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Posts posted by paddy

  1. What happens when you have 5 people in hospital all in need of different organs? Do you kill a healthy person to get the organs to save them? If you flicked the switch you should, because it's essentially the same thing. Until you intervened the 5 were dying and the one was alive, so what's the difference now?

    This is exactly what the follow up poll was going to be. I think we'll get some rather different results...

  2. Does this have anything to do with how for the cost of saving one child by performing an operation which has been fundraised for by a family, upwards of five people in Africa die? Or perhaps it doesn't matter whether or not you flick the switch as it probably won't affect you too much. Having the option to flick the switch is more of an incovenience than anyone dying.

    What about a bomb ticking to kill one person in London, or you can flick a switch and kill 5 people in Mozambique, but save the Londoner?

    This is leading onto another scenario. Not one of those but reasonably similar to one I guess.

  3. Hmm.

    Where is the 'walk away and leave it to someone else' option :P

    Nah, i guess the obvious would be the 'flip the switch killing the one' as 5 lives are more important than 1 and all that.

    However taking into account the problems with over-population and my general feeling that people are words removed then i'd probably leave it to kill all 5. The one dude/ladette would probably appreciate my gratitude and do something worthwhile with their life whereas if i saved the five they'd probably take it for granted and continued their lives in vain.


    :D I like it, thinking from a selfish rather than moral stand point!

  4. I remember hearing this a while ago, but for some reason it popped up into my head the other day so I thought I'd ask what you'd do. There's a follow up thread to come once I see what the majority view here is (and I think I know what it will be).

    So for those of you who don't know it, here's the problem as given by Wikipedia...

    A trolley is running out of control down a track. In its path are 5 people who have been tied to the track by the mad philosopher. Fortunately, you can flip a switch, which will lead the trolley down a different track to safety. Unfortunately, there is a single person tied to that track. Should you flip the switch?
  5. Was talking to my mate the other day about something, and I can't even remember what it was, but he said "it's like marmite isn't it" meaning you either love it or nate it.

    Apparently you either love or hate marmite. But I don't. It's alright.

    So just wondering if I'm alone in this.

  6. I voted for one worldy and a few better players BUT I think we could have been top 4 last year and this year if MON had shown a bit more flexibility in his selections and had made tactical changes where necessary.

    We are not a million miles away.

    Yes, but this thread isn't about 'just' being in the top 4. It's about regular top 4 pushing for the title. Which, unfortunately, is a step up again unfortunately.

  7. Another one sent to me by an occasional VT visitor but haven't seen it on here, as he said when he sent it, it's a serious groan inducer:

    Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson are lying in bed one night. Sherlock goes to the kitchen and comes back with a jar of lemon curd. Quickly he turns Watson over and smears it round his arsehole. "Sherlock, what the hell are you doing?!" cried Watson. Sherlock smiles and replied "It's lemon entry my dear Watson".

  8. just need striker who can peform world class standard in cheap fee (6 mil to 15 mil) - like bent or defoes level.

    if not so world class striker (12 - 25 mil) will be good enough for we get top 4.

    other thing we need - deep lay playmaker - defence hardcore with full ability forward pass or killer pass.

    like barry, sandro or veloso style. partner with attack playmaker (milner) will will full range threat middle and winger will more threat that current.

    most top required to led top 4 are striker my opition, maybe 2 striker if we sell both heskey and carew.


    striker. i'm think we should give fonz a go with partner gabby for 1/4 season maybe 1/2 season help fonz improve his skill and expenice so we might not need sign world class striker. as fonz all round.

    mind you all i poor english, if mod will to help change english for me.

    Don't worry about it mate we can understand you. Your English is still better than some of the English posters on here...

  9. Cant believe he plays Cuellar instead Young.

    Cant see us attracting top players unless we qualify for CL, but i think we're only 2 top players from being right up there.

    Well it's qualify for CL or blow a huge amount of cash on one. Tevez was easily persuaded to move once the pay packet was big enough.

    While we don't necessarily want someone purely motivated by money... but it might be the only way. Tevez clearly went there for money but it's not like he can't motivate himself to play for them (but then Robinho couldn't)

  10. Define "world class" and I can answer the question.

    Doesn't necessarily have to be the best player in their position in the world. But in the top 5 or so I reckon. Basically, one of the best players in the world. I don't think it's necessarily something you can quantify.

    I know the phrase 'world class' annoys people and it's not exactly my favourite phrases earlier, but 'top class' didn't sound right and wasn't sure what else to call them.

  11. I'd been thinking about this in recent weeks. But a comment in the Guardian this morning about the only difference between the teams yesterday was Rooney (though Phil Dowd obviously helped them...) got me thinking about it again.

    We have a good team, and some good players but no real world class stars.

    Just looking at this season:

    Against Arsenal we were matching them pretty well until Fabregas came on scored twice and trotted off again.

    Against Liverpool we were fine until Torres stepped up in the last minute and finished us off (and in the past Gerrard has done so).

    Against Utd it wasn't so clear cut as in the other games mentioned above, and obviously Valencia and Dowd played their part, but I think it's fair to say Rooney was the main difference between the teams.

    I think it's a bit different with Chelsea, although they have Drogba, I think they're very strong in other parts of the team and the rest of their team is significantly stronger than our basic team with players like Essien, Anelka, Terry (some would argue), Ashley Cole etc etc.

    So if we put a 'world class' player in our team would it push us up into top 4 regulars and title challengers, or is more required?

    Just to be clear I'm NOT looking for suggestions of players who can take us to the next level. Just how far away we are and maybe where they should play (either central midfield or striker I guess).

    edit: Definition of world class for the purposes of this thread - Doesn't necessarily have to be the best player in their position in the world. But in the top 5 or so I reckon. Basically, one of the best players in the world. I don't think it's necessarily something you can quantify.

    And as we're talking about attacking players, the sort who've got that bit of magic that can pretty much win a Premiership game on their own, like Fabregas did against us this season.

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