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Posts posted by Rovers13

  1. So they're getting Costa because of a release clause if he wants to come. I think someone mentioned it higher up, but Iago Aspas, Suarez and Costa is the most volatile forward line I've ever heard of. All they need to do is bring Djibril Cisse back from Russia and they will get all of the red cards.


    They're going to be a boom or bust team this year. I think they'll either put up a legit challenge at top four or crash and burn and be looking for a new manager to lead their "project" by Christmas

  2. Lambert isn't O'Neill though, and also its only like eight more points or so to get to eighth or ninth than what the team did last year and I'd be surprised if the improvement wasn't that good

    Are you saying Lambert is better or worse, I'm unsure? It depends how other teams perform as well, I'm not sure we will reach a position that high...

    Ah sorry should've clarified I'm saying Hes better.

  3. I think as an upward trend finishing around 10th would show great progress, considering the way Lambert is changing his squad people shouldn't (but can if they like, it's not a bad thing) get too ahead of themselves in terms of how we finish. For example in O'Neill's first two seasons we went from 16th to 11th to 6th, in those two season we spent (don't quote me) around £35 million on 13 players of which 4 were free (including Carew swap for Baros). Some of these players were experienced and needed no time to "bed in" to a team aiming to push up the league. This is surprising similar to Lambert spending (again don't quote me) £34 million on 15 players of which possibly two were free (one not even bought by him), the difference being these players are generally younger, have less experience than O'Neills' signings and may not fit into the league immediately. So a slower form of progress should be expected in my opinion.

    I am optimistic, uncharacteristically so, but don't want to get too ahead of myself in the event that we don't do as well as people are expecting. I'll be as pleased as anyone to see us finish higher than 10th though.

    Lambert isn't O'Neill though, and also its only like eight more points or so to get to eighth or ninth than what the team did last year and I'd be surprised if the improvement wasn't that good


    the club to be at if you're a young player trying to break onto the scene is Aston Villa under Paul Lambert :3


    Plenty of other clubs fielded younger players than we did last yr.

    As for JG, hope he continues to work hard on his game, as it would be a shame to see his development falter. Hope he gets to shine for the Irish u21's. Has it definitely been ruled out making the switch to England?


    They may have fielded younger players, but VIlla were definitely the youngest side in the premier league overall. 

  5. The level of his technique is crazy for his size, and he seems to get such effortless power on shots along with touch. Of course, Youtube is frequently deceiving, but I've allowed myself to be excited.

  6. Just watching a La Liga recap, Hutton was crying when Mallorca got relegated. I thought that was kind of surprising, especially since he was on loan. Maybe he cares more than we think.

  7. http://mobile.avfc.co.uk/default.aspx?s=news-display&aid=3332283

    Tony moon!

    Antonio Luna has spoken with real affection about the fans who have already taken him to their hearts.

    Luna has been thrilled with the amount of support he has received from the claret and blue army on social media sites aswell as in person during pre-season games since making the move from Spain.

    Luna is already somewhat of a cult figure with the fanbase.

    Supporters on messageboards have given him the nickname Tony Moon, taken from the English derivates of his name.

    And his appearance has also been lauded by online fans, with supporters hailing his bearded look, not seen in B6 since the departure of colossal defender Olof Mellberg.

    Smiling and laughing instantly, Luna said: "I know all about the name Tony Moon. I really, really like that. I love it. It's good fun. Well done to the fans on coming up with that.

    "I am so pleased about it, really delighted. I am happy to be called Tony Moon here at Villa!

    "I am really pleased with my beard too and it seems the fans like it.

    "I believe the last person to have one here was Olof. If they like it, I will grow it even longer!

    "All joking aside, I am so happy to be close to the supporters already considering the short time I have been here at the club. It makes me proud.

    "I am very pleased that they are happy with me and they have taken me to their hearts.

    "The fans have just been great. They have been so kind with me with their messages of support. I am really happy with them.

    "What is important to me now is that I work to my maximum for them to show them what I can do. I will give the club and the fans everything I can.

    "I am part of a team, of course. It's not just me. We are here together and lifting each other together."

    Luna says that huge support has extended to the dressing room at Bodymoor Heath, where the players have been "really kind" to welcome him.

    He added: "I am very happy here. I have had a great welcome from everyone at the club. It's a great feeling in the team, there's a great togetherness and I love the city.

    "It's such a good city. There's only one Spanish restaurant I have found at the moment but, importantly it's really, really good!

    "But the lads have been really kind. They understand that for me it's complicated because I have moved from another country and I speak another language. But I feel really good here. I already feel at home."

    Snap up your A. Luna No.14 shirt now.

    • Like 3
  8. This thread is lacking some basic common sense so let me bring some to the table.

    Benteke just signed a new contract; logically ending all possibility of a summer move.

    This thread was euphoric for a few days and rightly so, I even brought Benteke back into my FIFA 13 seasons team.

    I took the same step then managed to fail to win my final 3 games and didn't get promoted. Bowery up top had been magic. :-)

  9. if arsenal cant get Suarez.. don't be surprised if they bid 35 million for Benteke. Not 100% he will stay just yet..


    Nobody is going to spend 35mill on a player with 1 seasons premier league experience.


    To nitlick Carroll only had half a season. God I love Liverpool

  10. if arsenal cant get Suarez.. don't be surprised if they bid 35 million for Benteke. Not 100% he will stay just yet..


    Nobody is going to spend 35mill on a player with 1 seasons premier league experience.

    Teams have in the past... And Wenger (rightly) isnt the most concerned with experience. That said, I don't think they'd spend that on any player

  11. They didn't spend 25 on honestly a far better option in benteke so had to go for an older less complete player at a similar price in soldado. Good work levy

  12. I can't believe you would turn down that high of a bid, its such a huge risk. If Bale doesn't improve on last year theres no way they'd get near as much next summer. Sell high. Especially for a player that doesn't want to be there.



    Yeah people said similar when we lost Milner and got Ireland and £18m but they were very wrong. They could be better off or they could go the other way.

    Yes it could and there's a decent chance they'd get many of the buys wrong but there's a big difference between MON spending eighteen million and avb/levy spending eighty



    To be fair to MON on this one he wasn't the one that agreed the deal for Ireland.


    Obviously you all know more than me about this, but I always understood the deal for Ireland was agreed before MON walked out and it was finalized after. So he agreed the transfer the club just completed it after he left. I definitely could be wrong though

  14. Yeah people said similar when we lost Milner and got Ireland and £18m but they were very wrong. They could be better off or they could go the other way.

    Yes it could and there's a decent chance they'd get many of the buys wrong but there's a big difference between MON spending eighteen million and avb/levy spending eighty

  15. terrible is not getting a team promoted or won a cup. not like he was managing Hereford or Gillingham or something all his career even then thats still a decent level of management

    I don't understand why managing higher level teams makes you a better manager? Just cause you continually get hired and fail with top flight teams dlesnt make you good. I'd rather have a managaer who succeeds with Gillingham and Hereford than fails continually in the prem and championship

  16. If Suarez isn't worth forty or fifty million then few players are. (ok fine few players are but that's not the point) IMO hes better as a footballer than Cavani because though Cavani is a better pure finisher, Suarez is so great in creating his own chances and chances for others, and he did it on a team that was honestly no better than midtable, and probably would've been bottom half without him. He's definitely a top ten player in the world and if Arsenal pull off the transfer then that's a major coup for them. Liverpool are also screwed, because no matter how much money they get from the sale top players don't want to go there anymore, so who are they going to use the money on? 

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