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Everything posted by Annoyman

  1. MON seems to be particularly good at firing A Young up; assuming he goes the route of pissing him off Carew takes too many touches; by the time he lays the ball off he's standing next to the guy he passes to and he's brought the defender with him Can see us going down to ten men with this newfound spittle-flecked barbarian attitude and 3-4 bookings already though
  2. I see the hysterical bleating mongs have taken over the asylum again this is still pretty bad and depressing and everything but jesus
  3. You factor out constantly whingeing about "the vile" and stuff like that ^^ would actually make me feel kinda sorry for them.
  4. Man, are Gold and Sullivan working from some **** Edwardian code of etiquette all the time or something? Are they gonna slap Yeung with a glove for spurning the offer of sitting in their director's box?
  5. Glad to see that awful bullshit penalty against Wigan had some karmic backlash
  6. Neil Danns with one of the lamest penalty shouts I have ever seen
  7. "5-1 and you **** it up" - this was a really funny chant the guy behind me was really angry about this because he seemed to think the Burnley fans didn't understand that they were still going to lose
  8. It's not often you hear both sets of supporters claiming to have outsung the other set of supporters
  9. "sing when you're drawing, you only sing when you're drawing" -----> "sing when you're bankrupt, you only sing when you're bankrupt" was kind of nonsensical but hilarious best atmosphere at a game I've been at this season
  10. Palace getting outraged that we returned the ball to them for a throw-in when their goalkeeper threw it out because he wanted to tie his laces was hilarious, particularly given that they'd done the same thing when Warnock had to go off because one of their players elbowed him in the face, and then ruthlessly attacked the left back position the whole time he was off. When Warnock pointed out that this had happened twice later in the game, the ref seemed to respond by sending him off to change his shirt because he had blood on it Was the ref as bad as he looked at the game? **** great goal by Ambrose
  11. Haha yeah Nigel Winterburn sounded like some awful brummie version of Phil Daniels, or like a constipated junkie Spurs were alternating decent on the deck passing shit w/ their long balls to be fair
  12. BBC thinkin' that a 0-0 draw and a game getting cancelled counts as two losses
  13. this is really good a daft goth version of Arkham Asylum, with intricate Zelda dungeons and OTT God of War style set pieces
  14. I think it's more that our fans are that bad, really
  15. Yeah, in the Holte you could hear the whistle well before the ball went in, which gave us the luxury of sitting back and watching the misguided Stoke orgy without hearts in mouths Putting Villa fans back in the North Stands seems to have been a triumph in terms of saving them money and also causing massive comedy when shit like this happens
  16. Villa fans all laughing at them and waving and trying to wind them up and then actually kind of getting a bit frustrated that it isn'tworking because they still haven't noticed and shit has he actually given it we're going to look unbelievably stupid if he's given it no hang on Brad's taking the free kick christ this is funny
  17. I don't know how Bruce didn't manage to figure out that the only way Villa ever score goals is by shots with their heads or feet from close or short range, after a passing build-up, cross or set piece
  18. I like Sunderland and they have good fans but the sound of them seething with rage while Villa stroke it around for minutes at a time is basically aural pornography to me
  19. The Spanish ESPN Veetle link on MYp2p is pretty good, even if the commentator did hilariously seem to say that Burnley play at "Thurston Moor"; the English one I had disappeared We are defending very well again; they are playing quite well but not quite getting to the stage of fashioning very clear chances because of Dunne and Cuellar We are passing the ball well on the ground Was that Gabby tumble off the ball when Young crossed it a pen? I missed the replay
  20. They had two decisions go against them at the end that looked wrong, but Christ, they've been whining at absolutely everything for no obvious reason
  21. Was a bit annoyed that they only showed two of our chances and that the first half looked like it was all Utd as well, but they seemed to redress the balance a bit in the analysis laffed at them having to not point out we'd gone third so as not to spoil the thrilling Spurs-Wolves result
  22. OK, Shearer and Hansen are basically batting themselves off over how attacking we are and how we can get in the to 4
  23. haha the BBC's headline is now "Villa earn momentous win over Man Utd" if irate Villa fans keep texting in, by the time MOTD's finished it'll be "Villa in group stages of champions league; will never lose again; have huge cocks"
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