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Posts posted by StewieGriffin

  1. this is a huge weekend - Villa vs Sunderland, Bolton vs Swansea, Fulham vs Wigan, Blackburn vs Norwich, QPR vs Spurs, and then our game in hand against Bolton. 4 points will be enough for us, unless we get unfortunate on Saturday and QPR and/or Bolton win

  2. Tonight and the weekend games are vital I think - if QPR get beat tonight then we've extended the gap by a point, and if none of the teams below us win at the weekend whilst we're getting humped at Old Trafford then I think can say with more confidence that we're safe

  3. not spoken to the person concerned as I know it isnt going to make a difference - Im more annoyed at other family members that have allowed this to happen, as well as at the general situation of people getting handed things on a silver platter when the rest of us have to work harder (and in this particular case earn more money) and cant afford to have what we'd like

  4. As the title states...

    Not massively keen on stating which relation it is, or what type of fraud it is, but I know that said fraud is occurring and has done for a while - Im unsure what to do, as my conscience tells me I should report it but given it's a family member is there just some things we should turn a blind eye to?

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