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Posts posted by CVByrne

  1. Also the Desire get's 5 stars but was reviewed back in Februay. If the Desire came out now it would not get 5 stars. It doesn't get marked down for only having a 3.7inch screen, it doesn't get marked down because it doesn't have a Super AMOLED screen etc. It doesn't get marked down for it's weight.

    Why? Because in February there were no 4inch Android screens, there were no Super AMOLED screens etc..

    Make sure to check the date of the reviews, it's very very important. The Desire was the first truly top class Android Phone. But it's 6 months behind the Galaxy S in technology now.

  2. Mykeyb is right any prospective smartphone buyer should first read up the pros and cons of iOS vs android 2.2 and then if picking the android os then decide on a phone.

    There are many things android can do that apple can't and there are many apps on the apple app store that are not available on the android market.

    14 months on a vivaz is a long time. I'm getting a galaxy s tomorrow and already have this x10. I'm worried about how poor the galaxy s camera is because the 8.1mp camera on this x10 is exceptional.

    You could go looking for a second hand android phone from last year on ebay you may find a bargain. I'm sure the lads on here can recommend one.

    Oh and no software needed for android phones. Mount the sd card is all that's required.

  3. Praise the lord.

    My mate was going to buy a sim card from o2 with a good data plan for his wife and give her his old iphone 3G, as he has a galaxy s now. He offered to buy a galaxy s instead and I'd play for it. His wife would keep the sim for the iphone and I'd get a galaxy s for 129 euro.

    Everyone is a winner. I'll have two phones now. Xperia x10 for testing and the galaxy s for that screen.

  4. Ok I'm haunted by that galaxy s screen. It's beyond good. My mate and I have swapped phones for the day and I'm in love with the galaxy s. They are available on ebay for around £300 which is worth it in my opinion. I can then use my x10 for rooting and messing around with.

    I am finished with buying phones on contact so am not worried by the financial outlay on an unlocked phone. Can anyone give me a ballpark figure in what depreciation in value I can expect on 6 month old android phones? I'll probably upgrade every six or so months.

  5. I think the blackberry is certainly inferior to the iPhone and Android phones. I'd suggest you have a look at the android phones available if you decide to upgrade. Go read a few reviews from techradar.

  6. Inception, amazing movie has somehow become something that pisses me off. I'm going to see it again on thursday, I hope I come out loving it as much as I did the first time I saw it.

    Probably should be in the things that piss you off that shouldn't thread. But that thread pisses me off. :-)

  7. They're working on the x10 CM at the moment. Think it'll be about two months. One of the devs has put cm on his x10 but it's early days.

    But it was the plan all along to get a custom mod to solve my software problem. Then the x10 becomes the phone it should be. I'll prob buy a new phone in april next year, SGS2 if that rumour is true.

  8. Anyone have any experience of the Cyanogen mod? I'm thinking of putting it on my X10. Over on xda the feeling is it'll be ready in the next month or two. Then the circle will be complete the x10 with 2.2.

  9. The new Windows 7 phones let you play on XBox live. I assume you can download old XBox games to your phone and play them over the internet. But there must be some serious good hardware behind that. You can use any wireless joypad with the phones too, so you can use your XBox 360 remote with your Phone.

    But this 2ghz processor in the Galaxy S2 is madness, the power requirements for that and a 4.3inch super high res screen. The phone will last like 2 hours. They have to stop this hardware arms race at some point. But imgagine the games you could get on these phones.

    How old will the 3GS be in 12 months, there may be plenty of new apps and games coming out that need powerful hardware. Apple will know they have to bring out something special next year or their market share could be reduced considerably with Windows coming all guns blazing at the end of the year. My money is on something seariously good coming for the next iPhone.

  10. He's right about the 3GS, the iPhone 4 is already behind the Android handsets and it's new. I can't imagine how the phones will be in 2012 but the 3GS will be ancient. There are phones coming out early next year with 2ghz processors, with dedicated graphics chips, even dual core processors. 2 years on a year old iPhone is a long time.

  11. The don is right about the x10 being slow on the updates but if it's your first android phone waiting a few months isn't going to be too bad for you. Hardware can't be upgraded software can.

    Any 3.0 is made so it's the end of custom ui's so sony may just bit the bullet and save themselves money by letting us upgrade to 3.0.

    Anyway your choice, I wanted an 8.1mp camera so signed up for the slow updates. My choice. So you need to decide yourself.

  12. I'm on my x10 now, writing this message with swype. I personally love the x10 and as a first android phone the late software updates are fine as it's my first experience with a smartphone. The hardware on the x10 is top notch, the camera is awesome and it looks amazing, looks slick.

    Also an update just came out a week ago which has fixed a few of the little bugs there were. So it's up to you, latest software get the samsung, best camera and look get x10.

    I've always liked sony because of how consistently good their cameras are. I use camera a lot.

  13. Ok android is simply the best platform now. This year the power has shifted from apple to google.

    The galaxy s is probably the best all round phone you can get for android at the moment. The hardware on the phones is better than the iphone 4 and it's cheaper. The 4inch screen is a delight. If you really use the camera a lot it may be worth getting the phone I have. Xperia x10 it's behind on the software updates but has a gorgeous 4 inch screen and an excellent 8.1mp camera.

    Have a look in the other thread, android and apple discussion for a bit of debate on the two platforms. But my advice is if you are deciding for the first time to get a smartphone get an android. My friends are switching over from the iphone to android on the back of the impression my phone had on them.

  14. I think there needs to be two sets of Android phones, high end 3.0 and low end 2.2 so that it doesn't become too fragmented.

    The high end games will have tablets and 4inch+ high end phones all running on 3.0 so I'm sure that's where a lot of the games developers will gravitate.

    The lower end phones running 2.2 will be rivals for the outdated iPhone. So they'll need a lot of those simple gimmick games. I have a feeling that's how it'll breakdown next year.

    The problem is the technology advances need to slow down, if you buy a HTC phone today it'll be out dated in 2/3 months when they release the next phone. So when we're on 4.3 inch 2ghz phones is there any need at all to make a faster phone? No, I think next year will see the slowing of the hardware advances and more focus on lowering weight and increasing batterylife, innovative new screens etc..

    Exciting times ahead, though tablets don't interest me I'm a huge lover of the netbook once you get beyond phone size I want a keyboard. I love my Samsung NC10 I'm typing on now. Though I hope the IBM vs Apple plays out again and their company loses out big time in market share, no less than they deserve.

  15. Yeah I'm on an 18month contract I signed in April, but here in Ireland we have less choice with the operators, like no Evo here at all, Galaxy S only in Carphonewarehouse. So my next phone is going to have to be fully out of my own pocket, but I'm so sold on Android and the future that a 4.3inch screen with awesome hardware backing it up seems like the ideal mobile internet platform to me. It'll be worth the sizable cost considering how much I use it.

    How can Apple compete with this handset war? If Google get 3.0 right it could be curtains for the iPhone in 2012

  16. I like having nothing but a big background on my home screen with only a few essential icons there like dialer, messages, internet, camera and google chat. Everything else should be on a different screen. The notification bar is very small on the x10 which is very good imo.

  17. Yeah slowly getting to me this 1.6 lark. Such good hardware on the x10 too, need custom rom but boot loader hadn't been hacked by the xda lads yet.

    Adw is an improvement on the x10 home screen anyway as I don't use time scape as I'm not on any of that facebook stuff.

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