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Everything posted by AshVilla

  1. i think benayoun and kuyt played well against stoke their movement was superb i think lucas is pretty underated as well he's had a great preseason and is getting forward alot more which could trouble us if were not aware of it but i think o'neill will be
  2. if theres any game carew needs to play in its this one... Liverpool zonal mark and with skirtl possibly out i fancy our chances if we can whip a ball into JC in the box although i think we have a bunch of clowns in defence and can also see Torres taking home the matchball if we make any likely schoolboy errors
  3. Wonder what the excuse will be this time in regards to carew? Slipped on a bar of soap in the shower perhaps?
  4. More chance of the world ending tomorrow than us getting anything out of liverpool I really think that game could reach double figures
  5. If he does the sooner the better hopefully before the window closes i think that any manager could do more business in the transfer market in 1 week compared to what he has done over the last 3 months
  6. thats if you believe the PR from the club... First an infected toe, now a mysterious virus... whats next? trenchfoot?
  7. What's Harry got to do with it? As much as i hate the one eyed candleface i wouldnt mind him as AVFC manager at least he can build a squad.
  8. our squad depth is really showing its worth here....
  9. a sub? lmao who do we have on the bench that can change this game? NOBODY
  10. commentator *something is seriously wrong with this aston villa side* No shit sherlock No Creativity, too 1 dimensional, nobody to hold the ball in the centre of the pitch, Nobody who can defend for toffee, Strikers who look lost without Carew, Nobody we can bring onto the pitch to change a game. abysmal yet again next up is liverpool i think our main aim should be keeping their goals down to below 3 which will be an amazing effort in itself.
  11. Shorey isnt looking good... the rest of the team is playing so shite he is being portrayed that way when your LB is your best player in a match you just know there are serious problems
  12. this really is an embarrasment do we actually have anybody in the centre of the park who can hold onto the ball? and keep possession or just lay it off to shorey so he can lump it into the penalty area...
  13. Probably looked at the teamsheet before the game and seen heskey as is only competition in the squad currently
  14. so will davies always need someone to hold his hand or is he going to step up to the plate and raise his game? he's been absolute shite in this game
  15. Me personally based on current form i think we should be looking to avoid relegation let alone any kind of cup run this squad is in a right state abysmal
  16. i dread to think that that benitez guy is going to do against our defence our defenders are not exactly the best at turning are they that little pest is going to cause us endless problems
  17. Gareth barry wouldnt want to come back....
  18. The problem is he has built a farce of a squad. 1 dimensional... hoof ball up to carew if he's not there hoof it up to the wings ashley young in particular who is a marked man... he will not have the same impact this season.. double up on him jobs a gooden... We should have a midfielder in the centre now who can dictate play keep posession and create chances... 4 years since ive seen a proper one at Villa Park...
  19. he can go... abysmal squad, no strength in depth whatsoever replacing a midfielder who has over 300+ premiership games with someone who has no premiership experience... not good enough wheres the replacement for G Barry or M Laursen??? outclassed by wigan... an abbaration god help us when teams such as Blues or Stoke play us and put it up our defence MON has had all summer to sort it out he's done **** all in terms of quality who do we have to come off the bench to make an impact??? GI Joe he's our hero.....
  20. This is wigan... not chelsea i could understand your point if it were a top 4 side we were being outclassed in all areas of the pitch by players such as michael brown, charles nzogbia and titus bramble....
  21. I think he recognised the situation and got out while he could. even if we offered him the same contract man city did he would have **** off.
  22. So fans dont have a right to be disgusted by that performance and the performances towards the end of last season? it was **** atrocious we were so 1 dimensional it was untrue and we were bing hit on by the counter attack by Wigan, hello this is Wigan not Chelsea or Manchester united were playing.
  23. Hurry up Downing, A.Young needs to be dropped on his head he needs a reality check if your not playing at your top form your out of the squad simple as.
  24. I dont think he should be given anymore money with the shite he's signed in defence up to this point? bring on sol campbell
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