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Posts posted by Tezvilla

  1. Just starting to run. Did my first 3 miles in 24 mins. Any good? Any ideas on ways for me to progress for next year's half marathon.

    Yes it's very good. Depending on lots of factors, 10 mins / mile is the general average starting point.

    Just go out further and longer. You may need to slow down a bit but you're starting from a very good base.

    How many days a week should I be running? What kind of distance should I be increasing per week? Is eating gonna be a major factor? Sorry about all the questions just curious.

    I'm happy to be in a position to answer!

    All depends on what you want. It's as simple as the more you run, the faster and further you go, and if you weigh less you go faster.

    Extra weight is your enemy so get as light as you can, but leg and core muscle is worth the weight up to a certain point.

    Eating, just stop eating cakes, sweets and rubbish. A balanced diet outside of those will give you everything you need. Try to eat more protein normally and more carbs the day or 2 before a race / long run.

    Everyone has an opinion on how much to increase per week, how much you should be doing etc. I just think you run as much as you can whenever you can because life dictates you'll have to have days off now and again. If I could I would run every day (and sometimes do). If you're already at 8 minute miles, you already have a decent fitness base so you'll breeze up to 4, then 6, then 8, then 10. Generally for your first HM you don't need to train above 10 miles. My only advice is to start each run slow. It's tempting to go out fast but you absolutely have to wait 5-10 mins before pushing on. The time you'll make up on the rest of the run will more than compensate for the slow first mile.

    Something like this would be the standard running schedule until you find something that suits better:

    Monday: easy run, distance depending on how you feel.

    Tuesday: rest

    Wednesday: 4 miles fartlek (pick a random point and sprint to it as fast as you can, jog slowly while recovering, then repeat)

    Thursday: rest

    Friday: 4 miles medium effort

    Saturday: rest

    Sunday: long run, step up 2 miles every week to 10 miles, then reset it.

    On your rest days you could do core work, like planks, pull ups, push ups, kettle bells, free weights etc if you see fit.

    I did 7 miles today in a hour . I felt like I had possibly 9 if not 10 miles in me but started to get a slight pain in my knee so decided to stop. I decided to slow it down as I wasn't progressing as much as I would have liked. Also i haven't trained as much as I would have liked and I'm spending more time building my core strength as I felt this would be very important due to my aches and general tightness the next day.
    • Like 1
  2. I'm driving to this game as im coming from Worcester when usually id get the bus up and drink. Where is best for parking to miss the traffic as i don't want to get back to Worcester too late. I was thinking star city? any ideas?

  3. 3-4 mil for a 31 year old with 6 months left on his contract, clearly not a key player for a lower than midtabld side? Come off it. Any club other than us and you'd cash in at 1.5mil. McNally is such a petty child though, he'd rather lose him for nothing in the summer.

    He's got 18months left of his contract hasn't he?
  4. I don't know why Mata even wants to go to Utd.

    He's probably getting a nice slice of the £37,000,000 transfer fee

    He's probably getting a pay rise

    He has secured a contract which takes him further into his career than his current deal with Chelsea

    He'll get more game time

    He'll increase his chances of playing in the World Cup in Brazil

    He'll be signing for one of (if not the) biggest clubs in the world

    He'll get to play in the League Cup final at Wembley

    will he?
  5. Lo

    Hi gents, It is not the French chap, I am afraid you are being trolled. Gentleman
    Good guess and with a bit of luck your be right and you can claim your ITK when in all honestly your not are you.
    I will not be claiming ITK, it means nothing to me. Am I not allowed to join in with speculation on this thread?

    Gentleman your on a massive wind up here you are not ITK.
    Okay, if you believe so.
    Your giving the impression your ITK and since hairy hands has disappeared Alot of people will want to Believe you when the fact is your just attention seeking and know nothing more than me.
    Okay, if you believe so. We are going OT this thread is not about me.
  6. Hi gents, It is not the French chap, I am afraid you are being trolled. Gentleman
    Good guess and with a bit of luck your be right and you can claim your ITK when in all honestly your not are you.
    I will not be claiming ITK, it means nothing to me. Am I not allowed to join in with speculation on this thread?

    Gentleman your on a massive wind up here you are not ITK.
    Okay, if you believe so.
    Your giving the impression your ITK and since hairy hands has disappeared Alot of people will want to Believe you when the fact is your just attention seeking and know nothing more than me.
  7. I don't see the problem with this signing. He's scored goals at all levels. He puts himself about. And I believe him to have a football brain. Although not to the same extent I think we will be pleasantly surprised just like we was with Keane. It's about time we have a mister nasty and someone in our team with a bit of weight to throw about. Yes I agree he's not what we all wanted but surely a vastly experienced player to help out the younger lads is exactly what we've been crying out for. Yes it's underwhelming but not a bad signing by all accounts

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    It will be as podcast shortly,


    PF: cool hard facts, weve made progress. team more solid this year harder to break down

    PF: Boos a sign of frustration rather than critique

    PF: Window an opportunity to improve squad. majority of planning in summer

    PF. We feel good about where we are.... F**king disgrace


    PF. Randys always on the phone. Hes great. Talk regularly

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