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Posts posted by imavillan

  1. 10 minutes ago, villarule123 said:

    I'd rather McLeish came back again than have that egotistical clearing in the woods Collymore anywhere near the club. 

    **** off


    i'd take Stan Collymore, Fred and Mary West and even Billy McNeil every single time above that word removed coming back

    • Like 1
  2. You can listen to what Collymore had to say here

    He sounds like an impassioned fan to me and is only saying what i or many others would like to......anyway back on to the thread.


    The new manager whoever he is will show massive intent on what the club intend to do in there attempts to get back into the Premiership.

    It will not happen but as a long shot i would get Neil Warnock and put him on a big bonus to get us out and then when he has say thanks and then get the right person. Anybody that can do what has done with Rotherham, well. He also has the pedigree that gets teams out of the Championship and puts some discipline in clubs.

    What the club needs is a manager who can put the discipline back into the dressing room and training ground as this is clearly missing as the players are doing what the heck they want.

  3. best bet of the w/e is both teams to score No in the Manure Villa game....whatever the price is, and i've not looked. But on Corals goals, goals, goals coupon its 6/4 that both will !!!! So it will probably be 8/13 they wont. I cant see us scoring. Can you?

  4. There is only one thing wrong with the appointments of Steve Hollis, Mervyn King, David Bernstein and Brian Little and thats the timing.

    Lerner should have got this sorted at the end of last season and maybe then we would not have been in the mess we are now.

    Its a positive for next season though as we now have people who know what the game and the club is about as this gives us a much better starting position for the haul back.

    • Like 1
  5. 14 hours ago, VillaJ100 said:

    Much worse than the sky 4. At least they are funny sometimes.

    Soccer Saturday with Geoff Stelling and the Sky4 is becoming stale and the 4 regular pundits are contemptuous. This is mainly down to the fact they are on every week. There is very little change and turnaround. Sky need to start looking at rotating who is on the panel and send the likes of Pinocchio, me repeat myself are you saying i repeat myself Merse, Charlie i am eating Nicholas, I will watch the Saints instead of the game i should be Le Tissier, out and about to various grounds. 

    By being on every week they have it too easy. Its like a boys club and they all talk gob shite and know the square root of jack when it comes to it.

    Dont get me wrong, i still watch it (not the build up just the scores) as the concept and delivery of the show is really good. Just think they need to change it now and again to freshen things up. 

  6. watching Reading v Crystal Palace at the mo and my oh my....

    what an absolute knob Mark Lawrenson is. How this idiot ha made a living out of commenting on football is beyond me.

    What a first class sausage jockey  

    He's as bad as the Sky 4, Merson, Nicholas, Thompson and and Le Tissier

  7. there's a couple of ways we'll find out if he's a good or bad manager...
    1, he stays with us, gets backed, brings us back up in to the Prem and we stay there and go on to build a solid team, or he stays and we flounder into mediocrity 
    2, He gets the sack/resigns moves on to another club turns them into a success or failure
    Until this happens we'll never know. We have to wait and see. What i do know is he talks a good game and tells it as is is. It would be interesting to see a team of 'his' players perform. Clearly the ones out there now are not performing, regardless of ability you would still expect to see a 'shift' put in, and we are not seeing that......who's fault is that? The players or the manager?
    Sunday Times running a full page article on Remi. Saw the article while i was in the coffee shop this morning and thought i'd read it later, but then, doh!!!! left the paper in the shop....ST has a firewall...anyone with copy of the article?


  8. IF they manage to stay in the Prem and we are playing in the Championship they will still (and always be) be in our shadow...

    ....and that would still be the case if we played in a Sunday Pub League....pretenders, wannabees and nobodies

    • Like 2
  9. Info please dear fellow villans :) 

    I have a pair of Bose QC noise cancelling headphones. Had these about 3 years now and have recently notice i can hear more outside noise than normal. My question is do noise cancelling headphones lose there effectiveness over time?

    I love the headphones, comfortable, like the sound quality etc. Is it time to put them on ebay and get some more?

  10. having watched the game on Saturday you have to say there were two very poor teams and as much as i and everyone else on here wants us to stay up, i just cant see it. Yes we have improved at the back (could have easily conceded two on Sat) We do not have enough goals in us. The failure to get a striker in the Jan transfer window may come back to haunt us.

  11. On 1/29/2016 at 13:35, Straggler said:

    Saw Hateful 8.  Thought it was dross.  I know you are not supposed to like the characters (which I didn't), but I didn't believe in any of them either.  Whilst I know that QT is a massive movie geek and has done some interesting technical things, I spent large parts of the movie bored.  When the shooting started it was cartoon like and I felt like much of the writing was childish.  There was little or no drama, no suspense (as I didn't give a crap who survived), very little humor, and I didn't think it was cool.

    I liked Reservoir dogs, Pulp fiction and Jackie Brown, but this just didn't draw me in.

    i thought it was really good and thoroughly enjoyed it. Good performances from all of the characters.

    Although i can understand why some people would not like it.

  12. 14 minutes ago, Djemba_Villan said:

    from what i can see nobody is slating him for not celebrating. Its just an observation. I was as chuffed as anyone when he scored. 

    My only annoyance was that he scored second and not first...I had £100 coming my way else ;)

    sorry you didnt win a ton....but come read again.......he could score a perfect hat trick against the shits and something would be wrong

  13. 13 minutes ago, dont_do_it_doug. said:

    It's social media. As an adult he should have enough about him to know that not all Villa fans are abusive idiots. I found his attitude incredibly disrespectful. I took it personally.

    That said, vintage Gabby today. Massive congratulations and a big thank you. Now more of that please.

    grow up.....oh and which way is the wind blowing?

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