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Posts posted by Rodders

  1. Good grief what an extraordinary result. One of the best away wins I can remember in a long time, given the nature of the game, I can't recall a come from behind game like that. In reverse Windies doing it to us at Headingly a few years ago comes to mind, but, and I could have blanked some really obvious ones, can't think of a game like that for a while.

    Full credit to the team, Stokes, Hartley, Pope, and Foakes and Ahmed with crucial contributions with the bat too.

    Series on!


  2. Wow, what an effort from England. Pope with his best century ever there. And Hartley with three already. Got a decent chance of winning now. Would still back India  but full credit...

    ... but does make you think, what if they'd had a couple of warm up matches beforehand, get some of Hartleys nerves out of the way there, get some of our batters more middle time

    • Like 3
  3. More centre left than left as I go on. But partly i think I say that as a retort to elements of the left who seem militantly obsessed with special interest issues. But I would emphasise the word 'seem' and do realise the RW media fan the culture war bollocks quite alot. 

    Economically i don't view myself as ideological but do simply think that there are so many valid criticisms of the status quo, of rigged systems that widen inequalities that it can seem that way. But if the evidence genuinely shows that market options will solve a problem then I hope I'd acknowledge that. Obviously small business' need support, but not if you need to pay slave labour wages for them to thrive.

    I loathe the default response of 'human nature' to justify self interested selfishness. I'd much rather have functioning public services than a few rich words removed getting richer. There's no justification for tax breaks for anyone whilst we have food banks. 

    I'm a believer in investing in people, saving money with long term approaches. Support people now, you then don't have exhausted under trained police having to deal with people abandoned by broken systems.

    Patriotism, I am fine with people wanting to feel pride or a sense of community in where they come from and ideas of traditions. I'm not fine when people want to put their fingers in their ears and treat criticisms of empire or British history as self-hating etc. I prefer a grown up complex engagement with our past rather than an infantilising desire to say England good, others bad.  People who feel threatened by any change irritate the hell out of me, I.e. when they think radicals have taken over the National  Trust for talking about slavery and stuff like that. It happened you **** piss ignorant rocket polisher. We don't get anywhere by closing our eyes and trying to dismiss it as something that was in the past. So I'm quite militant on stuff like that, no patience at all for people who are essentially saying 'why can't everything be like it was when I grew up'.



    • Like 2
  4. If there's one game I want us to win this season it's this one. Revenge for the opening day horrorshow and they remain as ever, a despicable club. Hoping for 5 -0 is optimistic and will take a scrawny late winner in necessary but please just beat these revolting pricks

    • Like 2
  5. On 25/01/2024 at 19:28, Captain_Townsend said:

    It's always our key players and always at the worst time. Honestly believe he has been a massive loss these past few weeks.

    Hard to say this is the worst time when we've barely played any games! If it happens in March then it will be shite.

    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, OutByEaster? said:

    It's interesting in a way that it's actually quite difficult for us to field a significantly weakened team - beyond the first team group that regularly play, we don't actually have very many players.


    The subs rule skews ideas of squad strength a bit though. When it was 5 subs for ages and even 7 subs, we'd never have had any of this discussions, or ot wouldn't have come up so often. We have a core squad and first team with some alternatives. A few injuries hurts most teams really. I guess there are fewer young players at the stage of being trusted with the bench  they're either in the side or out on loan so it's the rawer Younger kids but imagine the squad with 16 or 18 instead of 20 and it looks more normal

    • Like 1
  7. Shame to see Draper and Raducanu both out. Think, another month or so and maybe both win their games, Emma at least. Physically nearly there but was hanging on and in pure fight mode at the end. But pretty encouraging in other respects. 

    Meanwhile Blinkova knocks out Rybakina with a 22-20 tie break decider :o  God that would be incredibly tense. 

  8. Saltburn - WTF was that about. Some seriously gross scenes and god just a house where you want everyone to be blown to smithereens. Different, but not a film I have inclination to watch again. 2 hours in the company of that **** psycho and the others was quite enough

  9. Nah, I'm pretty sure he'll quit this year, I think the disillusionment is seeping in re his performances. He was so flat in his defeat. He won't tolerate much more of that. If he doesn't have a significant improvement in results, I can see him calling it a day at Wimbledon this year.

    If Jack Draper avoids all those injury, cramp issues that plagued him last year, he's going to shoot up the rankings, be a top 20 player come the end of the year I'd have thought. 

  10. Cold weather actually woke me this morning. So cold it gave me a headache. Piss off. If it's going to be cold have the decency to bring a mountain's worth of snow with you. 

  11. Luiz and Kamara ought to be going nowhere. Same with Mcginn. If we end up having to sell main players, then Bailey, Digne, Cash are options to move on in the summer. Though I doubt we'll sell Bailey. Digne and Cash most likely in the summer along with Dendonker. Then getting these value free transfer moneyballing options through Monchi I guess as replacements. 

    • Like 1
  12. I did watch Gladiators  for the nostalgia factor. But not anymore. Quite obviously, it's one thing being enthrall to it when you're 10, and quite another nearly 30 years later. Unwatchable :D  One and done. 

    Slow Horses season 3 was great, and just enjoyed Hijack, both on Apple. Though the latter decided to just end the show with things not entirely wrapped up which was annoying, really was like they'd randomly cut out the 10 minutes you'd expect to still be seeing at the point it finished. 

  13. 12 days to to the next game, plenty of time for him ( and Pau ) to recover more fully. And even then, that's a cup game so, if they're going to take time with the niggles, let it be now.

  14. Yeah city are going to win at a canter. They'll do their win 15 in a row shtick again which is insane. **** the cheating words removed though.

    We will do very well to repeat our first half results. That would get us to c80 points. At this point, until or unless proven differently, we'll end up on 75 ish. Still an excellent total though

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  15. Technically, sure which is amazing, but I'm happy to focus on finishing top 4 for now. If we're still there in a couple of months time then dare to dream, but game by game I'm looking at how spurs and arsenal are doing

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