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Posts posted by maltesemike






    Has anyone read this yet?


    Lambert was told months in advance by Lerner that he was intending to sell but had to keep it private until the official announcement.

    "It was my job to protect the club, that's what I did," said Lambert. "How did I feel when I went over to New York at the weekend to speak with Randy Lerner? Tired. It had all been on my shoulders, all the problems of the season, I had to protect everything and I did that.

    "Even if we were to get off to a flyer to the new season, I don't think it would change Randy Lerner's mind about selling. The chairman has been great and honest but I don't think it'll change his mind.

    "With regard to selling players, Randy will let me decide. You have to understand and respect his good work here. That shouldn't be overlooked. But you have to respect he wants to do his own thing.

    "When the new owners come in they will judge what I've done with their own eyes.

    "I've never been one to be self-centred. The most important thing is this club. All I can do is my best. It's really unsettling but it is what it is. You can't change it.

    "I'm relieved it's out there, I knew what was happening but my job was to protect everything.

    "I don't regret anything. If it all ended tomorrow you would take an unbelievable experience. The pressure is big, but there's always something good to come out of it and Aston Villa can be big again."


    line 1.  A blow to the "the first act toward selling the club happened on the monday after the season ended, nothing was in place or done before then." theory.

    line 2.  Lambert does see himself as the guardian of Villa's status in an environment of very restricted by finances.

    line 3.  He does not think the restrictions are reversible as long as RL is the owner.

    line 4.  He's hoping that Lambert will continue to vouch for him as a loyal employee that does the best possible under the owners directives without complaining or undermining the owner.  (as one who hires people, that's not a bad recommendation at all)

    the rest, he's basically repeating the 2nd,3rd, 4th, point.



    I read that today and it certainly confirms that the club has been for sale for sometime. The tone of RL's statement and his actions have pointed to this being the case for a while, its good that Lambert has confirmed this as you point out and hopefully something is in the offing soon. Given the restricted finances PL has had to work under he has (just about) achieved what was expected of him - to ensure our premiership status for another season - and for that I am grateful to PL. I feel for him in some ways, as others have pointed out he has got on with the job in a dignified manner. Whether he deserves another chance or not is probably for another thread but in some ways it would be harsh on him. Personally I hope we get in owners with the right ambition and footballing know-how to make this decision for themselves and to make the right one for AVFC to move forward and not listen to what RL thinks makes a good football manager.


    Normally I don't make comments that have a conspiratorial theory but here's one.


    When something is uncertain and maybe not going to happen soon - we use the term 'IF the new owners come in' but the term used was 'WHEN the new owners come in' which to me is sooner rather than later. Just saying and fueling the fire!



    I like your positivity and I hope this is the case. However, I wouldn't hang on to Lambert's words and confidence that he would use the correct terms in the first place. Our attempt at decoding his comments in the Pat Murphy interview is testament to this!  :)




    Has anyone read this yet?


    Lambert was told months in advance by Lerner that he was intending to sell but had to keep it private until the official announcement.

    "It was my job to protect the club, that's what I did," said Lambert. "How did I feel when I went over to New York at the weekend to speak with Randy Lerner? Tired. It had all been on my shoulders, all the problems of the season, I had to protect everything and I did that.

    "Even if we were to get off to a flyer to the new season, I don't think it would change Randy Lerner's mind about selling. The chairman has been great and honest but I don't think it'll change his mind.

    "With regard to selling players, Randy will let me decide. You have to understand and respect his good work here. That shouldn't be overlooked. But you have to respect he wants to do his own thing.

    "When the new owners come in they will judge what I've done with their own eyes.

    "I've never been one to be self-centred. The most important thing is this club. All I can do is my best. It's really unsettling but it is what it is. You can't change it.

    "I'm relieved it's out there, I knew what was happening but my job was to protect everything.

    "I don't regret anything. If it all ended tomorrow you would take an unbelievable experience. The pressure is big, but there's always something good to come out of it and Aston Villa can be big again."


    line 1.  A blow to the "the first act toward selling the club happened on the monday after the season ended, nothing was in place or done before then." theory.

    line 2.  Lambert does see himself as the guardian of Villa's status in an environment of very restricted by finances.

    line 3.  He does not think the restrictions are reversible as long as RL is the owner.

    line 4.  He's hoping that Lambert will continue to vouch for him as a loyal employee that does the best possible under the owners directives without complaining or undermining the owner.  (as one who hires people, that's not a bad recommendation at all)

    the rest, he's basically repeating the 2nd,3rd, 4th, point.



    I read that today and it certainly confirms that the club has been for sale for sometime. The tone of RL's statement and his actions have pointed to this being the case for a while, its good that Lambert has confirmed this as you point out and hopefully something is in the offing soon. Given the restricted finances PL has had to work under he has (just about) achieved what was expected of him - to ensure our premiership status for another season - and for that I am grateful to PL. I feel for him in some ways, as others have pointed out he has got on with the job in a dignified manner. Whether he deserves another chance or not is probably for another thread but in some ways it would be harsh on him. Personally I hope we get in owners with the right ambition and footballing know-how to make this decision for themselves and to make the right one for AVFC to move forward and not listen to what RL thinks makes a good football manager.

    • Like 1
  3. I don't think we will figure who is buying us by trying to decode what Paul Lambert is saying.  Our only hope is thetrees. 


    Can you imagine the players trying to decode what he's on about? No wonder they look all over the shop!

    • Like 4
  4. I hear him saying "the new people understand the situation" but more telling is that after he says "we saw people that". Saw who? It seems as though he realises he has made a mistake and get flustered, suddenly back peddling and reiterating that "there is nothing there". I am personally encouraged by this!

    • Like 1
  5. Slightly different to your situation as I instigated the break up but I have been on the recieving end before - don't think it wasn't hard as I still care for her, I loved her but I wasn't IN love with her

    I'm in your situation. I hate to see her hurting and knowing it's my fault. I still care for her, but I knew it wasn't right long term. I'm desperate to keep her as a friend but she wants to meet up frequently and I don't think it's helping either of us.

    Seeing her break down in front of me made me feel like a real shit. But at the same time it's not right for her and myself to continue as if everything was fine - I think it would just have become even messier in the future. Being with someone out of sympathy is just morally wrong both ways I think. As much as you care for her and obviously want to stay friends, I'm not sure it's the best thing to do - and I'm sure you realise this. It is not good for you and it is certainly not good for her, she will just be clinging on to something out of hope you will one day change your mind. Shit I know but that is life unfortunately, real love has to be a two-way thing. Maybe in time you can be friends again but in the interim it is probably best to stay apart. Ofcourse that is only my opinion...

  6. Sorry to hear your bad news mate - but in time you will realise it is for the best. You don't want to be with someone who doesn't feel the same towards you. A few weeks ago I came out of a 2 and a half year relationship. Things weren't right for a while, we had moved in together and with time things got strained, arguing a lot and I realised this wouldn't last long term. Slightly different to your situation as I instigated the break up but I have been on the recieving end before - don't think it wasn't hard as I still care for her, I loved her but I wasn't IN love with her - maybe this was the case with your ex.

    But I won't go into my story I just want to give you some advice. We were living to together, bought things together, had 2 cats, basically built a future together - so the break up was awkward. We had broken up but still lived with eachother for about a month and she eventually moved out. Have to say it was one of the most awkward times of my life. If there is some advice I can give you is to try avoid that situation. As Stevo985 says, completely cutting the cord is the way to go. I know it may be hard if you still have feelings but seeing her will only bring those feelings back and mess with your head. A cliche I know but time is the best healer. Move back home for a while, spend time with your friends and family. I didn't have that luxury as Malta is my home but my advice is to be around people you love and trust. Things will improve mate. Now get out there and bag yourself a rebound shag! You have the joys of single life to look forward to it, believe me it has its pluses..!!!

  7. My advice, don't wear any colours. If you want a beer try out of the city centre. Maybe Willenhall or Bilston

    I live around and know a ton of Doghead fans, and by and large they're all right. But for some unknown reason they still have a percentage of backward supporters who really do still think its the 70's. They're even proud of it.

    Its a bit like the bloke on the rundown council estate who's proud of his new chip pan.

    They'll never change, and normal evolution has passed them by.

    Best leave them to their own.

    Thanks for the heads up mate, its much appreciated. Enjoy the game!

  8. I managed to sort out three tickets for the game this morning! I am so excited! I have family visiting from Malta and wanted them to experience a Villa match. What better than away game in a midlands derby? Unfortunately though we will be dispersed in the away stand. I was wondering whether we should be wary of trouble outside the ground? Don't manage to make much away games so not sure what to expect. We are travelling from Leicester which is not far. Will there be a police escort or something? Also, any good places for us to have a beer before the game in Wolverhampton? Thanks in advance

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