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Posts posted by PompeyVillan

  1. We're like a junkie with a particularly nasty addiction. We can't kick the conceding soft goals habit, however much we try. 

    We go in with the best intentions but only lasts so long before we relapse and succumb again. 

    As fans we're like concerned relatives watching their loved ones ruin their lives and being able to do nothing about it. 

    I'm off to see my therapist. 

  2. 16 minutes ago, blandy said:

    Hold on a mo'/ A radio person asked an MP a question about what she would personally do in the event that a hypothetical thing were to be threatened (choice between no deal or May deal).

    Now this is currently going on all the time to individual MPs "will you resign if ERG do this? or Jezza does that..." to various labour and tory MPs etc. No one is taking the answers as Labour or Tory policy. They are the independent views of various people (or sometimes the burps of sheep, incapable of independent thought or action "I support the PM and the party", "I support Labour and Catweazle"). 

    These Tiggers have specifically said they're NOT a party, they are independent MPs with similar views on (amongst other things) Brexit. Asking for detailed "party" lines or whatever is to completely ignore that they're not a chuffing party.

    If they're all independents, then why did the ex Labour MPs club together on a podium and announce their resignations at the same time, on the same platform for the same reasons? 

    Why create a company and ask for donations? Or a website or Twitter.  

    They're playing for time and trying to dodge difficult questions. They will at some point become a party. 

    I don't see anyone asking for a manifesto, but clubbing together and saying 'the rest are all crap and we're really different' is really quite unconvincing if you can't explain why you are different. 

    I'd get it if there wasn't the website and all the branding and social media stuff. 


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  3. I have a degree of sympathy for her. At 16 children, are impressionable and make stupid decisions. However, I also feel strongly that she should be held accountable for what she has done. 

    The idea that she should be able to come back to the UK, be given a place to live and benefits to sustain herself rancours with me. ISIS are an inhumane, murderous, terrorist organisation. Nobody who joins them or aids them should be given a free ride. If it were me, I'd make joining ISIS a crime, punishable by imprisonment and take the child away from her. But I don't make the law and I don't know the law. 

    However, we can't simply just ignore the laws we have put in place to satisfy the mob, if we so that then we're no better than the ISIS twunts. Whatever happens, I'm satisfied so long as we uphold our own laws, as ultimately I care very little for this girl and her child, although I do have some at understanding how vulnerable she may have been when she was radicalised.

    Although, let's not forget 'being radicalised' isn't something that just happens to someone and they have no control over it. There is a choice to accept a hateful, disgusting idealogy or not. 

    Taking her citizenship away is immaterial to me really, if we legally could, I wouldn't kick up a fuss if we did. It's not clear to me as to whether we can actually do that though.

    • Like 1
  4. 11 minutes ago, blandy said:

    I'm not entirely sure they are trying to achieve anything just yet.

    Why do you sense no deal is more likely, PV?

    I don't really know to be honest. There's no majority for any sort of Brexit in parliament, and I feel this little breakaway is going to make a consensus less likely. 

    Theresa May is stubborn enough to play the "My deal or no deal" game, so I think literally everything will be rejected and we'll leave with no deal. 


  5. 1 minute ago, blandy said:

    I know tongue in cheek, but with both old parties being pro-Brexit and extremist, being against that is quite a good thing. I don't think these lot are the solution, but they're definitely not part of the problem, now.

    I am struggling to see what they think they can achieve. I sense this whole thing makes a no deal Brexit more likely, which apparently would be the opposite to what they want. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, Davkaus said:

    Ken Clarke's just said he knows of another half a dozen that are preparing to jump ship. That'd end the majority. 

    We could sleepwalk our way into a no deal Brexit because the lack of consensus in parliament. 

    A few more defections could cause a general election, which could result in a hung parliament. 

    Ugh, this is getting ugly. 

  7. I've let this all soak in for a bit and I've come to a conclusion that the only reason anyone would back or vote for the now 8 NEWKIP party is that because they hate Corbyn. 

    They want a new style of politics, so they set themselves up as a company not a party. They want to shake up politics but have literally no ideas or policies. Their voting history suggests that they're likely to give you a bit of austerity a s privatisation, mixed in with a people's vote but no by elections because democracy is only important when it isn't their MP's salary's at stake. 

    I should imagine they'll all disagree on policy and leadership of NEWKIP as nobody wants Chris Leslie as their spokesperson, so they'll call another press conference and resign from the new company to set themselves up as independents that are independent from the non political party independent group thing. 

    I've little time for the Lib Dems, but they're by far a better fit for these NEWKIP fellows. There's literally nothing 'different' about any of them. 

    I am all for people genuinely trying to change politics, this rabble are making that harder by claiming that territory and doing nothing of the sort. It's shameless self promotion. 

    I'd have a lot more respect for them if the sat as genuine independents and didn't try to pull the wool over the public's eyes with this new not a political party, but clearly a shoddy attempt at a political party.

    • Like 3
  8. 3 minutes ago, snowychap said:

    Did you think about it when Frank Field resigned the Labour whip, or when John Woodcock left the Labour Party, or when Sean Woodward joined the Labour Party?

    I'm sorry but people vote for an individual as their representative for a constituency. Those individuals are then the MP for that constituency.

    I don't think they do so with that intention though to be honest snowy. I think a vast majority believe they are voting for a party. 

    • Like 2
  9. I've thought about it and I think they should all call a by election, if that's what can happen. They might be denying it, but they've formed a new party and ran last time on a Labour ticket. They've little legitimacy in my opinion anyway, but they need to re-establish their mandate to represent their constituents. 

    They won't, because they'd probably all lose, but I think they should.

    But meh, to them to be honest. They've had their day in the sunshine today, tomorrow they'll be fish and chip wrapping. 

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  10. I hope we have a clause to buy this guy, he's been excellent, which odd given our poor form. It's easy to see that he is an accomplished player, who is a little bit rusty. 

    I agree with the idea that we could build a team around him. He and Chester would be a very decent partnership. 

  11. Thing is with Villa is we get decent crowds. Which when things are good, is a really positive experience for players, but equally having that many people angry with you when things are not so good also has an impact. 

    Either way, I'm not the sort that believes that because I've paid to buy a ticket I have the right to verbally abuse anyone. That sort of thing doesn't make me feel any better, I know for a fact it rarely helps a player. It's okay to show frustration when we give the ball away. That sort of thing is natural it's the specific targeted abuse that I find uncomfortable. 

    Either way, it happens everywhere and more often at Villa than other places, because we're underperforming. 

    If we played a bit better, it wouldn't happen.


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  12. To be fair to Smith, we are also suffering an injury crisis.

    We're desperately poor and short in midfield, it doesn't help that his options are limited by injury. Obviously Grealish is a massive miss. 

    But I think Carroll and Lansbury would also get some game time.

    Tuenzebe and Chester are big misses too.  

    I don't think the squad is particularly good, and it certainly doesn't help that we have so many injuries. 

    I am still confident that Smith is the right manager for us, because I see him as important in evolving our style of play. And whilst we've had several 'transitional' periods, I think the current transition is probably the most difficult to navigate and the really important to get right.

    This season however is now a write off, which isn't much fun. 

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  13. 3 minutes ago, AvfcRigo82 said:

    We all are, that's why half of the fan base are pissed with what we witness week in week out and becoming fed up of the same old shit.

    "We". Like I said, speak for yourself. I'm not delighted with how we are playing, but I can't see the benefit in baying for blood personally. I can't see how it can do any good. 

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