss fight (plus another boss fight because 3 boss fights in a row would be too easy).

    The weakest part of the game is Mementos. The music is uninteresting and the enemies are too weak (often filled with lower shadows than the palace you have just beaten). Grinding is definitely a chore here.

    I don't think I'll play a NG+ because I've maxed out all but 2 confidants.

    The most useful confidants by far are Fortune (level 7 allows you to increase affinity with someone every day) and Death (those 50k SP recovery accessories are awesome)

    My party for the endgame was


    Ryuji (great physical attacks and party attack booster), Ann (Decrease attack for all enemies is a key skill) and Makoto (Healer and can do some decent damage.

    All that's left for me to do to complete the true Persona ending is to aggressively argue online on who is the best Waifu


    It's Makoto 


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