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Posts posted by PieFacE

  1. Yeah the only reason i got a 3DTV is cos i was in the market for a new TV.

    Kinda makes sense to go 3D....

    You'd have paid £1500 for the TV i got a year ago without the 3D function anyway,so it's not as if they cost thousands of pounds more anyway...

  2. I really don't see what all of the fuss is about. It's not like it's a new invention or anything.

    Although the theory of 3D is old tech, the way it's done now is new and very much improved.

  3. So i've just got my 3D TV, PS3 and the new Wipeout 3D game!

    Quite excited to try it out and see how it looks...

    But i'm curious, how many of you would get involved in 3D gaming?

    Thoughts on it?

  4. Stop going?

    Haha... we go and sign some really class players and you'd stop going?

    Come on, apart from maybe 10 clubs in the whole of the English footballing league, we're just as bad as Man.City. It's not as if we're some Division 2 club who are skint and not spending any money. We've spent an absolute fortune as it is, we're doing exactly what Man.City are doing but on a lesser scale. Chucking money at it.

  5. I think it will do us far more damage then good!

    Even with 28m, i don't have faith that we'll bring in a player who will fill the gap Milner will leave.

    I hope i'm proved wrong, sad day for us if Milner does leave.

    Bit of a piss take really, what must MON think? Everytime he helps a player develop, they just **** off!

  6. Yeah as well as having a linesman, have a 'goalsman' so to speak.

    Like they did in the Europa League?

    Where in the first year of it's use they managed to send the wrong person off for an incident in the penalty area?

    Introducing more humans just brings more human error....

  7. Not that we were ever wondering about City going for Gabby + Milner for £44m.

    I believe it was our fav billy bullshitters in the whole world - The Mirror who fabricated this lie 5 minutes to some fat arse journalists column deadline. It has been pretty much laughed at by Gabby on Twitter. And yes it is the real Agbonlahor.

    What's been said?

    Think i've missed this Gabby link...

    What did Gabby say?

  8. All the players you have mentioned have been a lot better than Rooney (bar maybe Torres who has rushed back from a knee operation).

    Fair enough Rooney may be injured and not recovered but that is just how I see it.

    Hold on...

    So Torres has just come back from an injury and has been horrific but it's used as an excuse to why he's playing badly?

    Rooney is obviously carrying an injury and suddenly he's poorer then everyone else???

    I'm sorry, but carrying an injury is worse then coming back from one.

  9. I don't think Rooney is over-hyped at all. I don't think any of the English players are over-hyped.... they prove what they can do at club level.

    I just think that collection of players as a team is over-hyped, and just do not perform well as a team. Each player definitely has the talent, to say someone like Rooney is over-hyped after the way they perform for one of the biggest clubs in the world is just stupid imo.

  10. Trent - would you have any problems with a chip in the ball that JUST demonstrates when a ball does cross the line for a goal and when it doesn't. Forget everything else for now, just a simple system to distinguish what is a goal, and what isnt.

    Then everything else can be left to the refs?

  11. The frustration is an aspect of this game. It's horrific when it happens but glorious when you get it go for you. And theres an enjoyment at wrongness of the decision - it's part of the fun.

    Maybe i'm just a pessimist who only remembers when it goes against you rather then for you?

  12. So yeah as i said, you'd use them only when necessary...

    Simply question. Do you think they would only be used when necessary or do you accept that managers would miss use the system to their advantage?

    And yeah, They will manipulate and abuse it completely. I agree with you there.

  13. You would be okay with that? Ok with that sort of thing happening in countless games every weekend just to avoid the odd bad decision once in a while?

    Well... no, i wouldn't be. Maybe there should be an appealing system for certain things, goal line, offside, red cards maybe...

    I'm not too sure what the actual answer is, and i understand and respect your view and to an extent, i agree with it.

    But i do believe something can be done for it to work.

  14. Why couldn't everything be appealed? I thought the problem here was poor decisions? Any poor decision can have an enormous effect of the game. So you have to allow any decision to be reviewed.

    Because an appealing system is a compromise from nothing being appealed which is very frustrating when it goes against you, to everything being appealed because it would ruin the game.

  15. It would be easy to find 3 things to appeal in one minute let alone 3 minutes.

    Yeah but you're missing the point, you wouldnt just appeal anything because it wouldnt be logical.... why waste your appeals on 3 minor incidents which don't really matter.

    So yeah as i said, you'd use them only when necessary...

  16. So what happens when they've made 3 appeals and the ref makes an absolute howler later on?

    You've solved nothing, just added a new tactic and ruined the flow of the game.

    Leave the game alone.

    Well i think the point is you dont appeal unless it's totally neccesary.

    How often do you see 3 major incidents in one game which would be appealed?

    If they don't use their appeals wisely, then it's their own fault surely.

    You are missing the point.

    Why? What is the point? Subs were introduced to improve the game, as a manager you take the risk when using them as you only get 3.

    Why cant that theory be applied to appeals?

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