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Posts posted by TheDon

  1. My missus's latest comments on the banking circus

    BTW she'd appreciate some votes on the poll (top right of page).

    How do the minimum liquidity requirements work?

    I mean lets say you've got somewhere around the minimum, and then there's some catastrophe that requires you dip into your liquid reserves, you're then below the minimum... do you not then get screwed over for using your reserves for exactly what they're meant for? Is there some leeway period where they're given time to rebuild their liquid assets?

  2. You see your argument goes against what messers Osborne and Cameron have been bleating about especially in regard to services etc and all that goes along with that.

    The fact that you do not purchase "major" items from the High street means bugger all in the whole scheme of things though does it, you can shop online but that is not something that all have the "privilege" of being able to do - I know a lot of people who cannot through many circumstances (e.g. lack of internet, lack of trust in the "systems", lack of credit cards) etc. Just because you don't like shops and don't like the people who frequent them again means nothing in the argument does it.

    As said the economy is very fragile and despite what Cameron, Osborne and their supporters would have you believe by the constant lies they tell, there is still a need for evolution rather than revolution in the way economies based on retail - which lets be honest certainly contributes a lot to the UK - are allowed to progress.

    They've had plenty of time to evolve.

    Internet spending has been on the rise for how long?

    It's been obvious to anyone with an inch of foresight that the major high street chains were in trouble. They didn't do enough to add value and to provide a product people want, and they're suffering for it now.

    What's the alternative? We continue to prop up failing businesses just because they happened to at one time be profitable?

    Were you there when it was the high street chains shutting out the mom and pop stores? Where butchers were getting abandoned in volumns to Asda's meat counter? Were you crying out then for them to all be saved? There's many a business that has gone to the wall so these big chains could flourish, now it's their turn to be the ones in trouble because something with a better product at cheaper prices has came along and they didn't see it coming. Or they did, and just didn't take it seriously enough.

  3. The point as well you know is the number of profile high street organizations that have gone bust within quick succession. Now as a Tory supporter I appreciate that your basic instinct is to say "bollox" to the lot of them and survival of the fittest and damn the consequences - that is the Tory philosophy - but even from your position thousands of miles away surely even you must see that the economic climate is certainly accelerating the demise of certain business structures.

    Is it?

    Or is it that the gleeful borrowing of the past artificially propped up failing businesses with antiquated business models with a reluctance to change?

    The high street has been doomed for years, as internet penetration has rose and the fear of "the big bad internet fraudsters" has diminished it's only natural that the high street is going to have seen a crash.

    I can't remember the last time I made a major purchase from a high street retailer. Shopping online is just far more convenient, as it is for many other people. I hate going into shops, from pushy sales people to people who walk around like they're extras in the walking dead, it's something I avoid like the plague.

    The high street offers near enough nothing for me.

    The convenience of getting something straight away often isn't worth the hassles of dealing with parking and over paying.

  4. I realise that there are workarounds for getting files off your phone but I'm just pretty pissed off that what was a slick, simple drag and drop opteration has been taken away. Its the kind of thing I'd expect from Apple.

    It still is a simple drag and drop operation.

    Only now it's one that means you can access the storage on your phone at the same time.

  5. Do you think? He had an attitude problem and a serious drug habit for most of the second and third seasons, he tried to steal from Gus if I remember rightly too. He shot Gale in the face. He was a prick for ages then suddenly became a nice guy because it suits the narrative.

    That's pretty easily summed up by "Jesse on meth vs Jesse not on meth".

    When he's on meth he's been reckless, done irrational things just for the sake of ensuring his next score.

    Off meth you see the "real" Jesse, where he's really just some dumb kid who's been manipulated.

    Infact you can sum Jesse's story up by manipulation, at first he was manipulated by his meth habit, now it's by Walt.

  6. My wife got the most minuscule bit of water on my Galaxy Nexus and it is dead. I'm raging at both the Mrs. and these new phones. I mean the amount of water that got in contact with the phone was as little as it might get if it was raining and the handset was in your pocket. Grrrrrrrr.!

    Stick it in a bag of rice and leave it somewhere warm for a while.

    Chances are it's not dead dead and just needs to dry out.

  7. A lot of companies going to the wall at the minute had outdated business models and have failed to move with the times and react to the change in consumer habits. It has little to do with the shambolic twerps in charge of the country.

    It's not like this is even a new thing either. Anyone remember Rumbelows?

  8. I guess in this sort of situation it's a good idea to whip the camera phone out, take photos of the cars, the impact zones, the surrounding area, the inside of the other car if you can (to show there are no people in there)

    I'd just record everything.

    It's easy enough to discretely record video on a phone these days that situations like this shouldn't be an issue.

    Hard for someone to claim that there were 5 people in the car when you have footage of the driver getting back in and driving off on his tod.

  9. I can see why some people would feel more hurt about losing 3 points with a minute to go than they would after losing a game that was over at half time or 60 minutes.

    It's not dumb at all .

    Especially as Chelsea was a game we expected to lose.

    Guzan has to be MOTM though, kept us in it in the first half.

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