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Posts posted by Denis_B

  1. actually in today's mail they have a picture of Ellis presenting a trophy at the variety club awards and boy does he look thin and very ill despite obvious touch up on the picture.

    An apparent true story. At this event Bobby Davro was on stage and said

    'Aren't you Doug Ellis, Chairman of Aston Villa?'

    DE smiling.... 'Yes, thats me'

    BD ' Mr.Ellis did you ever meet Frank Sinatra?'

    De 'No, unfortunately not'

    BD ' Never mind you soon will'

    And some people say some on here are cruel

  2. Not getting excited at all.... I've learnt the hard way not to. Merely giving facts. I haven't even heard he is definately on or even any other comment then I read elsewhere.

    If anything it is going to be a 'tits up' statement about the takeover.

  3. It has been posted on 'another site' that Michael Neville is on Radio WM tomorrow morning at 07.00. This is the time announcememnts of significance are released via the stock exchange.

    Anyone listened to WM that can confirm?

  4. Old Fart

    There are all sorts of wierd and wonderful posts on this site that offer all sorts of wierd and wonderful views and opinions of Aston Villa and all who sail in her.......... but one thing that should NEVER be forgotten is we love OUR club with untold passion and sometimes we show our passion too literally.

  5. Sod the pedigree, the Egyptians had pedigree as did the Romans, lot of good it did them today.

    Aston Villa as a club are a shell of their once great past, and its time their fans broke out of fantasy land and into realityville

    Thats it then. Lets all forget about any chance of glory, winning or success. :?

    Mind you I thought the reason that many fans on here are clamouring for the removal of Ellis and some for DOL is that they are in realityville and want things to change to have a chance of returning to fantasy lane.

    Or is it just the case that someone is talking b******s? :winkold:

  6. What this article does raise is that IF Ellis was in anyway likely to sell to Comer and Co WHY would Rothschild go to the tme and considerable expence of producing and publishing glossy materials to distribute world wide offering the club for sale?

    It confirms the information I had in late December (page 14 of this thread) that Ellis has no intention whatsoever to sell to Neville, Comer et al.

  7. Not important Malcolm just an 'arrogant prig' as you so eloquently like to say.

    Please forgive me for failing t oagree with your every word and daring to have an opinion of my own. I know you are the expert on all things AV as you are so quick to tell us.

    A discussion board thrives on differing opinions so if you don't like it you know what you can do!

    Other than not saying O'leary is the next messiah exactly what did the above post do to cause yo to act so childishly.... please tell oh lord and master!

  8. So as he couldnt raise £64m, he's trying to raise £40m and just buy out the big boys. He would be forced to make the same offer to all the other shareholders, so must assume we won't accept his offer, or he will be asking us not to accept the offer so that he can use the rest of his funds(?) for player purchases? If this was done through issuing new equity then that would be great, if was done through a private loan, less so.

    This is the main problme Gringo as no one is saying anything. Generally I am supportive of Nevilles bid but only as it means Ellis will go BUT he still needs to convince me he and his group are the best thing for AVFC.

    If they came out with their plans they may get a lot of support from fans and that would help the transition if/when they take over.

  9. Here's hoping we get relegatged then Denis you may have it spot on for a change.

    If so thats one more than you Malc :)

    Funny last time I looked at the table we had 30 points. There are several games we should have won this season and failed for one reason or another.

    We will be safe if we beat Pompey, B-lose and Baggies BUT will the team that goes out have the fight for such games?.... we were out fought only a few weeks ago by West Ham so whats changed? Two local Derbies that are alsways unpredictable and Pompey may have gelled by then.

    By the time we play Sunderland they will be down and hopefully we will know we are safe so it is the other three matches that count.

    Contrary to Malcolms views of me I WANT Villa to do well, win and succeed BUT with poor management from top to bottom it ain't necessarily gonna happen.

  10. Home games against Sunderland, SHA, Pompey and WBA should allow us to pull ourselves clear of any trouble we may find ourselves in.

    Like the wins we should have had v West Spam and Barcodes

  11. Why d osome people want this thread closed?

    They aren't forced to read it but some of us still wish to read and debate this issue

    But the fact there is nothing to debate now means it pointless. i dont know if its possible but maybe it should be frozen until some real factual evidence becomes available.

    Well leave it to those, like John and Ian who are doing a good job

  12. this thread is pointless.

    How many more times are you going to say that or something similar?

    How many more times are you going to insert :yawn: one of these after someones post?

    As I said several pages ago if you don't like it don't bother and leave it to those who wish to post to do so without inane comments from you. :)

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