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Posts posted by MMFy

  1. speaks volumes doesnt it.

    Noone rates him.

    Mon and Capello clearly do.

    I rate Heskey, he is a good player. He was at Leicester, Liverpool, The Noses and he was at Wigan. He is a good hold up player. he can change games. I was over the moon when we signed him for £3.5m, when Palacios went to the Potatoes for £14m.

    Unfortunately his style does not suit our style of play and he has not cut it here. We would be better using him as a sub or a solo target man, but he does not work in a 4-4-2 with two wingers. In fact, as long as we play two out-and-out wingers, I doubt 4-4-2 will ever work.

    It's a midfield battle at the top of the league, and by playing three in the middle we broke down the team seeded #1 in yesterday's champions league draw in their own back yard. Switch back to 4-4-2 and we are gash again. 4-5-1 worked a treat the other night, then when the players were full of confidence, 4-4-2 shat all over it.

    I'd keep him as a squad player, but only to boost the numbers. He is 3/4th choice for me, but could be used for the last 15/20 mins to change a stale game if we were playing 4-5-1.

    Heskey in a 4-4-2 - not good enough.

  2. Ten years ago, 4-4-2 was the way to play football. It was the formation all the best teams in the league were using. At that time, we were experimenting with 5-3-2 and Christmas tree formations.

    Over the last few seasons it has changed. Liverpool, Chelsea and Manure are all using the 4-5-1 formation now and it's separating them from the rest of the league by a large margin.

    4-5-1 worked well for us last season. It worked very well today. With our current abundance of central midfielders, we could employ this system and switch players regularly, so they don't all become knackered by the middle of February.

    4-5-1 every time.

  3. El Cid drinkers, there's no one better ;-)

    I dont normally drink the stuff, but any time im back in Weymouth i will drink this stuff. The landlord wont serve more than 5 pints to anybody in a night, **** rocket fuel mate. Cheap as chips and gets you mullered....Whats not to like!

    This Cheddar stuff is lethal! After a gig there once i managed 3 pints and will admit to being complatly hammered, so much i pissed up my own guitar case!


    Oh yes! They serve it in the Manor in Croyde. It's been a few weeks since I have had one now though.

    There's another Cornish cider called Rattler, made down by Truro on a farm and effectively marketed and distributed. It's available in a few pubs in Barnstaple. I visited the Tiverton Arms in South Molton a couple of years ago where the landlord was giving me a load of spiel about how nobody in either South Molton or Ilfracombe had ever drank more than 4 1/2 pints of it, so I proceeded to drink 9. I was totally and utterly destroyed.

  4. I friend's girlfriend won the McDonalds Monopoly game a couple of months ago, without knowing. Her mom threw the Pall Mall and Mayfair stickers in the bin thinking they were rubbish.

    By the time she found out, she rummaged the bins but they had already been collected. The prize for these stickers was £250,000.

    If a binman found them and cashed them in, would that be theft?

  5. I'm just thinking about this one with fresh eyes. If I was walking down the road and I saw a valid lottery ticket on the floor, I would pick it up. If I checked it, and it was a winner, I would cash it in.

    As trim said, if someone is so **** stupid that they can't keep hold of a lottery ticket they don't deserve to win. It's not hard to keep a piece of paper safe.

    People just don't throw money away, and that's almost what this is. Wasn't there someone detained/sectioned in London a few weeks back for throwing their money around in a Station?

  6. This is a tough one. I'm not sure what I would do. How did the 'real' owner of the ticket prove it was theirs, and how was it tracked?

    I understand it should have been handed in, but it is a lottery ticket after all, it's not like anyone can really stake a claim to it.

    I'd liken the situation to that of a found wallet. You wouldn't advertise the details, you'd say 'wallet found', then return it to the person who accurately describes it.

    What would you do with a winning lottery ticket? "If you can tell me what numbers were on it you can have it"?

  7. There was a story in the paper the other week about a woman reporting her step son to the police for messing with the family dog.

    She had suspicions that something wasn't right as the dog was acting weird and nervous whenever her stepson was near the mutt, so she hid one of those voice activated recorders and managed to tape him giving the dog one apparantly...

    Wasn't there a story about a horse **** in Solihull a few years back? Something to do with milk crates strapped to his feet?


  8. 34" and i'm gutted. Used to be a 28" waist when i was 25! Now i'm approaching 30 i have ballooned to a 34". I put that down to being in a relationship last year and eating out a lot.

    Sometimes I have to censor myself.

  9. 36", but just lost about 1" while snowboarding and not eating properly at altitude for a week and a half. I'm also 6'3". I've been a 36" since I was 20ish. I'm not a skinny chap but a long way from a fatty fat fat in waist terms.

    Buying jeans is a bit of a problem though, I need baggy jeans for 'fitting' reasons... :wink:

  10. The machine gave £60 every time it was asked for £30, but also gave away more cash in different multiples depending on the money requested.

    The Nationwide said it appeared the employee of a firm they use to top up the machine had loaded the notes in the wrong way.

    Sounds like a random mechanical fault to me, caused by the numpty who loaded the notes. I doubt there was any specific pattern to the amount of notes dispensed by the machine, and there is most likely no way the reporter could guarantee that the amounts were 'doubled', or the multiples of notes dispensed.

    I suspect this may have been an issue with notes sticking together due to the incorrect loading of a cartridge and that there would be no 100% secure method to identify which customers walked away from the machine with which amounts extra to the amount they supposedly withdrew.

    Obviously I was not there, but I doubt there would be any trace of the lost money. A straight denial of receipt of extra money would most likely be incontestable.

    Would I have taken advantage? I would have gone for broke. **** the banks. And I'm a Nationwide customer.

  11. No, never have, never will. I'd say I'm an atheist but I'm closer to a Darwinist.

    I enjoy the holiday, getting together with old friends and I always visit my parents for a couple of days (I live 200 miles form them). Religion is not part of our family's 'Christmas' though.

  12. I've never seen a single episode. I think I should sample it.

    How many episodes were made? Will I be able to watch them all before Christmas?

    10 episodes in total, you MUST get them, seriously! You'll kick yourself for not watching them sooner.

    I'm on to it now.

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