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Posts posted by TheDon

  1. And, again I'm guessing this, I reckon because they are the only real BIG organisation now (TNA are close but lets be honest, not really up there) that their ratings are better than ever. So to the big wigs, it looks like it's working.


    Complete opposite.

    Ratings have been in the toilet for a while now.


    The problem they have is they lost a lot of the audience in the PG era. Now the audience that's left is either the absolute hard core wrestling fan, or kids.

    The kids love John Cena, and so when John Cena isn't focused heavily ratings take a dive. Mostly because they've done nothing to actually build up the other talent. Which is another reason why we're still stuck with the likes of HHH and The Rock coming along to pop ratings. There's no other real big stars, and every time they attempt to make one the ratings actually dip.

    Punk's run with the title for instance, got pushed away from the headline spot so Cena could close out shows because that's what pops ratings. They literally panic every time ratings take a slight dip. They rebooked an entire PPV the week before not long ago because the ratings tanked when the initial matches were sorted.


    To rebuild the product into something that more than kids want to watch is going to take a while, it's going to need a complete rebuilding of most of the roster. People need to be turned into credible threats rather than how it is now where Cena can just beat who he likes on a whim because, hey, it's John Cena. There's enough talent in the roster with guys like Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler, Antonio Cesaro. The problem is people have been so badly misused in the past no one believes they are actually going to win anything.


    They've started turning things around and building up some people, but it's going to take a long time for the product to recover from Cena. The best thing that could happen to WWE is for Cena to pick up an injury that keeps him out for a while.


    WWE's biggest problem is Vince, he's still in love with the monster bodybuilder type, and not the smaller guy with more talent. Looks still get people pushed by Vince which is why Ryback got a monster push despite being pretty damn shit. Hopefully with HHH taking over we'll move away from that, he's already bought in some awesome talent. Just a matter of waiting to see how well it's actually used.

    • Like 2
  2. I hope these haven't bin dunne


    I like this one, it's a bit sad as he seems to be stuck and shrugging like he's just accepted his fate.





    Shrugging? He's giving everyone the finger.

    • Like 1
  3. I tried out that class test and the result that came up was "How have you gained access to the internet you scumbag piece of shit?"


    I gave it a go, got "Established middle class", so it's definitely a load of bollocks.

  4. I wouldn't know as I say I have only watched it a few times since it came back on but eccleston I thought was shocking and had pretty much nothing to do with what doctor who was about. I may be completely wrong though


    You're right, you are completely wrong.


    Eccleston captured the doctor perfectly, he's the only one of the modern doctors that has really managed to portray his dark troubled side of the doctor. The guilt from being the one that caused the death of all the other time lords, and being the sole survivor, is something that Tennant was never been able to get right. But Eccleston did it perfectly.

    He was able to transition between jokey happy doctor and deadly serious doctor in an instant, and it was believable, unlike Tennant's plastic expressions.

  5. There was only one doctor and that was Tom baker.

    Out of the new breed of doctors I would go




    Haven't really watched the new ones but from what I have seen that is the order I would put them in


    That's worst to best right?

  6. I don't get gambling, money's too tight for me to spunk it on something fixed like the horses, and football is too random. But the rush must be there, the "will I, won't I?" Lets not forget one of our better players of recent times, Paul Merson, has seriously stuffed his life up through this.


    As someone that spent a considerable amount of time earning a living playing poker, I can easily see why people get addicted to gambling.

    There's a huge rush when you're waiting on the outcome of something, the adrenaline really gets going and it feels like your heart is going to jump out of your chest. Then if you win a big bet the euphoria is something else.

    I used to love making big bluffs because when they come off it's one of the greatest feelings ever, especially if it's something you've been setting up for a while to outplay someone.


    It takes an awful lot of control to be able to avoid getting addicted to the rushes of gambling. There's a reason why a hell of a lot of professional poker players have gone bankrupt many times over, and usually it's not from playing poker.

    Poker is a game you can master and make money from, and because of that the rushes stop coming. When you've played millions of hands and you know you're playing correctly, the feeling isn't the same. The adrenaline goes away and is replaced by expectation, you expect to win some and lose some, and you know that it doesn't matter what the result of any one hand is. I stopped caring about the outcome of any one session, as long as my profit graph was moving up each month I didn't care if I had a winning or losing session.


    What makes poker players successful is ultimately what drives them to gamble on anything but poker. You'll see all sorts of crazy prop bets from poker players. They'll bet on anything and everything, and it's simply to get back the rushes they had when they first started playing poker, and combined with the complete disconnect you need from the money you're betting to make money from poker, it's a dangerous combination that will lead a hell of a lot of people into going broke.

    • Like 1


    Bedroom Tax - In England there are 180,000 social tenants "under-occupying" two-bedroom houses but fewer than 70,000 one-bedroom social houses to move to.

    Fair? methinks not

    Your are right, It can't be fair to everyone. but it might solve the problem for 50,000 or so


    It may solve the problem for 50k by penalising the other 130k? Or have I got your fairness wrong?


    Just wondering how its penalising the other 130,000. if 50,000 people in couples live in 3 bedroom houses, but 50,000 families are in 2 bedroom houses, just an example, whats wrong with them swapping. I just took 50,000 as a guess, because I don't believe every case would be a like for like match


    Because they lose money for not swapping into properties that don't actually exist?

  8. I don't understand that advert, "Now everyday is a top down day, that's the power of German engineering". That says to me that the mechanism is going to break and you'll be stuck unable to put the roof back up and have to resort to wearing ski masks in the winter to keep warm?

  9. Hopefully Guerrero is able to make the fight as I'm looking forward to it, he has however exposed himself as a stupid word removed, taking a gun to an airport!? in NEW YORK!? What an incredible moron.

    The only stupid part is that it was in New York.

    You can check guns as baggage in most states, as long as you declare it (which he did) it's all fine. It just has to be in a locked case (which it was) which has to be opened for the TSA to inspect. He's probably flew with it previously and had no issues, so didn't really think about it this time either. New York is just uptight about guns in public. In pretty much any other state this would have been a non-issue.

    Bellew fighting tonight, should be a good one.

  10. Able bodied people, carrying nothing heavier than a mobile phone, who get on a bus for just two stops (less than half a mile).

    True, these can go with those people who drive around car parks waiting for a space as close to the entrance as possible, but the one that really does me is the Asda on halesowen, the people who won't use the stairs for a 2 bags of shopping and wait for a lift .which are already busy and overcrowded


    The gym I used to frequent had a lift you could use instead of walking up about 10 steps. I would see people using it after their workout.

    In fairness, on leg days I'd want to avoid the steps afterwards too.
    • Like 1
  11. Did anyone see the Horsemeat programme on BBC3 last night? It was terrible, apart from one interesting part. They took the usual friday night takeaway foods away to test the meat, to find out what exactly it was. Lamb kebab was just lamb. Beefburgers had pork and beef in them, just the bits and bobs, as you would expect. Hot dogs were made of just blood. Yummy blood! Then there was the Lamb in Black Bean Sauce from a chinese. The results came back with no lamb content at all. Nor beef. Nor chicken, horse, or goat. In fact, they could not identify what it was. I guess the old adage about chinese takeaway's having cats and dogs in the freezer may be true after all :puke:

    So basically, the only thing we should trust to eat is a kebab?

    The world's gone mad.

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