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Posts posted by greenz

  1. Should make a VT Pro club.

    Yup, didn't really play Pro clubs much last year, but played a few games now and really enjoying it. I'm on PS3 though... :| anyone else interested?

    I'm up for it..:D

  2. Should make a VT Pro club.

    Yup, didn't really play Pro clubs much last year, but played a few games now and really enjoying it. I'm on PS3 though... :| anyone else interested?

    I'm up for it..:D

  3. I like it - especially on Gabby I think it looks way better untucked than it does when they have it tucked in.

    We're Aston Villa we glow in the dark ;) Haha brilliant

    He seems to fill it a lot better than the rest. I think it'll fit those of us with the less than athletic bodies quite well. :D

  4. What is it about the shirt that people are saying it's shit? I don't think it looks as bad as people make it out to be.

    I wouldn't go so far as to say it's shit, I just don't personally like it.

    It looks cheap, in large part thanks to the design. It's not... classy, harmonious, whatever. The collar is fussy to my eye, the little triangle at the front looks like it came from a different shirt. The Macron bloke on the shoulders makes them look too busy and untidy. The yellow trim at the bottom doesn't really 'fit' the rest of the design, it looks like it was just tacked on to add another detail.

    To be honest the whole thing can be described in that way - they realised they need a claret body and blue sleeves, and then they just chucked stuff at it to make the design and none of it really flows together. So they chucked on a collar that has one kind of detail, and added another detail to the front of it, and then chucked on the yellow base trim, and then whacked the Macron blokes in the most convenient place. And then the 'premium' detail is going to be the heat prints lion on the back which you just... know is going to look a bit desperate, as that doesn't really 'fit' in either.

    It's not a bad design... it's just not a good one either. You can tell its made by a company not at the top of their game - it's an also ran.

    I also think the material looks a bit shit but it's hard to judge that off admittedly poor photos.

    It's not hideous, or a travesty... it's just not good either. It reminds me of a few of the more naff early/mid 90s designs somehow - the designers having a field day with the kit and not making a cohesive design, which requires restraint and clear vision.

    The away might get away with it a little more, although the colour rumours have me convinced it's going to be hideous.

    It's like you literally read my mind. :D The away kit will outsell this tenfold if it's as garish as we're expecting

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