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Posts posted by maltesemike

  1. Got a good feeling about this one. Bags of potential, a point to prove, a dogged and fiery Mediterranean temperament coupled with skill, strength and physicality. I think the fans will take to him and he will thrive off it. Andiamo Nicolo!! 

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  2. I am surprised he is still here after his repeated non-shows last season. Offers nothing and I think we have all been very patient with him. Although I would say that went he went off, we somehow looked worse as Newcastle still has be wary of him while he’s on the pitch. Which is surprising as soon as he has the ball, he runs into a blind alley and falls over.

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  3. 9 hours ago, John said:

    Tough place to go, particularly on the first game of the season. Awful mistake from Ezri and our defence that had looked so solid last season, didn't today, that said, I will be interested to see how those VAR lines look for a couple of their goals. We had a couple of decent chances to make the score look a bit more respectable, but they had the better of the game by some distance (as we did at Villa Park last season), in this case, after we lost the rock of our defence. Things can only get better than this and they will, but what a week this has been for us. First we lose Emi and now Tyrone, to what looks like another very bad injury. We don't deserve this sort of bad luck and these injuries will be so devastating for these two players. We can put this result behind us, with a couple of good performances, but these injuries are different. Get well soon Tyrone, you will be much missed. Hopefully both players will make a good recovery and be back for our final push, this season. 🤞   

    I’m adamant that Barnes was offside prior to him assisting the Wilson goal. Cannot understand how VAR got that one wrong.

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  4. I was surprised at how livid he was in the post-match interview, and rightfully so. It’s refreshing to see our manager demand higher standards. My only fear is that this alienates the squad somehow and it backfires. The difference from previous times though is that the fans and owners are behind the manager 100% and the players have nowhere to hide any longer. It’s on them. Problem is that they are probably not strong enough mentally to step up to the plate. I’m curious about how this approach will pan out but I cannot help feel anxious about it.

  5. As Unai left the field and down the tunnel last night, he bro handshaked what I assume was a member of his staff who had an annoyed but understanding look on his face. Did anyone else see this and know who he is? I might be reading too much into it, but it looks as if this guy acknowledged something Unai was thinking.

  6. 1 minute ago, sidcow said:

    Am I the only person who thinks tax does need to go up? 

    The country is falling apart. Its impossible to see a Doctor. Schools can't recruit teachers, every public service you can name is suffering. 

    Yes efficiencies need to be driven in but that's a perennial problem regardless of who's in power. There is clearly a funding issue. 

    Yes, but on the fat earners at the top. Time to eat the rich and redistribute wealth for a fairer society. Will it happen though?

  7. 20 minutes ago, KMitch said:


    Can someone get this man a booster seat for press conferences?  Looks like an infant up there with everyone else.  

    There are many things to criticise Purslow for but his height should not be one of them.

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