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Posts posted by daft

  1. 19 hours ago, Dodgyknees said:

    Thank you for selling me the deck, it's kept my head above water during some of the worst times of my life ❤️

    So sorry to hear you are struggling, happy that you are enjoying the deck. Take care mate. You're a good one. 

  2. Well, yes, being competitive in the Champions League is really **** hard, wtf? Embarrassed? What would constitute embarrassment? Not winning it? Missing out on advancing with a point? 2? If this shit had been easy everyone would be doing it. This is the most completive tournament in club football, of course it will be hard. Especially for a club like us with little experience of playing in it.

    Let's just enjoy finally qualifying for it, as we have been longing for for **** decades. 

    • Like 2
  3. Just now, est1874 said:

    Well, indeed, but I was replying to someone who thinks these lads have never heard of Europe before and that we've never played there.

    We've got Martinez who's played champions league, Pau who's won the Europa League, Carlos who's won the Europa League and a team full of lads who think they're hot shit, but none of them can handle the UEFA Conference League apparently. 

    It's daft.

    What'd I do?

    • Haha 1
  4. I just got around to finally finishing Yakuza 0, and I really enjoyed the experience. Went on to start Kiwami 1, and liking it a lot as well so far. 

    Mixing it up with Like a Dragon, which is brilliant, so I will most likely keep going with all of them. 

    • Like 1
  5. Yup. I have probably never been as happy to be wrong. I believed there could be some issues with the quality of our players as well as having Gerrard as a manager. I was wrong about the players, and Emery seems to be able to get the guys to understand what he wants, and he did it so much faster than I could have ever hoped. The turn around has been brilliant, and this is probably the most positive I've felt about our future since I started supporting Villa. 

  6. 22 hours ago, Wainy316 said:

    I worry more that he'll leave us of his own accord.  He left behind Villarreal, a club where he was loved and he he had a deep affinity himself and where he'd built something.

    I just hope that when/if the time comes, he leaves us with some silverware.

    Sooner or later it will happen. I hope later obviously and that he has put us in a position to attract some real good people to continue any success he might have brought by that time. Worst thing that could happen is us making progress under him, then just falling off massively once he leaves. I truly hope that Emery is the beginning of something that doesn't live or die with him alone. 

  7. I think combat in D&D is a bit shit, and it shows in the game. The game has the advantage of being much more visually appealing, giving it much more dynamism. I am not very fond of D&D as a system in general, but BG3 really makes the most out of it, and Larian really excelled at capturing that, “Ok, this might sound insane, but this is what my character will do” feeling where you really can handle situations and solve problems in so many different ways. It’s nuts really. Bloody awesome game, even 100 hours in. 

    • Like 1
  8. 6 hours ago, HKP90 said:

    If you need any tips on flight school let me know. I did a ppl a long time ago. Before kids, which scuppered me on the flying front.

    Awesome! Yeah, I'll probably pick you up on that, thanks! 

    Kids have that tendency. 😅 My son just turned 18 and is looking forward to flying with me some day. 

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Dodgyknees said:

    Is it easy to install a hard drive? Would that be a cheaper way of doing it? I think I definitely want one (for Hogwarts and other games) to save me being sat at my laptop.

    Flight school, awesome! Good luck man! 

    Well, on paper it was trivial. However, I experienced some issues with the screws Valve used. They are extremely sensitive, and I think I striped one of them, and it took some effort to get it out despite using proper screw drivers of the right size. Once that was done it was very easy, if a little fiddly. But well worth doing. Get the 64Gb and then buy a new SSD separately and install. Saves you some money.

    You and I have been on here for ages, you want me to give you a shout if I decide to sell? 

    Yeah, I am hyped beyond all reason to get started. :D

  10. 13 hours ago, Dodgyknees said:

    Thinking of getting one. Anybody else got any experience?

    I do. Got one a couple of months ago. Real handy when travelling or as I. Our case, as entertainment on our fishing trips. 

    Early on I played a lot at home as well. Good piece of kit, and I haven't even tapped into emulation yet. 

    I installed a 1Tb SSD to replace the 64gb one I got. 

    I am contemplating selling it though, not because I am unhappy with it, but I am starting flight school in October and aiming to get my PPL, so looking towards freeing up some money for that.

    • Thanks 1
  11. On 16/08/2023 at 11:00, Davkaus said:

    It's one of the few things that lets it down for me. The romance and gratuitous sex and nudity makes it look like a 13 year old got their hands on the development process, it's a bit cringeworthy. And everything beyond Act 1 is absolutely riddled with bugs.

    Bloody brilliant fun,, but Larian really needs to do better than putting Act 1 in EA for years, polishing the shit out of that, then letting everything after be much thinner on content, and riddled with several quest breaking (and some game breaking) bugs, it's the same shit they've pulled 3 releases in a row.

    I'm still having a good time with it, but it's not the 10/10 masterpiece it's being painted as - maybe if the rest of the game held up to Act 1.

    Agreed, it's the weakest part I think. The romance system isn't very well designed. I didn't actively go that way and haven't done the deed with anyone, but all four make conpanions I have want to bone me (a male lead) like there's no tomorrow so apparently something I did made me gau as ****. I don't really care either way, but dialike how it sort was hidden from me and not really explained. 


  12. On 01/08/2023 at 09:43, Davkaus said:

    I used to be a gamer for several hours pretty much every day. Kind of dwindled off, partly due to parenthood, and partly due to having a ridiculous ultrawide monitor I got for work that my poor GPU has no chance of handling, and couldn't really justify upgrading when I hardly get the time.

    But Baldur's Gate 3 is days away, I've bought a fancy new GPU, and I've got the house to myself on launch weekend. I can't **** wait, going to be living my best single life for a couple of days :D 

    Yup, same. I have about 30h in the EA but haven't played for years so really excited. 

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