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Posts posted by shambles

  1. Not troubled much by Albion and if NRC had done his job on the post, we'd have had a clean sheet. Nice to see Cuellar back and we looked much more solid. Downing and Albrighton joint MOM for me. That 4-2-3-1 with Hogg and NRC mopping up and Abrighton, Downing and Young attacking with Heskey up front works well. Let's see what happens against Wigan tomorrow.

  2. Hi General, please can you explain to me how not acknowledging your own fans but going out of your way to please the opposition fans, regardless of one's histroy with them, is a joke? I wasn't laughing.

    I didn't find it funny either. I'm sure the few thousand Villa fans who travelled the 200 odd mile round trip up an icy M6 and braved freezing conditions to be insulted and humiliated by the manager, and disgusted by the teams performance, AND had to pay for the privelidge didn't find it funny either. I've never felt so ashamed to be a Villa fan, and that includes Graham Taylors 2nd term in charge. At least he had the bottle to admit the club was going nowhere, the humility to apologise to the fans after the Small Heath debacle(s), and the dignity to resign.

  3. Started to go wrong when Bannan was taken off and replaced with Ireland. Bannan was a livewire, always looking to go forward and making himself available. He was linking up well with Ash and Gabby. Hogg and Clarke had the measure of Blues midfield and there looked to be only one winner. If anyone should have gone off it should have been Downing, and to be fair, he should have been replaced by Delfouneso and we could have had him and Gabby in a 4-4-2 with Bannan and Young out wide. Blues were there for the taking on about 70 minutes, but once we lost our attacking impetus, it was inevitable that our leaky defence would concede and manage to **** things up. Again. I've no idea what the hell is going on with our back 4, but something needs to be done, and quickly. We're relegation fodder at the minute.

  4. Ray Mears every single time. I'd rather have someone build me a canoe to get across a freezing lake than someone who would expect me to strip off, wrap my clothes inside a dead animal and swim across, however manly it may be.

  5. Feel very sorry for Houllier. He's walked into a total mess of a club (playing wise).
    Are you having a laugh?

    No. Lets look at it logically. We lost our best player over the summer, replacing him with a much inferior model in the process. This was our only summer activity. Our manager then resigned just before the season started to be replaced by the reserve manager who while being a nice guy was pretty much out of his depth. We have an error prone defence, a strike force that couldn't score in a brothel, a ridiculous injury list, and one of the least intimidating midfields in the premiership. How the hell can anyone blame Houllier for the current predicament?

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