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Posts posted by PompeyVillan

  1. He's got a mistake in him, bit I can't help but feel that it is through a lack of experience. The mistakes can be coached out if him. He overplays at time, and that decision making can be improved. His defending is mostly pretty damn good and I like a defender that can play the ball.He hit a few decent diagonal balls today, gained possession in the defensive third a few times, won pretty much every challenge and got caught in possession and gave the ball away in a dangerous area. 

    Mostly really good, but the mistakes could cost us. 

  2. 7 minutes ago, bannedfromHandV said:

    In scientific terms, he's what's known as a Unit. 

    He's quick, agile and strong. Seems to read the game well. Given his injury issues and lack of game time he can only get better. 

  3. He's had a massive impact already. He was immense today, he has a desire to win every ball, he makes good decisions and is a physical specimen. 

    I'd be delighted if we could sign him. 


  4. 3 minutes ago, KJT123 said:

    We shouldn't come back out for the second half. Can't imagine any of our players wanting to continue playing in front of this crowd, and can you blame them?

    I thought the reaction was perfect. Dignified and professional. 

  5. Birmingham will want to count that lame ass punch as a shot off target. What a pussy, he couldn't even score a hit with a cheap shot from behind from an unsuspecting victim. 

    Either way, the fact that the Birmingham fans cheered that has shocked me. It's scary how stupid so many people can be. It's sport, it's a game, it doesn't really matter, it's meant to be fun. 

    Every bone in my body wants Jack Grealish to score the winner today and celebrate with the Villa fans, an iconic image we'll all remember. 

    I would love that. 


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  6. 4 hours ago, rjw63 said:

    **** that, I didn't have one. I'm not one for being a sheep and doing what everyone else does.

    I insisted I wasn't going anywhere so we stayed at mine, played card games, and got drunk.

    I didn't have one either. I'm not a boring sod by any means, I have had my share of piss ups and didn't think it would be fun. 

    We did quite a few things different in our wedding day, not to be contrary, but because we wanted to enjoy it. 

  7. Amber Rudd has called Dianne Abbott 'coloured'. I don't believe there was any real racist intent in it, but goodness me.

    I think there is an institutional issue with racism in politics and in our society, and this is a good example of it. She didn't mean to demean Dianne Abbott, but she did, which shows real ignorance. 

    What a shame for her, she was hoping to resign as a matter of principle regarding Brexit, but it looks like she will may have to resign again in disgrace. 

  8. Because they're introducing a price rise, does that give an opportunity to do the old cancellation and then discount routine. I am genuinely starting to feel that Sky is much too expensive, we watch mainly terrestrial and Netflix. 

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  9. 19 hours ago, blandy said:

    Yes, thanks.  it’s hard to tell/ be sure if that’s genuine or sarcastic. Apologies. My bad. If it’s an inference that it’s all made up, “nothing to see here”, then we disagree based on what we each see, if it’s genuine then fine. Whatever, have a good night, you’re a good soul.

    Genuine, not trying to mock you at all. I abhor any form of racism, and sometimes I struggle to see how anyone could not see it the same as me. But racism isn't always overt, it isn't a visible factor in my life. I don't live, work or spend any time with anyone that will ever say something openly racist. Or intentionally racist, the grandparents sometimes say something 'old fashioned', but never use a racist slur or the like. So sometimes I assume that everyone is offended by racism, but they aren't 

    To some people, they can turn a bit of a blind eye to something they find mildly problematic because idealogically they have a lot in common with them. A bit like how most MPs voted to approve gay marriage, but some didn't. Slightly different issue, but one that obviously displays the polarity of prejudice. If you oppose gay marriage, you are homophobic, as you do not believe that gay people should have the same rights as straight people. However, enough MPs voted against it, something I should imagine made their colleagues feel uncomfortable. But most of them remain in the same party as each other.

    Maybe that is the problem with both parties. I dunno, that was a bit of rant. 

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  10. On 03/03/2019 at 08:49, blandy said:

    Because unlike Labour, who are fractiously divided, arguing and losing MPs over anti semitism, the tories are not doing the same over islamophobia. Politically anti semitism is a major obstacle for labour ever getting elected. The same is not impacting the tories. There’s also the issue of the Tory leader not being seen as part of the cause of the problem, whereas the labour one is.

    I'd not thought of this, good point..

    • Thanks 1
  11. GlastonSpur has alot to answer for regarding the Spurs hatred. He used to post on here and wind up the locals. 

    He seemed like the kind of guy in his mid 40s who still lives at his parents house and has Spurs bedsheets and blinds. 

    And they had bollock chops as their manager for a while, and that never goes down well on here either. 

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  12. I think he's doing okay, this season isn't a free hit but I don't think Bruce or anyone else would have got much more from the current squad, especially given the injuries to key players. 

    For me, the style of play he is able to implement is a lot more likely to get us promoted than either of the previous two managers, who both failed. 

    I'm looking at this from the boards perspective, I don't think they employed him to get us promoted this season at all costs and I think they have a summer overhaul in mind and Smith to help with changing our style of play. 



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