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Posts posted by MYSTERYMAN

  1. I can tell you there is no intention to get rid of him despite the apathy around the club falling attendances and dire football ! Lerner likes him thinks he has a great work ethic and above all trusts him ! Its not what you want to hear but thats the facts . If we are struggling next season then yes I think he will think again .

    He came in to do a job with the finances around us and staying up will probably be seen us as stabilising things . But for me you can't hide behind the football the results and what has happened simply not good enough .

  2. I was told to expect some pretty bad figures and yes can't argue with them ! They do include the McLeish compensation to Brum aswell ! Will we spend in the summer yes got no choice or otherwise we would be in pole position to go down .

    Do they include the McCleish compo though? When did we appoint him? These figures only run until May 31st so from my reckoning exclude, McCleish expenditure and also the income/savings on young and downing, plus wages for them and NRC etc!! Am I missing something?

    I was told at the Man City game that it did but obviously not ! 12 Mill is very depressing though fuk me AVB get out was around that figure wasn't it from Porto . Its clear though these figures show it was unsustainable model and we have to get some stability .

  3. We played on the counter most of the time under MON. The reason it don't work no is we had a good back four to soak up pressure, we had Milner and Barry who could keep the ball and pace on the wings. That is why counter attacking football worked

    OK McLeish is not playing to our strengths but that is maybe to cover other weaknesses we have. Our full backs need help and to be fair to Albrighton he is not the best at defending

    I really do think without some investment any manager will struggle, We have a unbalanced side. Weather McLeish will sign the right players is another matter but he needs a chance to have his own players and not use a squad which has been created by 3 managers in 3 seasons, all with different ideas on how we should play and what players we should buy.

    Very good post . He will be given money in the summer :!: but it's if he can get the right players and the jury is out if he can coach them . I would love us to play like Swansea but the truth is we don't have the players to do it .

    I disagree, i think we have a team capable of playing football, just that AM decides against it...and Collins cant help himself.

    In 1990 we finished second season after Venglos nearly got us relegated , Big Ron came in bought seven players changed the way we played and well did ok for 3 seasons . I just think we need at least 5 new players the club needs freshening up . I was totally against AM coming and to date can't say I am excatly over the moon with the football but I do think whoever is in charge in the summer has to change the playing staff ! Too many are past their sell by dates and lost the motivation and it probably started when we lost the League Cup final . Its been downhill since

  4. Dunno - if Lerner took him to one side - and said resign now and you get £2.5m - would Mcleish take it ? ..I think he probably would.


    McClunge is Scottish, he would not take a penny less than he is entitled too..

    Some dark days ahead, because I believe that he is here for the long term, no matter how bad it gets...

    He will only leave if promises made are broken . Its like rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic we have to get new players in and get rid of the overpaid overhyped past their sell by date seniors who haven't got the club at heart . If we don't then relegation is a distinct possibility next season

  5. We played on the counter most of the time under MON. The reason it don't work no is we had a good back four to soak up pressure, we had Milner and Barry who could keep the ball and pace on the wings. That is why counter attacking football worked

    OK McLeish is not playing to our strengths but that is maybe to cover other weaknesses we have. Our full backs need help and to be fair to Albrighton he is not the best at defending

    I really do think without some investment any manager will struggle, We have a unbalanced side. Weather McLeish will sign the right players is another matter but he needs a chance to have his own players and not use a squad which has been created by 3 managers in 3 seasons, all with different ideas on how we should play and what players we should buy.

    Very good post . He will be given money in the summer :!: but it's if he can get the right players and the jury is out if he can coach them . I would love us to play like Swansea but the truth is we don't have the players to do it .

  6. Cuellar to partner Collins, Baker to slot in at left back imo.

    They prefer Baker in the middle and don't see him as Left back ! Not sure what happened with Lichah as he was set to play left back

    Either way round mate, Thought Cuellar had a good game at left back, keep him there and put Baker alongside Collins.

    Cuellar is our best defender and I agree our best player yesterday but think with he will move him into centre . Warnock has used up all his lives I think and just has to go end of season

  7. After paying off MON, Houllier and compensation to small heath there is no chance of Lerner sacking McLeish and paying up his contract (£5 million?). The situation is so bad I reckon even if we were relegated we'd get the line that McLeish has experience of getting teams promoted. He's going nowhere, sadly.


  8. Spoke to him after the game he was clutching his shirt and he was very humble said it was totally different playing against the likes of Barry and De Jong but enjoyed it and he had learn't from it .

    I thought for the role was expected to play he did ok

  9. Craig Gardner was in the crowd

    Homesick much craig

    Craig hired a box for his family as did Barry and Given for Speeds family .

    He is a lot more settled at Sunderland now but personally I would have him back

  10. Clumsy lacks concentration at vital times , tends to lung in , lacks concentration , hasnt got the pace now at this level , . Should have been sent off yesterday keep saying it the guy is very average at best but Hutton makes him look a world beater .

  11. To a direct question face to face ' Don't sell Downing he is class if you do Bent will suffer ' AM replied ' I won't sell him for 50 mill ' FACT

    I know things change and Downing made it clear like Milner before him he wanted out . But for a supposed expeienced manager why say it then , don't tell me what I want to hear tell me the truth .

    For the record I don't think Bent will leave because no one will come up with the money . There isn't the money around to pay 25 mill unless your top 3 and none of them will buy him or need him .

  12. This is becoming a roundabout style discussion with no end to it.. haha

    Where is mysteryman with some info when we need him..

    Will not be sold this window unless it's 30 mill plus and we can get a replacement and we can't ! Non starter they know they sell him we could go down place would be in meltdown :!:

  13. MM, Do the players not shoulder any responsibility??

    Yes of course they do but they are playing to AM Formation his blueprint his tactics .

    Honestly have you ever seen a side like this that just doesn't have a go its as if we are playing for goal difference .

    I aint knee jerk far from it but he is out of his depth with Villa .

    I am a realist don't expect us to win Leagues and Cups but I expect us to challenge have a go .

  14. MM, just wondering, but how come you said he wouldn't be coming here?

    Because someone I respect had told me 100 percent he wan't coming we both have the same contact I assumed he had spoken to him direct . He clearly hadn't I and that same guy was invited to meet AM and 3 months in or whatever everything I asked and predicted has come true .

    Albrighton lost his way don't rely on him he said I was being harsh

    Youngsters you don't know how to use them or trust them he said at Blues they were not good enough

    Football was awful at Blues he said it will be fast flowing attacking full backs lol Hutton and Warnock

    Sid was a Board appointement he said it wasn't it's obvious was

    Said he wouldn't sell Downing told him if he did it would ruin Bent it almost has

    Dunne pub player alongside the other 2 and it would cost us it has

    Plus loads of other stuff ! Awful appointment seen nothing to make me think otherwise can't see him pulling it round

  15. Worst appointment since Graham Turner for complete and utter stupidity !

    Bloke hasn't got a chance but he hasn't got a clue either if he wait's perceived as the right thing to do because Alex Ferguson sent a letter into Randy then God Forbid .

    I don't like Mob rule but seriously can't find anybody that thinks this is right for the club I also want to know what is up with the 3 % on Vital Villa who agree with it .

    It's a complete and utter Disaster and I am pro Randy so if I am at a loss god knows what the rest of you think .

  16. As sure as Night comes after Day it was going to be a disaster and sure enough here we are . Football is dreadful the spark and energy has gone , he is ruining Bent the signings are poor bar Given .

    The fans have voted we are not far away from the chants of McCleish out shocking appointment and to think we would have appointed Martinez who would have been a disaster aswell .

    Depressed about all of it

  17. More enjoyable than watching the first team that's for sure . Technical ability shone through and you would think there are one or two who can make it . Sat with Des Bremner who came just to take a game in and see Gardner he said definately more promise than his brother but they won't rush him into the first team just yet because of the injury he had .

    I still think a true midfielder would be better than some of the people playing in midfield at the moment but anway good performance and some decent potential talent there .

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