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Posts posted by StewieGriffin

  1. The 58-year-old O'Neill, who led Villa to their third successive sixth-placed finish in the Premier League last season, added: "I would like to pay tribute to the Villa players, my coaching staff and the Villa supporters for all the support and encouragement they have given both the club and me personally during my time as manager.

    "I wish them all the best for the future. I will obviously be assisting the club in the immediate short-term with regard to the handover of my duties.".

    surely that's why it's taken us so long? :(

  2. Brad Friedel's old enough to appreciate that that kind of thing happens in football - it was a long time ago. Likewise Warnock - wasnt it Benitez that released him anyway? - I think they're both experienced and level-headed enough to get on with things.

    Carew, however, may be a different argument. Wouldnt be surprised at all if this is his last few months with us

  3. If we were bottom half, Curbs would be a good appointment because he would achieve exactly that - top 8. But we're not. We need someone who knows what it takes to finish in the top 4. Even if he doesn't end up achieving it, we will have at least tried to do so and we will have someone of that calibre at the helm and for me that's important. We need to be continuing our attempts to climb up the league otherwise what's the point?

    Been thinking something fairly similar myself for a while now - we are a top 6 team, have been for the last 3 seasons. With respect to them, we are not Wigan, Fulham, Bolton etc - we are a top 6 team. Admittedly we've ballsed up europe in the last 2 attempts, but we are the 6th best team in England.

    Why, therefore, are we looking at utter averageness like Curbishley? Those teams have all changed manager since he was last employed (Bolton have twice), and not one of them were even linked with him, so why should we? Im not suggesting people should be queuing around the block from all over the continent to manage us, but surely we could attract someone better than Curbishley, Sven, Houllier or our current reserve team manager? When Spurs changed their manager (which has happened a bit over the last few years), did they go for average? No, and look where they are now. It took them a couple of managers to get it right, but they didnt fart about with the reserve coach, two guys who've been out of work 2 years, or someone who's most probably lost his hunger for the game.

    As I say, we are a top 6 team in the second best league in Europe with a fantastic history and some good young players mixed in with some good experienced ones. Time to act like like it.

  4. Why is everybody so against Bob Bradley?

    The USA under him have done fairly well - qualified for the World Cup with ease (although their zone isnt too tough), did very well in the Confederations Cup (beat Spain and nearly beat Brazil in the final) and set up his defence to completely nulify Rooney at the World Cup, although they were disappointing against Ghana. Arguably you could suggest most managers would have done equally as well.

    I dont think it'd be a bad appointment in terms of the stuff I posted above, but he has no experience of a proper transfer market (the MLS runs differently) and he hasnt managed any team outside of the US.

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