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Everything posted by c-krulak

  1. General Krulak here: 1. Latest on Inter: Tickets on general sale 6 July...max of 6 tickets per sale. S-T holders can also purchase up to 6 extra tickets from 6 July. We will be selling away tickets to Inter fans so it is important that you identify yourself as home fans. S-T holder discount will not apply on match day. Ticket prices will be lower for S-T holders than for non-S-T holders. No ticket will exceed 20 pounds. Reduced prices across the board. 2. There will be no away fans behind our goals. Fans will be upper and lower...in corner. 3. Much of what I learned over my 39 years in the forces translated into the Private Sector. 4. Having spent 5 years in the UK prior to 1996, I knew a significant amount about the Premiership...teams, players, managers.
  2. General Krulak here: 1. Not spending any time with MON. 2. Inter tickets go on sale early July.
  3. General Krulak here: 1. Re. the potential for another Cold War: I do not think that is a real possibility...NOT because of our brilliant foreign policy but because Russia cannot "walk the dog back" and the US cannot afford for it to happen. There will be huge rhetoric but little else. 2. I will be on the sites until they pack me up and ship me out.
  4. General Krulak here: JulieB and Fergie 69 pose the dilemma! One loves the song...one will rip my lips off if it is chosen as the anthem!!! It's called "betwix a rock and a hard place"...and no one is shooting at me!! Does it make any sense that the fans just choose what they want to sing...and sing. Give us the toons and we play a few of them? Trying to come up with one anthem seems to be something that is too close to the "impossible". Got it on the Ambassador...but what would be the specific role????
  5. General Krulak here:\ 1. I am asking Phil Mepham to sort the song issue....at least see what we can do. 2. I confess I am a wee bit confused about the "Club Ambassador" role. We don't have such a person in the US for our major sports teams...normally the person who speaks with "passion" about the Club is the Manager or the CEO or the Public Affairs person. In the US, there does not seem to be a need for someone "outside" the Club to talk with passion about the Club...or to hire someone especially to carry out that role. I am not sure I understand why we would want someone outside the Club to become a passionate spokesman for our Club...why wouldn't we seek someone who sits "inside" the Club to fulfill that requirement? Does a former player or a "historian" have any more stake in pushing our Club forward than someone who is with the Club and lives/breaths the Club every day? Help me on this one...it just seems to me that we have people who are very capable of handling this role. Richard attends multiple functions every month as the "Ambassador"...I have attended many functions. I am not sure what is "broken."
  6. General Krulak here: 1. Three Block War, Elements of National Power, Strategic Corporal....you all have too much time on your hands!! 2. Toilets, Bar and walkways in Witton Lane Stand: We ABSOLUTELY recognize we have a problem...in ALL stands. That problems will only get bigger as more fans come to games. Randy is committed to doing something about this issue but, since it is infrastructure, it will take some time. It will get better.
  7. General Krulak here: 1. New website will be out this summer. Not sure what the final decision is re subcription, etc. I am not "playing" in that arena but I will try to find out for you. 2. No comment on meeting...probably should wait for the Club to make any comments that are necessary or informative. 3. The technology and the equipment at training ground measures everything that a conditioning coach or physio would need to measure.
  8. General Krulak here: 1. Tickets to Inter will go on sale early July. The prices will be VERY reasonable in order to get as many people to see the game as possible. Everyone will pay. 2. I say that our training ground is the best in Europe...as do our physios and conditioning folks. This claim is not based on the actual structure of the building or even the surrounding grounds. It is based on the state of the art equipment that was brought in for use by players and coaches and physios. Some of this equipment is not found in Europe...some is still "new" in the US football arena. It is what is IN the new facility that makes it so special.
  9. General Krulak here: 1. I will check on Pro Evolution Soccer...I can tell you that my 6 year old grandson plays a game that has the Villa as one of the teams....along with rest of Premiership. He regularly whips up on ManU.
  10. General Krulak here: 1. There have been many questions re. the summer tour, the feasibility of travel packages, of ticket allocations, etc. I will be talking to Richard on Thursday to see if we are making headway on all of these issues. 2. Flags. Again, we are looking into getting a couple of large ones for game day. At the same time, I can tell you that the scarves were hugely effective in setting up a winning environment. 3. Our new Training Ground is remarkable in the locker rooms, the indoor pitch and other things BUT, the MOST remarkable part of the facility is found in the technolgy and equipment now available to our physios, our trainers, our conditioners and our coaches and players. The equipment is truly state of the art. Statistical analysis of everything from stride, to leaping ability, to oxygen intake is found in the capabilities resident in the facility. The pool itself has resistance capability as does one of the whirlpools....bottom line, the BEST in Europe. 4. Nike is our sponsor...NO middleman. 5. Right now I have no real holidays scheduled...if something comes up, I will let all sites know. Of course, Randy and I will be a preseason games and in Toronto and Columbus. 6. Gabby is part of our team and part of our "family". We look out for our family. 7. I post on 4 sites + the official sites. VillaTalk, VitalVillain, H&V and VBB...all good folks.
  11. General Krulak here: 1. For many, many, reasons...all of which we all know...I just can't comment on players, on timing, on how close or how far we are from saying anything. It would be unfair to MON, to Randy, and, most importantly, it would be totally inappropriate. I am not ducking the questions, just admit that such discussion is not in my remit.
  12. General Krulak here: 1. bedfordtel. I am sorry I didn't address your post. I agree, this would be a superb idea...and make for good reading. I think I have mentioned before that when Randy and I go to away games we are ALWAYS impressed by our travelling supporters. I will see what I can do about making this a part of our match day program. 2. Next year: I believe we will compete with almost everyone o any given day...unlike my feelings earlier. I think we will sign some quality players and with several months to work, MON will be able to put a well-synch and coordinated squad on the pitch. I do believe we will go to Europe next year. Now, we also need to be realists...other Clubs will also be making additions and other Clubs have Directors who have the same feelings as I do. The difference, in my humble opinion, will be three-fold: 1. MON will have the time to put his imprint on the Squad early on...vice trying to learn his players on the fly. 2. MON will have been through a complete season...he will have scouted his opponents, seen them on the pitch against his squad...and will use his tactical sense to produce solid game plans. 3. We have a very supportive owner and a superb fan base. These two are the Villa "Secret Weapons" and will make this a great season.
  13. General Krulak here: 1. I agree, Carew's strike was beautiful...for what it meant at the moment and for what it signified for the future.
  14. General Krulak here: 1. Yes, I have met several of the owners. No, we have not changed our expectations. 2. Yes, we ae going to have closer links to the women's team.
  15. General Krulak here: 1. One of the toughest things about an anthem is that there are so many choices....and some will be happy, others not so happy. 2. The person who has impressed me the most has been, as you might expect, MON. You might say that "he isn't on the Squad" or "that is an easy way out" but I would disagree. In many ways, MON is not only a true squad member, but he is the foundation of the squad. His personality, focus, drive, intelligence, and honesty impose themselves on the Squad and, in the end, will transform the Squad into what we all want....consistent winners. His choice is not the "easy way out"...his choice is a well-thought out answer to the question.
  16. General Krulak here: 1. Re. stats on Youth Team. I think the best thing to do here is to call up Phil Mepham at the Club and pose the question to him. He can get the stats if they are available and able to be passed out.
  17. General Krulak here: 1. The Aston Tavern was not part of the deal...so we have no plans for it at the present time. 2. Thank you for the info on the anthem....I will put that one into the "works." 3. MON and players. Let me state, for the umpteenth time, how this works. MON evaluates his squad. He looks at where we are strong and where we might need help. He looks in terms of immediate help and what we will need in the future....not much sense in paying a large amount for a player who only has one or two years left unless he is a HUGE talent. He and his scouts have been out looking year-round. They identify those they would like and then determine eligibility. MON and Randy then get together and decide who to go after and at what price. Randy does NOT get into evaluating players...that is MON's remit. Randy supported MON in the winter and he will support him in the summer. It would make absolutely no sense for me to quote an amount of money that Randy and MON will lay out this summer...I have no idea, it is none of my business and it certainly would not be smart if I did know. My recommendation is that everyone just try and relax and see what happens. None of us are going to impact on what happens and we shouldn't....we have a great Manager and a great Owner...we should let them work their magic.
  18. General Krulak here: 1. I do not see us doing anything special for the BFC game....other than make sure that we win.
  19. General Krulak here: 1. The Aston Hotel (north end of Villa Park) is not owned by Villa....it was not part of the purchase. 2. I commanded a nuclear weapon storage facility when I was a Major...we never ordered a "code red" but we did have some exciting "exercises" as we prepared for any eventuality. 3. Again, we are doing all we can to work with travel firms to come up with a package for the fans. At the same time, I just wanted to be upfront and indicate that we would not be purchasing a charter due to cost.
  20. General Krulak here: 1. Member scheme. I talked to Nicky Keye yesterday and she indicated that we were looking at a member scheme but that the Club was going to wait until after the drive for Season Tickets before designing and putting in place. 2. We are, in fact, talking to travel agencies and airlines/hotels to see if there can be a travel package organized. We will not be chartering an a/c to go to North America due to exhorbitant price that was quoted. Apparently it is far easier to put something together going to Europe than it is going east. 3. Yes, America did put a man on the moon....and I have a slice of green cheese to prove it!!!!
  21. General Krulak here: What is my remit at Villa Park? Like everyone of the Directors, my basic remit is to assist Randy in his efforts with Aston Villa Football Club. We have a saying among the Directors that goes like this: "We do windows." Simply put, there is very little that we won't do to help make Villa successful. If it means testing the Balti pies in the Holte End, well that is what we do. If it means helping manage the construction of the Training Ground, that is what we do. My particular role is even more amorphous...having known Randy longer than any and having been in multiple situations with him...sports, national security, "good works", etc. I would venture to say that I serve as Randy's right hand man over a spectrum of endeavours. The bottom line is always the same...for ALL of us: Trying to make Villa a top Club.
  22. General Krulak here: 1. Thank you for the loads of info on membership schemes. I will pose the question/issue to Nicky Keye and her group and see what they think. It sounds like a good idea but let me see what they think. 2. Paddy, I will try to track down the photos. 3. I will need to "get smart" on catering department redundancies...I was not aware that this was happening but I normally wouldn't as that is not part of my remit.
  23. General Krulak here: 1. I do not know what you mean by a "member scheme" so it is hard for me to answer the question. 2. Re Randy and the "business" of AVFC. Randy possesses a superb business mind and obviously wants his investment to pay off. My point is that money will not drive Randy with re. to our Club. Football is a very difficult business to make a lot of money at...you need to be in the very top tier and, even then, it is tough. Randy will get us to the top tier...and we will have our chance at being profitable BUT, if you asked him which is more important, "silverware" or pounds sterling, he would say "silverware"...and expect the pounds to come. 3. Don't worry about MON's contract. It is strictly between him and Randy. 4. During the previous transfer window, I received hundreds of questions re. who? what? when? and where? I tried to be very clear that this was strictly between MON and Randy....that no one else is involved. MON knows what the team needs, both short and long term, he knows where they are located and availability. Randy is there to support MON...not to weigh in on who? For me to even BEGIN to pass information on this site or any other would NOT be right or proper. Sooooo....this is one type of question that I am not going to answer.
  24. General Krulak here: 1. We have no plans for the Aston Hotel right now. We already have much on our plate...now we need to start thinking about players. 2. I don't think I should talk about MON and where he might have traveled and whether he might be announcing players deals before transfer. This is really in the baliwick of MON and I am not sure he would want any of us discussing this over the web site. 3. Leaving early. You are correct, some people will always leave early. My sense is that the BEST way to keep bums in seats is to have exciting, winning play on the Pitch. If we are winning, people will stay. Re. crowd accoustics: It is very difficult to do anything about this due to the infrastructure...accoustics are all about the structure. We could put amplifiers in the stands but I am not sure that is a viable answer. I can tell you this....from where I sat at the Sheff utd game, there was a HUGE amount of noise!!!!! Yes, the Holte End is safe. 4. It is hard for most to understand but Randy does not look upon Aston Villa Football Club clearly in business terms. He purchased the Club because he loves sports...and football. He loves the history and tradition of the Club. He loves the grounds. Would he like to see the Club make money every year? Of course. Is he attempting to build the Club to show such a profit? Of course. Is he patient? Yes!
  25. General Krulak here: 1. I think I mentioned on this site...or maybe another. The shirts with the "pink" claret were a "rush order" to be used during the '82 Celebration Weekend. When they arrived, the color was not true Claret. We could have sent them back but then would not have had anything for the BIG weekend. Bottom Line: They are not the right color BUT, they will soon become collector's items because there will never be another batch made like that. Get 'em while they are still around. 2. You will see changes on all sinage.
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