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Posts posted by KSV

  1. I have to say, even before that performance MON has really disappointed me with the squad he has STARTED the premier league season..the commentator said something about the fans being 'quiet and frustrated' and said its most likely 'the fans not excited enough with the transfer signings' and it makes sense. MON i know is trying to build a squad.. but he really needs to invest in players who can excite the fans and the fans will be buzzing.

    The fact that noone worth while has come in at all with the players we have lost.. just adds to the disappointment and with that type of performance we can only jump on the bandwagon of voicing our frustration at the manager. Its been 3 years and our squad is getting smaller.. and lacking quality IMO. I hope you can pass off the frustration we are feeling with MON.. i know you dont like to discuss transfers.. and im not expecting a response with this.. but i just want you to pass this onto Randy especially.. We need to spend... whether its Randy or MON thats not spending.. i dont know... if the funds ARE available and MON isnt bringing in that quality then he needs to go. Im sure he may bring in one or two more defenders but thats what scares me.. this squad needs more.. 3-4 players that actually START... a quality striker a creative CM and a few centre backs and a left back.

    Please pass on our frustration.

  2. Problem is we lack any spark upfront.. Gabby and Heskey need to be fed and its not happening. They cant create anything themselves.. Tuncay wouldnt actually be a bad signing.. but hey were not interested in him either.. We need creative players.. VDV Tuncay bring them in. Look at Heskeys replacement at Wigan.. fucken screamer of a goal...

  3. and look at the bench.. absolute rubbish options really... couple games like this.. we will be calling for his head..

    i know its early.. but hes brought in some real rubbish players and has not bought well at all. Delph looks WAY out of his depth.. can see the potential but he is really not ready yet.

    Should have eased him in... Shorey what a joke of a signing.. Heskey is pile of poo.. Gabby should be a back up striker..... Milners been good.. Ash is too predictable.. theyve figured him out now.Petrovs done nothing.. Davies cant mark for shit.

    Absolute rubbish... we need 5-6 players to be co mpetitive.. top 4.. having a laugh.

  4. General Krulak here:

    1. A wee bit off the subject but something worth thinking about: Delph made two very important comments: a) I've been to look at the grounds and its absolutely mindblowing." There are some who question the work on infrastructure...that all that counts is what takes place on the Pitch. Delph made the point that when you are at "decision time", infrastructure plays a part...whether it is Villa Park or the Training Facility, or etc. B) "I want to play for MON". There are some who question our Manager's methods during Transfer Season...well, in the past 24 hours, our Club has been praised for its professionalism and Delph indicated a key reason for coming with the Villa was MON. Once again, I ask the Fans to trust in MON...we do.

    That is definitely true General. We all recognise that. However on your last point, yes Delph a 19 year old league 1 player was signed due to MON.. but what alot of us want to see are the Sneijder or Van Der Vaart type players saying this, just to show some ambition. These type of players.. 'marquee' type signings to excite the fans and even the players. Just look at Sidwells recent comments.

    Obviously this marquee signing needs to fit into MON's plans and such.. but you cant say that a player of Sneijder quality doesnt come into MON's ideal player.

  5. General,

    I know transfer questions are a no go.. but do we consider signings on larger wages ie.. 100k a week.

    Reason i ask is... Someone like Wesley Sneijder signing.. the amount of jerseys with his name on it... the fact that the ambition is shown.. would fill the stadium every week and give the whole place a huge lift.

    Would Randy allow this if MON wanted it? Is it ever considered?

  6. im not saying that they are going to go for top 10. Just that this squad is shit. Ofcourse with a few more signings and the 4 players or so that are missing its better. But nonetheless this particular squad that was picked is shit.. if you did pick that squad for just the Premier League without the rest.. would you be happy with it? Luckily 4 players are to come back and hopefuly 4 or 5 more signings.

  7. I can relate. Being a Villa fan all my life.. or probably since i was 5 more like it... and in australia.. Villa is not very well supported. Most my friends support Liverpool or Arsenal.. and the odd Chelsea and Man Utd fans... Mostly Liverpool ive noticed in australia.. so to support villa especially through the hard times was rough but it makes it all more exciting now coming through all that.

    I wont stop supporting them as we start getting more successful.. its just my chance to gloat back now!

  8. How goods the General.......... weve blasted him with questions for almost 500 pages.. no doubt repeating the same old questions yet he answers with aplomb. Your a star General! Sometimes just having him on board reminds me we are past the old doom and gloom days of Douglas Ellis. This is the real ITK thread right here!

    Im sure if a signing was around the corner he would give us a hint that something will be announced.

  9. Hi General,

    I know you dont like discussing transfers and your not in the know as such.. but im sure you know some things and dont want to reveal! I understand that... but just for 'expectational' purposes... are any signings going to be big signings ie.. over 10 million on one player.. or a big name signing? are these high profile players being looked at or have we spoken to any in the past but not worked out?

    Its just so i dont be disappointed when so-so players are brought in only! I dont mind if they come along with a few high profile signings. Sorry again to bring it up :)

  10. General, as i'm sure you'll know, some people will always be pessimistic & sometimes down right rude & idiotic on this thread. I want to tell you that I, and many other Villa fans back you, Randy & MON 100%. There will be alot of silly posts on this thread when Barry leaves (If those scumbags can find the money) but hopefully you can ignore them & carry on the great work you are doing.

    And I know you don't talk about transfers but tell MON to keep an eye on Rafael Van Der Vaart, Klass-Jan Huntelaar, Miguel Veloso & Joao Moutinho. :winkold: :winkold: :)

    Id like to know if we even bother looking or making offers for these sorts of players or do we think we are too smalltime to even bother.

  11. General,

    We understand that at the end of the day this decision comes to Gareth.

    BUT, please get a very good price for him, as I worry that this summer with the new TV deal, there will be stupid stupid money thrown around. Just because (if he does go) Gareth will be one of the early summer deals don't accept a deal of pittance like £10m, there WILL be bigger money spent on far worse players this summer.

    We've been taken to the cleaners so many times over deals, let's try and get good money if we have to sell.

    Id like to reiterate this post. General... tell Randy to hold out as much as possible for Barry.. considering Carrick and Heagraves both went over 20 mil and they were behind Barry for England just goes to show how much hes worth. Barry is still young with so much experience.. a captain.. and of real quality. Anything less than 20 million is robbery. Im sure they know.. but pass it on.. the fans would be furious if he leaves.. but if thats the only option.. it will help if Villa finally get a decent return off him.

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