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Posts posted by Stockport_Villain

  1. I'm all for this.


    As a paying customer I should have a choice as to whether I stand or sit, just as I did pre-Hillsborough. On occasions I sat, but the majority of my time was spent standing on the Holte End.


    As has been mentioned quite often in this thread the Safer Standing will ensure there are no repeats of tragedies in the past but it will allow customers to make a choice.


    Let Villa put it in a see what happens. People will make a choice and it will soon become apparent whether or not it is worth expanding. I think I know what the outcome will be


  2. Lambert's tactics have been found wanting rather a lot of times.

    That's been a surprise for me.

    I am worried that he hasn't had to cope with a relegation struggle as far as I can see, apart from Livingston right at the start of his career. That didn't go so well.

    I agree with this, he seems to have no tactical nouse for defending.

  3. My MOM. He was very good in everything he did last night and always looked to be positive when he had the ball which on occasions had us break away against City relieving the pressure.

    As has been commented on other threads, it nice to have competiton all over the park.

  4. Isn't it refreshing to actually look outside of the Premier League for once? I know there's more risk involved but I think I rather like this new approach. It's not exactly expensive either.


    It will be nice to watch these players grow and improve in our side rather than look on with envy at other clubs who unearth gems.

    As the new saying goes "In Lambert we trust".

    Bring them on.

  5. I like Doyle. He holds the ball up very well, runs the line well, can spot a pass and can score goals. For the right price he could be a very player for us.

    This for me.

    We are crying out for a player to be available to pass a ball forward to, that can then hold that ball up and allow the rest of the team to push up as a unit and support. Instead of what we have currently when the ball is played forward to Bent it comes straight back in the control of the opposition.

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