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Posts posted by StewieGriffin

  1. General, I remember a few years ago when Villa (or more specifically David O'Leary) were hauled in front of the FA for making a casual, innocent, remark about wanting to sign James Beattie and were found guilty of attempting of "tapping up" the player.

    What Liverpool have done today is far, far worse - they have used their local paper, knowing full well that the story would find its way to the national press, in a deliberate attempt to unsettle our captain whilst showing no regard for our club or our 2 important upcoming matches. I know the club wish to remain professional etc, and I dont expect you to attempt to give a definitive answer here, but is there any way that the club would consider reporting Liverpool to the FA over this?

  2. Good evening General, I wondered if there was any way you could set our (read: my) mind at ease about the following article which was taken from one of the newspapers


    Aston Villa owner Randy Lerner is in the UK on average every 10 days. So it must have been a pressing matter for his manager Martin O'Neill to fly to New York this week for talks he could normally have on the American's regular trips to Villa Park.

    Could it be that Lerner and O'Neill were fine-tuning the exit strategy when, rather than if, the FA make their expected call to Villa for O'Neill to replace Steve McClaren as England coach?

    Daily Mail, November 15th 2007

    I want to laugh at it and say it's a load of crap, and that any meeting was with regards to Janaury, but I've a real nagging feeling that MON would take the England job if it was offered.

  3. General, Sir;

    I have a request regarding the new website. Is there any chance we can have a better section for the Academy? The current area of the current site is a mess, and isnt anywhere detailed enough. Our Academy has done some fantastic work over the last 10 years or more and the current half-assed recognition they get on our website isnt fair (not the current boards fault I know).

    The match reports are basic, and the player profiles are non-existent bar a picture.

    Not a huge part of the site changes Im sure, but Id be delighted if there was a better Academy section and Im sure a lot of other fans would be too.

    I'll even volunteer to go to most home games and do match reports!


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