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Everything posted by Denis_B

  1. Should that read 'A fans'?
  2. Don't know why it's uninformed bollocks really
  3. What magazine? Who? It seems the Mail group is now scraping the barrel to find someone who is anti Lerner. So Jon Fear and Naz are lying then? He didn't speak to them? As for the bollocks about Casinos etc the man must be blind stupid or just stirring it up!
  4. So David who are the Danes involved?.... if Paddy won't tell us I am sure you can
  5. I think they referred themselves to the TO panel by Paddyfields own crass stupidity in talking to the press!
  6. Septics, as in 'Septic Tanks' = Yanks...... pretty poor UK humour I suppose
  7. OK but having been away from the PC for 2 hours and come back to find it has grown so much I thought something had happened. Can't we have a sticky 'I love the Septics' thread?
  8. Could most of the last three pages been conducted by PM? And why is it necessary to quote the whole post in each reply? - Laziness?
  9. But talking to the press about their plans and slagging off a recommended bidder I believe is contrary to Stock Exchange Rules.
  10. I think they can call him a VERY naughty boy and slap his legs Not sure but I am certain one of our 'beancounting' buddies can help
  11. AV06 have been refusesd access to the books as they won't sign a confidentiality agreement. And you know that for a fact? I know it has been in the papers that they have not signed a confidentiality agreement, but is that still the case and was that the truth to beging with? Well considering they claimed that if the board didn't pander to their wishes they would skulk off and buy another club I can't see any way that they would be allowed access......... PUT UP OR SHUT UP! Unfortunately they have done neither.
  12. Missed it but Neville was on WM 20 minutes ago.... anyone know what was said?
  13. AV06 have been refusesd access to the books as they won't sign a confidentiality agreement.
  14. As for my comment last night LEE-av...... The Lerner bid speaks to the SA/VFC and shares ideas and now ST releases a statement that seems strangely timed given Padfields comments. Read into what I say how you like
  15. Whatever happens I understand that the 'regulatory authorities' of the stock exchange are none too chuffed with Mr.Padfield QC and his comments of yesterday..... I think his fingers are going to gert burnt over this one
  16. I'll do it for you, he's a cock. A cock and a knobend. I belive you are wrong in that comment and the abuse is totally unnecessary
  17. Why would Padfield need to worry about due diligence?.... if his lot are as rich as he claims a few million missing here and there would be of no importance
  18. Looking at what has been said today I have one question Have AV06 been spealing to the Supporters Trust in the knowledge that Mr.Lerner and associates have been in regular dialogue with The Shareholders Association?
  19. fortereliables i/d and credibility was vouched for last week... certainlt by me .... so lay off and lets concentrate on
  20. But if he's the front man he is responsible
  21. Not as sceptical as I am of Padfield.... and the second part is a COMPLETE AND UTTER LIE.......... Hear me a LIE!...... come on sue me Judge P!
  22. Perhaps he, like Ellis, like to be away when there are important decisions to be made? You would have thought that a multi billion pound consortium would have ensured their spokesman was able to keep his finger on the pulse and perhaps introduced him to mobile phones, faxes and conference phones?
  23. Indeed. And isn't it amazing that they have! First person to bid may have the disadvantage of exposing your details. But it has the MAJOR advantage of being the one to finally offer the fans the removal of the devil. Yes Richard but it's MORE than that we can see people being involved that can do something with this 'asleeping giant' Last night SSN reported that Cleveland Brows are worth almost twice what they were in 2002 - and thats without being particularly successful due to the strange NFL rules
  24. He was back of 'holiday' last Tuesday
  25. 1) I know Randy Lerners background, success story and his aims 2) Nicky Padfield QC and consortium - who are they and what have they ever done? 3) I know who Lerner intends to install to the executive board 4) I know Lerners plans for AVFC 5) I kniow that IMG are the largest sports media group in the world and their CEO wil be on our board 6) I know how Lerner intends to finance his deal (Padfield is basically accusing him of lying) 7) I don't know why Padfield waited for someone else to bid first 8 ) Why can't Padfield bid today if he has the backing he alludes to? 9) I know which party made the effort to involve fans representatives at an early stage and share their plans with them. 10) I know who has given reassurances over the furture of the Club, it's ground and future development of the brand 11) I know who is making allegations about Lerner 12) I know Padfield is doing his talking via the Evening Mail Conclusion - I KNOW who I want to succeed
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