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Posts posted by Tubby

  1. Is there an alterior motive here? Surely we can't have this poll all through the season if the result stays the same. MON will be here at the end of the season, alll next season and I would hazard a guess at the season beyond that. Its the way it works at the Villa these days!

  2. Just to clear something up for the PM brigade, this isn't actually me.

    8) :bonk:

    You've got to post some of those pm's, please, please, please.

    I agree, that would be hilarious. Though leave the names off, I think that'd be a bit harsh!

    Yeah post them. Names too...

  3. A bit of Browns chat General...

    With a week to go until the start of the NFL regular season I would say that the Browns are looking in fairly good shape. 2-2 in pre season is not bad - certainly a lot better than last year - and if they went 8-8 for the regular season I am guessing that most people would be pretty pleased with that. Mangini has defintely moulded a squad quickly and dilligently, rostering players that are going to do a job in their position. I do however think that the running game is still weak, JL will be lucky to see out the season if you ask me. However, it is nice to see 9 rookies involved in the 52 rostered players and the whole set up does remind me somewhat of our own at the Villa. If they can avoid major injuries like last season and if the offense works this time around I think it will be an exciting 4 months ahead.

    Last thing - Brady Quinn should get THE starting job and I think he probably will.



  4. General,

    Please wish all our new signings and the rest of team well for the remainder of the season. I think Martin has built a good squad with opportunities to develop a few of our younger talents still available. People will moan about not replacing Barry, but who's to say we needed to or wanted to? Maybe this is a new direction, on paper it certainly looks like a new Villa and the depth is so much better compared to the last two seasons. From three years ago to now, I would suggest that we can continue to look forward with optimism.

    Thanks and up the Villa


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