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Everything posted by c-krulak

  1. General Krulak here: 1. Brommy: Please call Lee Preece and see if he can do something for your son. 2. Security: There is no question that if the Stewards moved on the problem quickly, this would not have happened. If fans cannot obey the regulations established by the TA and the specific Club, they should be excorted to the nearest exit. Lots of work going on right now to get on top of this...from Richard Fitzgerald on down. 3. Catering. I know it sounds like bringing in McDonalds would be a good idea but the simple fact is that we do know what needs to be done. McDonalds would give us the same solutions we know now....infrastructure is the key.
  2. General Krulak here: 1. Catering. We had 30% more "servers" around the stadium than at any other time in the history of Villa. We had excess food ordered in and prepared. We had folks walking the concourses to see what impact was felt by fans. Bottom Line: still not where we need to be but BETTER than we have seen in a long while. The simple problem was that this was the largest crowd at Villa Park in years...and the Stadium and surronding areas are the same size whether 30,000 are in attendence or 42,000. We KNOW we still have problems but we sure as heck don't need some "specialists" to tell us where we have problems. We have brought in experts who are now on the staff and are making the improvements necessary. We recognize we aren't there yet but the factors impacting on service are intimately tied to capability of the infrastructure. We DO listen to our employees and DO react to what they say...but cannot "build" a bigger concourse overnight. 2. Security and away fans is KEY to us and the issues that surfaced at Villa Park and surrounding areas are being looked at. Russ Appleton (former Marine Colonel) is at Villa Park today looking into this issue. 3. With 42,000+ folks at the game, the traffic pattern is never going to be perfect. I have waited 3 hours to get out of Old Trafford...we aren't alone when a full house arrives. 4. Disabled...let me look into this one.
  3. General Krulak here: 1. I had to get my view of the game from a pub in Wilmington, DE. I will match my frustration with yours!!!!! Believe me, Randy saw the same game you did...so did MON. 2. Food comments already fed into Alison.
  4. General Krulak here: 1. The move of the kit to 4 October and the issue of getting kits at "remote' locations are all tied together. As I explained a month or so ago, we signed our contract with Nike late in the manufacturing process. We signed late because we had to wait a period of time to get out of the Hummel contract. The fact that we signed late put us at the end of the queue for manufacturing of kits. As a result, kits are first being sent to the Villa Park and Center City stores to fill inventory at those locations. As more kits are made, they will immediately be sent to other Nike outlets and stores that sell Nike gear. The delay in the away kit is caused by this same issue...everything has been backed up. At the end of the day we had to make a decision....go with Nike and accept the delay or ramain with Hummel for another year. We felt that in the long run, going with Nike was the best thing for the Club. Yes, we will lose some money over the year but we felt that the quality and the brand (Nike) were "worth" more to the Club and Fans than the lost revenue for the year. 2. I have notified Craig Gardner about the thread...he will be pleased. 3. Printing on shirts...at a Club shop...is not unusual. It is done at locations where other printing services are not available. When I was at MBNA, we had a
  5. General Krulak here: 1. Mysteryman: Well done on the banner! Just another example of how our Fans make a difference to our Club. Good on you and the lads. 2. Publicity for new shop...we did, in fact, have it on site. Not sure why the local media did not pick up on it...but we will try to get them to do a feature. 3. Don't worry about the post...it was a low blow to all of us...not just me. Such is life.
  6. General Krulak here: 1. ianrobo1: With the increase in capacity of Holte Hotel, we will be looking a the best way to ensure people get a chance to experience this great building. 2. I have played the "beautiful game" but only in a recreational manner. Both of my sons played it in a "serious" manner. My sports were Lacrosse and Wrestling when I was at University. I played in the middle of the pitch. 3. We are currently working with Sentanta sports on several concepts. 4. Postal strike has killed us...in many areas. Please bear with us.
  7. General Krulak here: 1. Just got word that we will be able to increase numbers of folks in Holte...by a significant amount. Announcement will be posted on Villa Web Site in the next few days. 2. I am not involved in signings...I am as curious as you are. I have stopped reading the papers as the media does nothing but get me up...and never seems to get it right.
  8. General Krulak here: 1. The new City Center store opened at 0900 this morning and looks great. Nike has done a superb job. The current store at VP will be getting a "face-lift" and be expanded over the next few months...but not to disturb sales. 2. Any ticket issues arising from the postal strike need to be referred to Nicky Keye and her people. They are well aware of problems and are prepared to sort them out. 3. One poster asked about an "advisor" to Randy re. "footballing." Let me assure everyone that a) Randy knows a helluva lot about the game. He has been a huge fan for years, has studied the game, played the game and been around the game for a long time. He knows the sports world extremely well...all sports. c) He has many friends in the UK that have been intimately involved in football...at all levels. d) He knows agents, people deeply involved in the sport, etc. etc. He talks to them all the time. Randy is not some bumpkin that just fell off the back of a turnip truck. He knows much more than just the "business" side of football. I would venture to say that he knows as much about the "beautiful game" as many of the owners in the league and alot more about the game than others.
  9. General Krulak here: 1. Re. merchandise: The #1 man in that arena is John Greenfield. You can reach him at Villa Park...or see him in the store. 2. Sorry I didn't fully answer the Brady Quinn question. In the NFL, many of the players have "incentives" baked into their contracts. As an example, a running back who gains over 1000 yards in a season might get a bonus...a quarterback who throws X-number of touchdown passes gets a bonus...a defensive back who gets X-number of interceptions gets a bonus. This is pretty common place. Simply puts, the player gets a base salary and then is "incented" to perform above and beyond the "expected." Randy, because of his work in the NFL is very much aware of and supports this program with the Browns. I can assure you, Brady Quinn will have some incentives in his contract. Since I am not involved in player actions here at AVFC, I would not know whether MON is utilizing the incentive concept or not. I would not see the incentive contract extending negotiations...not at all.
  10. General Krulak here: 1. I am glad you brought up the Browns...and Brady Quinn. There is a perfect example of Randy supporting the Manager and Player Personnel. Randy did not get into the negotiations...did not pressure people...just told his folks that he was "prepared to support them." This is exactly what he did and the result was that Brady is in camp.
  11. General Krulak here: Grievemeister: A fair question. Like you say, I really do not know the answer to your question...and I doubt if anyone other than MON has the full answer. My sense...and it is just my sense...is that your basic assumption is wrong. I would imagine that MON and his Coaches have been working on this Transfer window for a very long time...evaluating needs of the Club, evaluating players, looking at ability to get the players they want, etc. etc. This is not an activity that a Manager like MON just decides to "start" a few weeks before the season begins. Where he stands right now is where he stands...it is what it is. Like Randy, I believe in MON. I trust that he knows what he is doing and support him. As I have said many times before, Randy is prepared to support MON in getting players. ABSOLUTELY. MON is the Manager and is accountable for the Squad. We have seen what he has done since he joined Villa...he has methodically built a very good Squad and obviously has not reached the point where he is going to stop. I trust he will get on with it.
  12. General Krulak here: 1. Although I have commented on this many times before, let me state again: MON and scouts look at players. They know, better than anyone, what our Club needs both now and in the future. They do the negotiating supported by finance and legal folks at Villa. Richard Fitzgerald does NOT get involved with players. Richard is in charge of marketing and sales within the Club...with driving our Brand world-wide. As an example, he was instrumental in the Nike deal. He does NOT get involved with players. Randy talks to MON...and when MON says that he wants a player, Randy writes the check. You have seen this happen with several players...Young, Carew, Coker are examples. Simply put, this is how it works. 2. I have found no place in B'ham as yet. I normally stay at New Hall when I am in UK. 3. Club accepts money orders. We will have our kit in many more stores as a result of deal with Nike.
  13. General Krulak here: Ginge: Ouch! The only reason I post is "good PR increases sales"???? Not true! I post because of the desire of Randy to understand what the fans think and to maintain contact with the fans. MANY changes and additions have taken place because of the comments on Villa Talk and other sites.
  14. General krulak here: 1. 7Taylor: Both you and your father will be invited. Thank you for the toast and coffee....they really hit the spot after the long flight into the UK. Most kind!!! 2. Roger on the Paul M. DVD....as you know, I am trying to get the '82 Celebration Video done...so give me some time.
  15. General Krulak here: 1. If you have not received Season Ticket, please call Nicky Keye...the postal strike has caused major problems. 2. We will ensure bars are kept open until mandatory close time. 3. Ginge: If we do a wedding, it will be done properly. 4. We do not have a definite "trigger point" for new stand....we will watch closely as to our progress. Our plan has the work down in a 5 year time-frame. The use of open space around upper deck is space I am talking about re. logo or other things. 5. I do not know the name of music being played when Squad comes on line. I don't even hear it as I am normally in a concourse at that time. 6. We are looking into showing "away games" at Holte. 7. NO smoking in stadium...to include stands. 8. Many folks helped the Inter game come about....from Nike to MON to members of Board. 9. Not sure why I would have been mentioned in paper....I haven't made a "thong" comment since my last "adventure" with the media.
  16. General Krulak here: 1. Randy and I got back to US yesterday after watching a sparkling game against Inter. We recognize that Inter was probably tired at the end of the Tour but the fact remains, they are a quality Club...won their league by 22 points and beat ManU earlier. We played a very intense aggressive game and did well. I was by the Inter dressing room at the end of game and they were NOT happy about the loss...especially 3-0. Yes, it was a friendly...but we played well. We just need to do it this Saturday. 2. I went to all the stands before, during and after the game. I went to the Holte Hotel and Holte Suite before and after the Game. I saw what you all saw. The catering was not right!!!! Everyone who complained on the thread are correct. We should have done much better. On SUNDAY morning, Alison Plant got her entire team into Villa Park for a de=brief of what went wrong. She had our catering contractors as well as her entire staff there. She went over comments she received from Fans, from her own observation and from the notes that I took and that Russ Appleton took. Everyone knows we did not get it right. We had rehearsed and prepared but when game time came, we did not execute. Alison and her staff are great....they have pride in what they do and pride in the Club. I am sure she will have it fixed by Saturday. BUT, we did not get it right for Inter and we apologize. 3. LED Boards. These will be completed by start of season...saturday. They will eventually pay for themselves and be profitable. 4. I am almost certain that the Holte Hotel can be booked for a wedding. Please contact Alison and she can give you the definitive answer. 5. Unfortunately, we will not have a Ladies Kit this year. The problem stems from the lateness of the Nike signing. I have explained why the contract was late in signing before...simply a matter of getting out of the Hummel contract. Nike could only make a certain number of kits this year and have them out in time for season. We will have ladies kit next year. 6. There are no plans to improve dug out seats. MON says no. 7. We do not pick refs. This guy was a wee bit off. 8. No plans currently for logo on stands. We may be doing something else with that space. 9. I spoke with Nicky Keye re. SC and problems. She was well aware of the issue. Problems were as indicated....SC not recognizing differrent seat. She indicates everything will be sorted by this weekend. 10. There are no plans to allow fans to exit stadium at half-time for a smoke. There should be NO smoking in the loos. It will end up cost the Club alot of money if that is allowed to continue. I will notify security that this was an issue. It took me 7 hours and 15 minutes to fly to the US...NO smoking on the flight. Fans should be able to handle 2 hours of no smoking. We have no other recourse...smoking is not allowed. 11. Holte Suite will be refurbished this year. 12. Local laws dictate that we close the drink shutters a period of time before kick-off at beginning of game and half-time. 13. PA System still needs work. We have the screens fixed but need to get PA system working properly 14. It is not feasible to have free postage to Australia. 15. Black Training Kit that appears pink. I have notified John Greenfield of this issue...he will look into it. He was unaware of the problem. 16 We were laughing at the man in the suit too....not sure what his role was...perhaps the physio.
  17. General Krulak here: 1. I will be off the site for two days as I travel to the UK for the Inter game. 2. Let's face it, there are always going to be a few away fans who get into the stadium and sit where we don't want them to sit. We are taking all sorts of precautions to ensure that doesn't happen but none of us are naive...it will happen. Some will sit in "Sponsor" boxes...as guests of a sponsor. Not much we can do about that. We can certainly require them to be courteous and respectful of the stadium they are in. If a Season Ticket holder brings an away fan to the stadium, it would be expected that the Season Ticket holder "control" the antics of the friend. The key, of course, is that the vast, vast, majority of away fans will sit in their own section. 3. As I have indicated, I will be getting a full brief on the new web site this weekend and will ask the question re. Villa World. 4. Nicky Keye has "withheld" a certain number of tickets for the Liverpool game for folks who have yet to purchase their season tickets. My recommendation is to get your season tickets now...do not wait and "hope" for a one game discount because I cannot promise that will happen so early in the season. 5. I am not sure who owns that car other than to say it is not Randy's.
  18. General Krulak here: 1. I will be out and about before, during and after the game...as always. I will try to hit every stand. 2. We are planning to archive the Club History in our museum and on line. Both will be at no cost to our fans. 3. I am certain that we can have a description of the new kit posted...let me talk with John Greenfield about it.
  19. General Krulak here: 1. Over 24,000 season tickets sold to date. Liverpool is now a sell out. Over 30,000 tickets sold for Inter game. 2. We have tried VERY HARD to ensure that away fans are not seated in with Villa Fans. Obviously we cannot ensure everyone is in the "right" seat. We will deal with away fans in a professional and respectful manner...we do not want to appear brutish. 3. GOOCH: How old is your daughter? Where exactly are you going to be sitting? 4. Archives: We are building them now. We have a prodigious amount of material that we are sifting through. Much of it was left scattered about Villa Park...stored in cupboards, laying on the ground in a closet, etc. VERY sad. We are getting it all together, cataloguing it and getting it sorted out and in good shape.
  20. General Krulak here: 1. We are currently working on a "re-sale" scheme that will be legal and beneficial to all concerned. 2. Ticket issue with phones: Because we did not want Liverpool fans sitting "around the stadium", we did not put any on ticketmaster or any other general sale capability. All sales had to come thru Villa Ticketing folks. For the first time in a LOOOONG time, our stadium will be filled with our fans....and Liverpool fans will be "relegated" to a specific section in the park
  21. General Krulak here: 1. Villa funds our new store, not Nike. 2. Villa gear will eventually make it to the Nike store in Chicago but I doubt if it will get there on the 9th. 3. The 3rd kit you are talking about is probably the "training" kit...or the "far-away" kit. I cannot say what it will look like at this time. 4. Randy and I will be at the Inter game. 5. We are working on phone issue. 6. Web Site: I have been in communications with the folks working on the site. We expected it to be up and running this month or end of last month but it looks like mid-September now. I wish it were sooner but if it takes a bit more time to get it right, then so be it. I have asked them to give me an overall sense of what the improvements will be and I will post them when they get back to me.
  22. General Krulak here: 1. The Ticket Office phones: I will visit with Nicky Keye this weekend and see if there is some way that we can sort this issue out to the benefit of the Fan. I recognize that most people have better things to do than "hold" on a phone line. Let me talk to Nicky and see if there is any resolution to this problem that can be a "technology" fix vice just throwing more people at it. 2. Are Randy and I friendly with any 1st teamers. Obviously, that depends on what is meant by friendly. Randy and I know them, speak to them, etc. Randy is completely at ease with them and they, with Randy. I don't expect Reo to invite me over for fish and chips this weekend but, then again, he might. (just kidding). 3. I think that the Club felt that the Tour was successful. It is a long way to go and the lads were on a whirlwind but the results were worth it. Simply put, MON had the opportunity to see his Squad in action...the entire Squad. He was able to "mix and match"...to experiment...to see what was strong and what was not so strong. MON is a superb Manager and can really analyze the game and the play. He saw things he liked and things he did not like.....and was able to do this in an environment that allowed him the flexibility to alter on the move. I think it was a good tour. 4. Randy's tattoo is the lion on our Badge...not colored in...but the outline. 5. I will check on the Holte Inn policy...but I was told that the entire policy was spelled out in a document sent from Villa Park. 6. I will remain on this site as long as it is beneficial to the Fans and Mrs "K" doesn't rip my lips off for staying up all night writing. 7. I believe ST holders will have free access on the web site but I have asked for a complete briefing on the site...what will be on it, the "rules" and when it will be completed...and I asked to get this briefing by COB Thursday.
  23. General Krulak here: 1. As I think I have mentioned before, we have someone putting together many documents, photos, DVD's etc., to go into a museum for the Club. We are also working on a DVD for the '82 Celebration of last year. None of this is an "overnight" project. We are working steadily but not without some thinking about what we are doing. 2. Naldy: I will be at Villa Park this weekend and look at the fence painting. 3. I really would rather not have the Club devise the Chants...I would much rather the Fans do that. If the Club devises the Chants we will have the same old complaints that they are either good or bad. Let's have the fans produce what they want. Browns celebration at end of season. I confess that I have not seen this in action but I will ask about it. Changes at Villa Park. Yes, signage is being upgraded and we are thinking of doing something with Flags...but not sure what yet. 4. The tattoo is a rampant lion...not the entire crest. 5. I was at Columbus Game the entire time...tried to visit every fan area...to include the one's and two's scattered around the stadium. I stayed after the game talking to fans until the players left. Then Randy, MON, Paul Faulkner, and others and I got on bus and left for airfield. 6. I don't think I am the one to ask about MON's scouting system. I do know that they go distances to scout players. I do not think there will be shirts w/o logo. 7. No Australian tour...sorry. 8. My goals for team are pretty simple: 1) play hard for 90+ minutes every single game. Plenty of guts!! 2) be a consistent winner on the Pitch. 3) be recognized as a Club that is up and coming...one that other Squads are concerned about...especially when they visit Villa Park, 4) have the most professional staff in the Premiership...always ready to help out the Fans and support the team. 5) be a leader in the Birmingham and Midlands in all areas, not just football. Looking after children, charities, development, etc. and, last but not least, 6) hold the cup over our heads again.
  24. General Krulak here: 1. Just back from Columbus game....Chefdoc2000 hit the nail on the head with his prediction...3-1. 2. I think I have answered the question re. "what does Randy want from Club?" First and foremost he is looking for the psychic income that comes from taking Villa from where it was when he bought the Club and bringing it to a point where the Squad is winning, consistently, on the Pitch and the Villa "experience" is the best in the Premiership. Of course he wants to win silverware but, first off, he wants to build the Squad and Experience to be LASTING and not a flash in the pan. This is not done overnight. People need to understand that Randy has a real passion for Aston Villa Football Club....proven by the tattoo of our Badge on his ankle. If ANYONE wants to question whether Randy is in this for the long term, just think of that tattoo!! How many fans have done that? 3. US beer is not as "rich" as that found in UK and Europe...no comparison. 4. Villa World and Web Site will be upgraded. 5. Good idea on flag pole usage. 6. Still looking into a relationship with B'ham speedway. 7. Watford "long distance" tickets. Please call Nicky Keye (or e-mail her) and provide her the idea. 8. Musicw883. If Richard is talking about Players, he is giving his own personal opinion and not speaking for the Club. If Richard is talking about Sales and Marketing, he is talking for the Club! He is a huge expert in that arena and should be listened to. Please do not "model" our Club after something like a ManU where David Gill does both. Not every Club operates that way...and Villa is one that doesn't. That does not make us bad...just different. 9. Season Tickets are closing in on 24,000. We have already exceeded our all-time high. Over 25,000 have been sold for Inter game.
  25. General Krulak here: 1. Back from Board Meeting...will be flying to Columbus in about an hour. 2. For those who are concerned about tickets, receipts, getting into VP, etc. I have asked Nicky Keye this question a zillion times and she indicates that there will be no issues and if there are, there will be people at the gates with connectivity to computer that will ensure no problems. I have to believe that Nicky has had multiple "dry runs" on this system and that it works. 3. I am not sure that the previous owners did "medical on the cheap" but I can assure you, Randy will NOT do that. He is affiliated with the Cleveland Clinic (one of the finest medical centers in the world) and will always ensure that our Lads get the very best treatment. 4. MON Q/A...this sounds like a good idea but the reality is that he would probably be faced with 1000 Harewood questions, 1000 questions on why he hasn't signed 10 people including Ronaldo, etc. etc. I just don't think he is up for answering that type of question right now. EVERYONE recognizes that some Fans are upset with the summer transfer activity but, at the same time, the Club believes in MON and what he is doing. The only difference between some of the Fans and folks like myself is that I am not second-guessing MON or Randy. 5. JC. I have not personally read the "top class player" comment. I really haven't. My first question would be, "Did he mean this summer?" According to a future post, he did say "this summer." Secondly, what does Richard mean by "top class?" Does his meaning equate to your meaning? Seems to me that is an honest question. Reo may well be "top class" in Richard's book...obviously, he is not in your book. Does that make Richard wrong? The idea of Randy or any of the Board "lying" to the Fans is not only ludicrous but insulting. You all may be accustomed to people "lying" but I can assure you, Randy Lerner and General Chuck Krulak do NOT lie. As an example, I try to be as upfront as possible on these sites. Sometimes I will write something that "fails to happen." It is not because I was lying...it is because something happened that changed the end result. As soon as I recognize I have "screwed up", I try to notify folks that I did. No attempt to cover up. The idea that someone at Villa would try to fool people into buying season tickets by making all sorts of claims is also ludicrous. If we were going to attempt a deceit (yes, DECEIT) like that, we sure would have done a far better PR job...far more hype...etc. etc. One statement by Richard...without any context behind that statement...is a pretty poor attempt at increasing season ticket purchases...especially by someone who knows marketing inside and out. A statement like lying to increase season ticket sales is craziness. The question about why I waited to post my comment about Richard's statement is simple....as I mentioned above, I didn't even know he made the statement!! I still haven't seen it. As soon as I realized there was an issue, I came on this site and wrote what I wrote...which I stand by 100%. Richard has zero to do with players. Pete 165 wrote a comment about "LOTS of other teams spending big money on big players...selling 8 potential 1st team players." I don't even know where to begin with that one! "8 potential first team players"?? In whose opinion? In Pete 165's opinion or MON's opinion? With all due respect, who's opinion should the Club seek? Seriously, do the Fans actually believe that MON is going to be out selling our 1st team players?? This goes hand in hand with the idea that we must "sell to buy." I can assure you that Randy is prepared to spend money on players...that the idea of "sell to buy" is NOT accurate and not what MON truly meant. He knows, better than most, that Randy WILL support him. What is printed in the news paper is not always accurate...or, more importantly, put into the context of what was truly meant. Again, MON knows that Randy has the money and will support him. Regarding "LOTS of teams spending big money on big players." I must be looking at a different transfer market than you are....I have seen a few teams spending money on good players...and I have seen one or two teams spending big money on good players but "LOTS"?? Not in my humble opinion. If you look at the money MON has laid out for players in the last year, I would venture to say that AVFC stands pretty high in the money expenditure list. And, by the way, I DO believe that we have signed some pretty good players! As I look back at all the posts I have made to this site and others, I do NOT see any comments where I have said that this summer would be the be all and end all of Villa. I have consistently said that we are on a 5 year plan and that MON will look at the needs of the Squad today and tomorrow and act appropriately. If his timing and his actions are not what you or some of the fans want, well that is your perogative. You spend the money to buy the tickets and you ABSOLUTELY DESERVE to moan if you are unhappy. Just know that MON and Randy are not going to change their plans because fans are unhappy...and I honestly don't think you would want them to change their plans. The day the fans start doing the job of the Manager and the Owner is the day that the Club goes down. In my opinion, we must trust MON and Randy...and if we don't, we might as well consider ourselves done. As for having Richard come out in the media or on a web site and try to explain what he said or why he said it or what context he was making his statement, is, again, not really going to solve anything. He said what he said. Fans have already made up their minds as to why he said it. Some think he was hyping sales, others that he was speaking out of school, etc. etc. For him to try and reconstruct the time, the feeling, the context, etc. etc. is not worth the effort...BECAUSE what is done, is done. I have spent the last 2+ weeks writing on 4 web sites about this entire issue. To me, it now has become as waste of my time and many of the readers' time. NOTHING I can say will cause any of those who are disgruntled to become happy. So let me say what I have always said: I don't pick players, MON does that! I don't spend the money, Randy does that (WILLINGLY)! I support both of them and I trust both of them. Neither starts each day by thinking of ways to screw up our Club or piss off the fans!!!!!! 6. Yes on photos of games. 7. Yes on banners...we will probably be asking fans to "pick" from some options. 8. Please call John Greenfield on the on-line shop issues. He will sort out the problem.
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