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Posts posted by avfcwills10

  1. Yeah i've been told it's happening too. I'm not ITK or anything but i know someone who has been right on a few before that never lets on how he hears things but he called Benteke before the press and reckons a big has been accepted. Who knows, hopefully it's true because he looks a good player to me. Has anybody actually watched him play before? Hopefully he can be out defensive Benteke, his experience for a 20 year old, especially as a CB (Who tend to develop later) is pretty immense! 

  2. A few years ago they sold Aguero for £38m and then signed Falcoa for €38m, if they have now sold Falcoa for €51m, we should at least ask £30m because we know they have the money. We don't want to sell but for £30m i think Lambert could build a top team. 4 £5m players and 1 £10m from that

  3. He looks good on YouTube but how anyone can say he is 'quality' is beyond me! Not a single person on this Forum will have seen him play a full game and took any notice of him before today!


    Hopefully he will be another Benteke!! Only other player i remember going to a decent European team from Poznan is Lewandowski!! Hopefully he isn't just another Kranjcar (I know he's Croatian), but i mean in terms of belting goals in from 40 yards every now and again but being incredibly average overall! 

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    James McCarthy whats the chances of us getting him

    No chance . He's valued at £10m . Lambert doesn't do expensive. He's a true Scot.

    Well hes the right age and has a grest attitude so ticks the boxes. I think we would pay 10-12 if the right player was available. Would have to ne special though which i think McCarthy is.


    Its an interesting point whether Lambert will come further up the leagues to find talent. Less of a gamble but will have to pay a premium. 


    I'm 99% sure he will have it in his head that if he can find players like Westwood in League Two, that it would be ridiculous to sign McCarthy for £10m from the prem (Relegated but obvs a prem player) .

  5. hahahah i forgot we were once linked to Schneider! I wouldn't say Mertens is quite that level but he's very good and atleast on a par with an Ashley Young type player i would say. You never know, i don't believe the links for a minute, but if we were in for him i think he might come. Premier league > all day long and if no other prem team was in for him he might come


    "£30m would get 4 players of Benteke's quality (based on he cost £7m last summer) that just haven't been discovered or played at the highest level."


    I suppose that's some consolation.


    £30m and Benteke's wages are more likely to get us two £7m players with a little change when you figure in their wages, maybe two and a half.


    Maybe we will sign the other half of Barry Bannan in that case?!


    Our media team say his comments have been misconstrued apparently.


    Yes I cant believe he would have said something like that! Totally lost in translation.


    I dno, when he signed he basically said we were a stepping stone. Also before we played Arsenal he said 'I am not afraid of making enemies at Villa by saying that i love Arsenal', these are just things that intelligent players do not say regardless of how they feel. 

  8. I agree without fundamentally changing the system you would need someone who is good in the air, can hold up the ball, but tricky enough to beat a defender.


    First person that came to mind was Andreas Cornelius from FC Copenhagen. Would take a fair bit to convince him to join when we're not in Europe though. I'll have to check my notes later for others.

    He looks good!

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