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Posts posted by TheDon


    I actually feel a little nervous watching this. I'm gunna be a complete wreck on the last day of the season. 

    Horrible aint it. Next weekend will be awful worrying about 4/5 results interesting us.



    At least we get our game out the way first. I hate when the scores are coming in when we're playing. When we're not I can easily just avoid football for a couple of hours and then just check how badly the other results **** us.


    You seriously want to do a pay for subscription site on the cheap?

    No I don't want to. I'd love to have £11,000 to pay someone to make me the perfect website but its not physically possible. If the website does start to make money, again I'd happily invest that money into upgrading the site properly.

    Right now I'm just looking at the best way for me to get it up and running now with the very limited amount of money and knowledge that I have.



    You don't have to spend that much.

    There are plenty of off the shelf solutions for setting up an ecommerce site. Building your own when you don't know what you're doing is the last thing you should be doing.

    Spend some money on an out of the box solution that way you get support, and it'll be a hell of a lot more secure than anything you can knock up in weebly.

    • Like 1
  3. Why are they saying both Reading and QPR will be relegated if they draw today? They won't be at all... It's highly likely they will be, but not mathematically!

    They will be.

    They cannot survive with a draw. It is mathematically impossible.

    You're making the mistake of only counting their own results.

    Lets assume both us and Wigan lose every game until the last game of the season, whilst QPR and Reading win theirs after drawing today, the table would look like this:

    Villa 34

    Wigan 32

    QPR 31

    Reading 31

    So last game of the season, they both win and they're on 34... but they're down anyway. Because we're playing Wigan!

    No matter what they are both down with a draw today, because either we draw at wigan:

    Villa 35

    QPR 34

    Reading 34

    Wigan 33

    We win:

    Villa 37

    QPR 34

    Reading 34

    Wigan 32

    Wigan Win:

    Wigan 35

    Villa 34

    QPR 34

    Reading 34

  4. Not if you put in a simple sql query so it only shows the downloads for 30 days or whatever the subscription length is. I have done this on many of my sites before.


    Then what stops them subscribing for 30 days, downloading the entire contents of your website, and then watching the videos after that 30 day period?

    I can pull back an entire website with 1 wget command. Your sql query does nothing to prevent me from doing that.

  5. After some more advice as I'm clueless!!

    Not 100% sure Weebly prevents people from downloading video content from your page. Is there a way I can prevent this? Weebly does allow you to enter your own code so is this something that could be done quite simply or is it a bit of a massive job?

    My website is going to be a subscription type so obviously don't want members to download all the content and then cancel their subscription. Any suggestions to how I could solve this potential problem?

    Or is there a way, like apple do with their rent a film option, where you download it but it will automatically delete after a select amount of days? Again is that something that would be highly technical to do?

    You seriously want to do a pay for subscription site on the cheap?


    I'm sorry but you're just asking for trouble. Sure it's possible, if you have the knowledge, but you seem absolutely clueless about everything. This is why people want to charge you a fortune, because they have the knowledge. If your site is vulnerable to just one sql injection attack then you're done for.


    Yes it can be done quite easily with sql and php. Within a database you have a users, Products and orders table. Each table has its own unique ID. within the orders table you have two foreign keys for the User and Product. So when a person orders a film to download they are forced to login and then when they pay for that video it inserts a new order and the userID and ProductID is then added to that order.

    This won't do what he's asking.

    You'd still be able to subscribe and then pull down all the content you have access to and then watch it after your subscription has elapsed.

    There's no way to do what he wants without using DRM to license the videos.





    To be honest £11,000 sounds totally extortinate

    It depends what you want really.

    £11,000 would get you 10 days of my time.



    Are you Stephen Ireland? :D



    If I was it'd be more like £11k for 1 day.


    Sadly I see nowhere near that amount, that's just how much the company I work for bill our clients for my time.

    The point being web development can get very expensive depending on what you want, and as always, you generally get what you pay for.


    Unless of course if it's to develop anything in .Net, IIS and SQL, where you definitely don't get what you pay for ;)



    It's like you've been reading my job description ;)


    I didn't like asp.net or IIS when I started out, but it's incredibly powerful if you use it properly. As long as you get well away from the messy world of doing databinding in markup and into the beautiful forest of MVC it's a dream to work with.



    To be honest £11,000 sounds totally extortinate

    It depends what you want really.

    £11,000 would get you 10 days of my time.



    Are you Stephen Ireland? :D



    If I was it'd be more like £11k for 1 day.


    Sadly I see nowhere near that amount, that's just how much the company I work for bill our clients for my time.

    The point being web development can get very expensive depending on what you want, and as always, you generally get what you pay for.

  8. To all webdevs: Please stop assuming my phone needs a mobile website. It doesn't.


    However feel free to keep assuming it does if your mobile site is actually decent. There are some amazing mobile sites out there that make it a lot easier to read on a mobile. However far too many just go for the "strip out all the content and just display big blocks of text" approach, which have be reaching for the "request desktop version" button.

    • Like 1

    I'm doing the 5x5 stronglift routine. Anyone else tried it out?

    Work out 3 times a week. Monay, Wednesday and Friday. Resting Saturday and Sunday.

    Swapping between setup A and B. So A,B,A the first week and B,A,B the second week, and so on. Add 2.5KG(5kg on deadlift) to each exercise each week untill it says stop :)

    Works like a charm for me.


    In regards to Stronglifts, are you supposed to do other exercises in-between/before/after each lift during that session/week?

    Surely if you're only doing 3 exercises per session, you're only gonna be in the gym for about 20 mins?


    I've been wondering about this for a little while now.



    You can, but you really don't need to.


    The program is focused around compound lifts, they'll work out all the key muscle groups. You don't need to start isolating muscles until you have weak points. If you're starting out your entire body is a weak point so it's kind of pointless to start targeting specific areas.


    If you're at the level where you need to do more than the lifts in a classic 5x5 then you're already past the point where you get the most benefit from it and will have likely moved on to a different program anyway. The rule generally is if you have to ask if you need to do accessory lifts, you don't need to do accessory lifts.

  10. Hows about this for a controversial bit of advice - If you're looking to put on muscle mass avoid cardio like the plague. Well I say that but 5 minutes at the end is a necessary evil, plus it will help get the blood pumping to aid repair. 


    Bulk up then strip down, it can't be done the other way around. 


    Nothing controversial there at all.


    Cardio is the enemy when it comes to bulking.


    You'll never see an endurance athlete with sizeable muscle mass, cardio eats muscle.

  11. I'm struggling to see why I need to fork out thousands of pounds but then I'm pretty clueless about the website building process.


    This is why you need to fork out thousands of pounds.


    Feel free to try to do it yourself, but if you want a professional job done, pay a professional.

    • Like 1
  12. I wish internet detectives would just **** off.


    They've already hounded several innocent people they decided were the bombers.


    Reddit in the days after was **** dire, so many people trying to play sherlock and getting everything badly wrong. Even going as far as harassing a family who's 17 year old missing kid was wrongly identified as one of the bombers.


    They've got CCTV footage of the bombs being placed. I seriously doubt they've just decided to frame 2 innocent guys, going as far as chasing around throwing explosives at themselves to further the story. And for what? All the conspiracy theories seem to ignore the fact that conspiracies generally need a purpose. Who has gained anything out of this?


    If anything they'd want to have NOT caught the bombers, because it's not like they're going to invade Chechnya, the only benefit would be in increasing the powers they have to detect this, which would be a lot easier if they could show their existing powers didn't go far enough. But instead they pick a patsy that they'd previously been warned had links to extremism, and they identify and catch them within a reasonable time. The only thing this has shown is that a) they dropped the ball previously, and B) they already have the necessary abilities to apprehend people after the fact.


    There is literally no motivation for this to be a conspiracy.

    • Like 2
  13. I'd be grateful if our Bostonian posters could de-bunk the following claim (for the benefit of a few former colleagues posting on Facebook):

    Do certain bars in Boston serve drinks called the "car bomb" and "kill a Brit"? My default reaction is to call BS, but I've never been and some people are claiming first hand knowledge...



    I had to stop an American girl I know from ordering a round of Irish car bombs in the yard of ale. It took me ages to convince her that trying to order them anywhere in England was a bad idea. She just didn't understand what was so bad about them, even after I'd explained she was sat in a pub the IRA bombed it was still just a "harmless drink".

  14. Wrestlemania was shit. People always jizz over the Undertaker matches but they're boring as hell. A few minutes of wrestling followed by half an hour of both men crawling around on the ring in a daze and occasionally pulling a finisher that the other guy kicks out of much to the amazement and astonishment of the other wrestler. Repeat 10 times. Undertaker wins.


    Think I'm done with WWE until Austin comes back. 


    You do realise Austin is probably in worse shape than Undertaker right? The guys knees are absolutely destroyed. There's no way he'll be able to work a high intensity match. It'll be full of rest holds just like Undertaker's matches are these days.

  15. Crowd was immense.

    Best raw in a long time.


    I'm unsure if Ryback just turned mega face or heel though! If it was a heel turn that's quite possibly the worst timed turn ever to do it in front of that crowd.


    Ziggler's cashin was awesome, the way they teased the loss as well.


    Daniel Bryan standing shoulder to shoulder with the brothers of destruction, who'd have imagined that a year ago?


    Pretty much an awesome raw from top to bottom.

  16. Cena Rock was a great example of why Cena is just an outright poor wrestler. By the numbers crap.

    Didn't even need to watch it, if you just listened you'd have heard Cena call all the spots. I don't get how he still hasn't learnt how to call a match without it being audible on the mics.


    Then the ending was the ultimate in cheese fest, it's like they want to piss off the fans that already don't like Cena, they're just trying everything to force people into liking him.


    I thought there were some decent matches on the card, the shield was a decent match, as was punk undertaker (bearing in mind Undertaker is pretty much immobile and Punk is wrestling on a dodgy knee). HHH Lesner ended wrong. Lesner should have gone over. That's 2 out of 3 big matches Lesner has now dominated and lost. Why pay him all that money to come back if you're going to job him out to an already over Cena, and a part time wrestler in HHH? He should have gone over HHH and then spent the next couple of years being an absolute monster.


    Someone needs to teach WWE how to book for the long term, because their shitty short signed booking is killing them.

  17. Undertaker is pretty much a once a year wrestler now, just to keep up his Wrestlemania streak, which they'll have to end at some point (not this year though).

    he worst thing they could do is let the undertaker retire with his streak intact. It's going to be the easiest way to make a guy, being the guy that ends the streak is instant credibility.


    Kane's still heavily involved in storylines. Jericho comes back every now and then. Big Shows still heavily involved. Don't think there's too many others that are from the attitude era still kicking about. The likes of The Rock and HHH just turn up every now and then when they want to sell more PPVs.


    Cena isn't an entertaining athlete, that's the problem. His matches are very formulaic. He just does the same things every time, he's really bad at selling, and can't act for shit. You never believe that Cena actually cares about anything, he just laughs off all threats.

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