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Posts posted by Stockport_Villain

  1. I don't rate him at all I'm afraid.

    in th first half he was standing still like a statue with no one in front of him when we were desperate to get forward. No football sense. I also agree that he took the easy option every time and didn't offer anything. 

    With simple long balls over the top he was slow to react and was inevitably trying to catch his opponent who actually anticipated the ball. Amazing skill that!!!!

  2. I didn't here any boos today directed to him. There was some banter with the Sheff Wed fans about being shit but didn't hear anything directed at him.

    I thought he played well 2nd half as did most of the team.

  3. Was at the game today and I've got to say a draw would have been a fair result. 1st half saw off the inevitable pressure, 2nd half felt like we dominated. Never felt we were not in control until we pressed the self destruct button.

    If that was one of the best teams in the league I think we'll be pushing top 4.

    • Like 2
  4. 29 minutes ago, useless said:

    In his present condition Barry would actually need good players around him to affect games. I wouldn't be surprised if we did sign him, that after a few games people started stating that he doesn't do anything, similar to how they do with Westwood.

    Sorry to piss on your chips so to speak, but there is no chance of us getting Barry. In the pre-season games for Everton to date he has got MOM and a score of 8 in the other on Everton websites. He is well respected there and shows no sign of wanting to leave and according to my better half, A Toffee, he is still considered their best midfield player so why would they let him leave?

  5. I've no problem with the stick he got last season. All well and deserved.

    However, from the 1st half I've just watched he has tracked back, swapped sides effectively with Grealish, been up and down the pitch with some good 1-2's and set up a goal.  I'd say if Grealish had done that he would have praise lavished on him. 

    New season new chance as far as I'm concerned with no blinkers on....

    • Like 2
  6. It does highlight how important gate receipts are to Championship teams that they resort to this length to try and generate additional income. However I do feel it is short sighted. If the tickets were priced at £30 there would be plenty more prepared to make the trip which with the increase in numbers would surely return more income as well as the additional money generated from the beers and food they would sell.

    • Like 1
  7. Will be sad to see him go. Every team is made up of a number of different types of player and from my eye he is a very competent player and as others have said keeps possession well and the team ticking over. Never one to be shouted about but very good at what he does.

  8. Not overly bothered as he hasn’t managed to get a club promoted out of the Championship. Pearson and RDM both have, not that that guarantees any future success but at least they know what is required.

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  9. im not denying he's better than Lescott and Richards but not by much. However compared to Mountfield, Evans, McNaught, God, Laursen, Teale, Southgate, Cahill, Mellberg, Johnson and so on he's not fit to lace their boots and as far as I'm concerned not good enough for Villa, even in the Champonship. 

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  10. I don’t understand any team having Clark in a defence and hoping for anything other than disaster. Every time I see him when he wins the ball/receives a pass he then gives it straight back to the opposition who immediately take advantage of the fact that he is out of position. He is one of the worst defenders I have ever seen in a Villa shirt.

  11. In terms of timing of the announcement, and I'm not in the know, I wouldn't expect anything until the last couple of games of the season. Why would anyone in their right mind want to put themselves in a place where they have to work with this bunch of losers and get hassle off the fans when we lose. With the attitude and and aptitude of the current squad I wouldn't expect anyone to be able to change anything before the end of the season. So why put yourself in the firing line and have your ability questioned until you have had a chance to clear the deadwood and sign players of your choice.





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