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Posts posted by trekka

  1. Valentine is done

    Here but now they're gone

    Romeo and Juliet

    Are together in eternity...Romeo and Juliet

    40,000 men and women everyday...Like Romeo and Juliet

    40,000 men and women everyday...Redefine happiness

    Another 40,000 coming everyday...We can be like they are

    Come on baby...don't fear the reaper

    Baby take my hand...don't fear the reaper

    We'll be able to fly...don't fear the reaper

    Say no more.

  2. BUT for interviews and the like, you really must have a shave :D

    When I'm interviewing, I like to see someone fairly smart if that's what the job requires, but lots of people wear stubble and that doesn't matter at all.

    I think when you ask this question you're focussing on the wrong thing really - you're not going to get a job because of the way you shave. You'll get it if you're honest, they think you can hack it and there ain't no-one they like better. Simple as.

    Problem is, as much as there are people (like yourself) who have the right attitude to it all and concentrate on what exactly is required for the job - there will be other people out there who will not be as impressed whatever answer you give.

    It all depends on the job and the interviewer but for the sake of a bit of stubble that I could grow back within a day or 2, I wouldn't take my chances to see what kind of interviewer I got if it's the job I really wanted. Take away any ammunition for them not to give you the job based on first impressions and you're halfway there.

  3. I do hate shaving, don't get me wrong. In fact, when I don't have to attend meetings I tend to ignore it and shave on the weekend. I also suffer from irritation after so maybe I'll erm experiement with different oils and such. BUT for interviews and the like, you really must have a shave :D

  4. Well in that case if you really want the job - have a shave and dress to impress. If not then go wearing your jeans and trainers and don't worry what they think just as long as they don't think you're something you're not.

    It's a job end of the day - get your priorities right and lose the stubble for 1 day. Just my opinion.

    What job is it anyway? That could make a big difference.

  5. If it's only thin stubble then shave it off and it'll grow back within no time. Personally speaking, if I was to interview someone and they hadn't shaved, I would probably think he hasn't made the effort. Might be the wrong opinion to have but then even when I have internal meetings at work, I always shave and wear a tie just out of respect - that includes meetings with people I usually see everyday.

  6. Hope Bristol City go up as would be a good away day, been to Palace, Hull and Watford with Villa recently so would be a but different. Good city for the weekend too

    Yep, Bristol is actually a pretty nice place. Would still like Palace to go up mind but Bristol would definitely be a grand day out.

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