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Posts posted by K-Carlsen

  1. The tweet itself might be a result of the thread on the blackpool forum for all I know (link to b'pool forum on previous page), they seem to believe that something is happening. First reported as a loan move by someone in connection with the club, then reported as a permanent move on twitter today.



    who speaks the language?


    whats he saying?


    In short:


    * He hasn't heard anything from club or agent, only read it in the news

    * Would be interested in trying himself in a club like Villa


    This. Man trying to decode danish is so hard, what is wrong with your guys language. Beyond **** up lol. Sorry but it feels so cryptic at times



    Lol. 'decoding' is a spot on description of it. It's kind of like norwegian, only encrypted with weird sounds and expressions. And they start every sentence, no matter what the context is, with: "jammen åsså...".


    Anyways, back to topic :)


    Seems like he would definately would be interested in a move, but that he isn't going to focus on it until a bid is accepted.


    Should be noted that the Danish League is the strongest in scandinavia, regardless of what anyone else will try to tell you 


    Yeah that makes sense..


    Is it:


    1. Danish 

    2. Norwegian 

    3. Swedish 

    4. Finnish 

    5. Icelandic 





    Think the swedish league is a little bit better than the Norwegian atm. Other than that, I agree with the rest. 


    Lol yeah, taking my family genetics into account I should get a hefty pay rise within the next 5-10 years as well :)


    But seriously, 70k for absolutely nothing. What a joke. MUST GET RID - ASAP!


    I wouldn't say "absolutely nothing"....


    .. but I would say no more than we get from Bannan, Holman or KEA.


    Refreshingly, Ireland is exactly the type of transfer target that Lambert will ignore, so it's just a matter of time before these wasters are off the books for good.



    Agreed, that was a little strong. I know he has played a game here and there. Checked his stats and he have actually played 779 minutes for us this season.  


    That's still £3594,35 paid per minute of playing football, though. Rather poorly as well.

  5. Lol yeah, taking my family genetics into account I should get a hefty pay rise within the next 5-10 years as well :)


    But seriously, 70k for absolutely nothing. What a joke. MUST GET RID - ASAP!

  6. I think it's pretty certain that Benteke leaves for a bigger club within few years, my concern is that if he leaves NOW that might influence Weimann to do the same... :unsure:

  7. Would obviously hate to see him go, but I feel it's inevitable that he does leave sooner or later...


    If we can get Wilfred Bony in as his direct replacement and still be left with a hefty profit in the middle of these two deals (to improve other areas) it would not be too bad. I feel that it is better to improve "the unit" now then attempting to build a team around someone that probably will leave next summer anyway. 

  8. ...................Given..................



    ...Ireland....El Ahmadi...Adam...........


    IMO :)

    Too vulnerable at the back without three in the middle. And need a more typical DM type then El Ahmadi, which should be used as the box-to-box in front.

  9. James Nursey saying expect things to happen this week, a change in tune of what he previously said of one in one out!

    No pun intended, mate. But I could have ITK'ed that... :lol:

    It is clear that we need more players, it seems like the intent to buy is there and this is the last week that buying is possible. You don't exactly need a "foot inside" to make that suggestion.

    In fact, I can take the ITK further: The player(s) we're getting have two legs, ten fingers, is a male and have.... a head. Can't say anything more.

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