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Everything posted by c-krulak

  1. General Krulak here: 1. The game: Unfortunately, I was unable to get to UK for game. I have a Board Meeting on west coast and ended up watching game on telly. I hate watching on the telly because you don't get a real sense of what is happening on the Pitch. With this as a qualifying statement, let me give you one fan's opinion: 1) I thought our lads played with much more passion and guts this game. 2) I actually thought we had the better of the game for a significant part of the game. 3) I thought that Carew was a handful up front...of course the camera could only focus on him so I had a tough time seeing what our other lads were doing to help him...but he looked like a horse up front. 4) We could not close them out...simple as that. We need to be able to have a 5 minute injury time thrown at us and not worry...just close it out. 2. I do think we came back from our past few weeks' form...I really do. I think the lads gave it 110% and if we do that for the rest of the games, there is no reason we can't win them all. Everton will be a HUGE game but I do believe we will win it. We just need to continue to play hard and with confidence.
  2. General Krulak here: 1. Tubby: There is no question that Petrov has played "guts ball" this season. 2. dundeevilla: Give Duncan Riddle a call at AVFC telephone switchboard, ext. 413. 3. mcben: I would ask that you call and speak directly to Nicky Keye...the Head of Ticketing. Explain the situation and what you are doing. I think she will help you sort this out.
  3. General krulak here: 1. nickrogers: If I had a vote, NZ would be high up on the choices. Unfortunately, I don't have a vote. 2. sparey16: We will be having a new kit this coming year...home and away. We recognize the ecomomic issue and understand that not everyone will be getting one. There are certain contractual obligations that we must adhere to. 3. heystally: As a Director of the Club, I probably should not comment on Player of the Seson. As a Fan, I think we have had some real standouts. Of course I look at them with the eyes of an old Marine so what I think is noteworthy may not appear that way to others. If you ask me the question at the end of the season, I promise I will answer it...as a Fan.
  4. General Krulak here: 1. As everyone knows, we will not be planning a trip for the lads to the US this year. Martin looks at opportunities world wide and then decides where he thinks we can get the most from the trip. We had a great tour to the US a couple of years ago and I am sure we will do it again but not this year. 2. villawesty88: Obviously I can't say where we are looking specifically but your comments are noted and passed forward. I remember Graeme Le Saux...I enjoyed his style of play and his tenacious attitude.
  5. General Krulak here: 1. Season Ticket sales are doing extremely well...in fact, we are ahead of schedule. We hope that the pricing scheme and the "easy payment" scheme will help in these tough economic times. 2. cradleyvillain: Glad to hear that the tour went well...and that your sweetheart enjoyed herself. Also, welcome to the thread!! If you really want to "dazzle" your lady, take her to lunch at the Holte Pub.
  6. General Krulak here: 1. Thank you for the comments re. service emanating from Villa Park. I pass on the "good" as well as the "bad". One of the things that Randy has tried to bring to the Club is the sense of "Family"...that everyone involved in the Villa needs to feel like they are part of a Family...and that goes for the people working at Villa Park and Bodymoor Heath as well as the Fans. He has also focused on customer satisfaction...that Fans need to both feel and know that they are important and the reason for our existence. It is this focus that makes us even sadder over the current run. And why we feel it is so critical that we break "free" again. 2. I was with our archivist the last time I was at Villa Park. He is making good headway on all our memorabilia and is looking forward to the time when he can finally get it all on display.
  7. General Krulak here: 1. starchildxox: "Obviously your plan of action did not work" "What are actions to appease gutted fans"? My friend, unlike you, I am NOT prepared to throw in the towel and say that the plan "didn't work." We have had, to date, a fine season. There is NO QUESTION that the past few weeks have been terribly disappointing...and I have NOT said anything other than that. At the same time, the season is NOT over and we WILL bounce back! We have been in or around the top 4 all season and that season still has games remaining. I have faith in our Squad and in MON...and that is that! As for the "gutted" fans and how to appease them....I am a gutted fan!!!!!!!! How can anyone appease a gutted fan OTHER than by winning? That is what I want to see!! 2. Reality: Thank you for standing at my right flank. At the same time, I didn't come on the site just to hear the kudos...I came on the site to get a sense of what the fans are thinking. KEY is that I pass on comments...good and bad...without sugar-coating them. No other Club in the Premiership has the fans with the capability to have their views passed up the line like we do at the Villa. 3. stewiek2. You don't have to apologize to me for your post. It was written with passion and with your feelings. I get it!!! So does MON and so does Randy. We want to win as badly as anyone. Your can disagree with the MON's tactics but you must agree with his overall results. He has done wonders in the past 3 years. We WILL bounce back and MON will ensure it happens. He has the complete faith of the Board.
  8. General Krulak here: 1. First and foremost, the Fans today were ABSOLUTELY MAGNIFICENT!!!! I would go through "The Valley of the shadow of death" with them...anytime!! They never stopped cheering...never stopped signing...they were magnificent. I personally thank them for the unbelievable signal they sent today!! 2. There is NOTHING I can say about the game today. I am a Fan just like each of you and I am gutted. 3. paulanddonya: I have talked about transfers until I ached. Blaming someone for a transfer season without knowing what that person did to make deals, evaluate players, negotiate opportunities, etc. etc. is just not something I think is right or proper. I understand your frustration but without an understanding of what took place, assigning blame makes no sense. It is totally unfair to MON and to the Club. This summer we made many changes and people still complained...you cannot satisfy everyone, everytime. All I know is that MON did not just sit on his hands during the winter transfer window. He worked very hard. At the same time, he is not going to go for players who will not "fit" into his scheme. As for talking about what happened in 1990 or 1998 or this winter for that matter, makes NO sense to me. ZERO!! 4. The season is NOT over. I am NOT throwing in the towel. We WILL get it going again.
  9. General Krulak here: 1. Back from Board meeting. 2. Yes, we will have a new home kit next year...and away. The Peace Cup looks to be held in Spain. 3. I recognize the frustration...and feel it myself. Still, we MUST continue to be positive...negativity isn't in my vocabulary.
  10. General Krulak here: 1. JoeFoSho: I asked Randy for a favorite number and he said he really didn't have one. The only number I have ever seen on a shirt of his...and it was an old Browns shirt...was 10. 2. Maradona10: Message passed AND received. 3. shenry87: I agree, it is sad when the entire fan base gets clobbered because of the actions of the few. I know it does you little or no good but...Randy and the Board LOVE Villa Fans and recognize that the VAST majority are the very best in the Premiership. We just need to "police our own." 4. villarocker: I understand what you are saying! My only rejoinder is that the Dubai trip was not a "break"...it was an effort to get the team out of the environment they have been in, train where the weather permits good, hard, practices, and give Martin a chance to be with his players with little or no distractions. It was not a holiday! 5. The Peace Cup will be good. 6. I have a Board Meeting and will be off the net until Friday...I am not going UA!!!!!
  11. General Krulak here: 1. To ALL Villa Talkers: First and foremost, I want to assure ALL Fans that I pass on all remarks...the good, bad and ugly...to those who need to hear them. I do not moderate what you have to say and have NEVER done so. Fan frustration is passed on as is Fan support. I think I have shown by my actions over the years that I do not "hide" the feelings of the fans. Secondly, I am not a believer in booing. It demotivates the player/players involved and it sends a terrible signal to the Squad. I certainly believe that a person pays for his/her ticket and has every right to boo if he/she wants to do so. My point is simply that it does FAR MORE harm than good. FANS ARE IN THE INSPIRATION BUSINESS!! Yes, Fans inspire the team. Booing inspires no one. Third, no one denies we are having a very tough run right now. Likewise, we all should realize that NO player nor NO Manager or Coach comes to a game thinking that they might "play a crap game today." They come to win! Unfortunately, we are in a drought. BUT, we still have critical games to go and I firmly believe we will find an oasis and come out of the drought!! Fourth, Randy and I and the rest of the Board love the Villa. This is not a "hobby" or a "toy"...this is a team we truly love. We suffer along with each of you! We don't just give it a "ho hum" and pop over to the Holte for a toddy and then go back home. We know what "gutted" feels like!! Fifth: For those Fans who are down on Martin, I ask that you look at his whole "body of work" whilst here at Villa. This is a man who has done a remarkable job of bringing players in, of re-signing players we want to keep, of divesting players we don't want to keep, of motivating our players, of elevating our Club in the League. It is very tempting to look at one transfer window or talk about players we "should have gone for." NONE of us are in MON's shoes...NONE of us know the intricacies of the negotiations that he has waged....NONE of us have the responsibility that he has on his shoulders. The other day he asked for the Fan's support...TODAY I again ask for that support. Randy and the Board are solidly behind Martin and the Lads...we believe in them and what they are trying to accomplish. We have key games to go...I would ask that you continue to inspire, not demotivate.
  12. General Krulak here: 1. Thesufferingvilla: I showed that to my wife and she is still rolling on the floor laughing!!!!!! I confess, the only thing that saved me was no picture of the hairy feet. 2. PA System: I think I have mentioned this before but maybe on a different thread. We know we have a major problem with the PA System. We wanted to fix it last summer and intended to do so but the problem turned out to be far bigger than we initially thought. Like many things at Villa Park, it was let to deteriorate over time. The "fix" was going to cost well over a million pounds and so we needed to postpone for a while. We did exchange amplifiers, etc. but not the entire system. I have passed on the recommendation to lower the volumn and keep it down during intro, etc. 3. I agree, I think the web site is getting better. We have a new man running it and he WILL get it fixed!!!
  13. General Krulak here: 1. There has been a good deal of discussion re. a Villa TV channel. We have not taken that step at this time for a number of reasons...the economy being the biggest. We need to concentrate on ensuring that our money goes for the most important things....players, etc. 2. If they made a movie of my life ( a sorry subject), they would probably get the lad who played Frodo Baggins to play the part.
  14. General Krulak here: 1. I agree about Sir "Robbie"...a good man. 2. No planning permits submitted yet.
  15. General Krulak here: 1. RA19: As I indicated, we went out and hired a web site manager with a vast amount of experience. We realized, as a result of fan input on these boards, that we had some major problems. I personally met with our new manager and raised many of the issues that our fans have put forth over the past year. He knows the problems and absolutely has the knowledge and experience and technical ability to fix them. He is on the case right now!!! Personally, I found him to be a very receptive bloke with a great deal of common sense. 2. I am glad fans have recognized the stained glass windows. These were all done by Randy...he picked the window pattern and location. 3. ianrobo1: You ask a very good question but one that we are not prepared to meet right now. It is not because we are trying to hide something but, rather, because we have not come to our own "final" decisions as yet and we have not approached the council with our completed plans as a result. It would not make much sense to put something out that we have not totally bought in on and that we have not gained approval to accomplish. I can assure you that we will alert the fans as soon as the plan is finalized. We will certainly seek fan input on any changes that will require temporary movement of fans. We did learn a good lesson from the Trinity situation. Dialogue with fans on such moves is CRITICAL!!
  16. General Krulak here: 1. There is absolutely no question that the last couple of weeks have been disheartening and tough for all fans to absorb...to include me. I could make 1000 excuses as could most of us...reasons for the fortnight. With this in mind, we can follow two paths: 1) We can get angry, depressed and disgusted...all of which may well bring short term satisfaction but no long term gain or, 2) We can suck it up...recognize the fortnight for what it was...get behind the lads and MON...and focus on the remainder of the season. Simply put, we have a good enough squad to be in 4th place and we have PROVEN that we not only know how to win but, more importantly, we can win. We just need to get back on the horse and ride the SOB to some victories...and I believe we will. 2. Dubai: I personally think this is a good trip and needed. I like the idea of the Manager taking his troops to a distant shore where they can totally focus on the issues at hand without distractions. I know MON and I can fully imagine what he will do when he has his lads all to himself and they can concentrate on the areas he feels he needs to work on. I firmly believe they will come back ready to go and charging. 3. For hospitality, please contact Alison Plant at AVFC...call the operator and she can put you through. 4. RA19: I am not sure what the issue is at this time. I took your concern directly to the folks who run our system and they, in fact, told me that our system has not been compatible with MAC. Now you say it is...and I can't figure it out. I would not get angry with our system folks...you are only getting angry with a man who just joined AVFC within the last two weeks. Our previous web man was let go. Before you throw in the towel, let our new man work on the issue. 5. We went with acorns because they are in a very tough spot right now...simple as that. It had nothing to do with being unable to get a "paying" sponsor...we could have done that. It had everything to do with not deserting a ship that is taking on water! We need to help them.
  17. General Krulak here: 1. Have I ever dropped the ball? ABSOLUTELY!!!!!!! Many times!!!!
  18. General Krulak here: 1. A good question..."What happened today?" I would give anything to be able to answer that one!!!!! 2. Thetrees: Good catch...I will see what I can do. 3. BCV: We will take max allocation allowed. 4. Trevor: I will see what I can do...it is amazing how they would not do this correctly. 5. Gingerlad: Got it...thanks!
  19. General Krulak here: 1. The Game: I am no different than any fan...I am gutted. I saw it...you saw it...MON saw it. We had it and we lost it...nothing much more to say. I am sure that there are those who will link this result with Moscow...fair play. A fan has every right in the world to make any "connection" that would like. That is their absolute right. For me, the Moscow decision has been discussed ad nauseum. MON has given his rationale and I have had my say. I just can't see the "gain" in continuing to discuss it...even in the context of the Stoke game. For me, I can only focus on Man City and the games to follow. 2. Gingerlad: Were their stewards in the area? Could you please tell me about where this incident took place.
  20. General Krulak here: 1. I think I have said about as much as I feel I can say about the decision re. Squad at Moscow. I have shared your concerns with the Club and Directors. At the end of the day, everyone understands the feelings involved but believe that MON made the right choice and support him. Some of the heated comments I have read are sad to see...but come with the territory when I decided to post on these sites. What does surprise me, somewhat, is that some folks truly don't seem to understand the rationale provided by our Manager...rationale that 1) is honest, 2) very forthcoming, and, 3) an amazing insight into the decision-making process of a Premiership Manager. I would have thought most fans would have appreciated this openness and willingness to communicate by the Manager to the Fans. 2. villarocker: lowlights...probably what is happening right now over the moscow decision. The fact that some Fans seem to have done just what they are accusing the club of doing...they are "throwing in the towel." Fans telling me that they are not going to renew their season tickets because of this incident. Forget about all the good that has been done. Sad. Highlights: EASY...5-1!!!!!!!! 3. I magine MON will wear his tracksuit,
  21. General Krulak here: 1. We anticipate about 41K at the game on Sunday. 2. Smetrov: Again, I was saddened to hear of a fan who is not going to renew his Season Ticket because of the decision we took re. Moscow game. Far more important to me was your comment that you have also decided not to renew your two son's tickets. My sense is that over time, you will regret that decision. I say this, not as a Director of the Club, but as the father of two lads. Please do not act in haste or in anger or disappointment...there is more at stake here than tickets or money. 3. adbo79: As I have mentioned before, the change in "times" did NOT come as a result of Randy, me or the other Directors. Winning silverware may have been HUGELY important years ago but the reality is simply this...revenue allows a Club to compete at the highest levels and in a consistent manner. Our goal is to repeat what the '82 Squad accomplished. Reality dictates that the best path to that achievement is to get into the Champions League and get the revenue needed to build a consistently winning Squad. Winning the UEFA Cup (if truly possible) might well make you happy but that success would be fleeting if we could not reach for the real golden ring...the European Cup. Additionally, contrary to what you and others think, I am not some money bags who walks around with pounds dropping out of my trousers. I spent 35 years in the Forces and if you would care to look at the US Military pay scale (1999) you may be shocked. I spent 25 of those 35 like most of you...supporting a family, moving 31 times, sending my kids to school, getting into max debt, etc. etc. I wish I had what you seem to think I have. 4. I wish we had won tonight...we didn't. Our lads got some great experience that will pay dividends later. Go ahead and whip up on me...I can take it.
  22. General Krulak here: 1. By the way, the above post was #900!!
  23. General Krulak here: 1. I communicated with Randy in Moscow. He says it is cold! I told him that it is cold on the web sites too!!
  24. General Krulak here: 1. First off, I am not sure that I am ready to wave the white flag and surrender. As a Marine Officer, I never went into battle thinking I was going to lose. Never! I feel the same way about the Villa. I am NOT prepared to concede the game in Moscow and I am NOT prepared to send the signal to our players going to Moscow that somehow they are 2nd class citizens. When they win on Thursday, I fully expect the same outcry of "mea culpa" from those who have bad-mouthed this decision. I don't see this decision by MON as something to be disillusioned about...I think he has been very clear, very concise and totally honest about what went into his decision-making process. We, as Fans, ought to be thankful that we have a Manager and a Club that goes to such an extent to let the Fans in on the thought-process of decisions made. You may not like the decision and that is your perogative but....think of what your Club is doing to keep fans informed. 2. Brad Guzan is playing to give him experience...simple as that. The day might well come when we need him badly and this decision will, at that time, be universally applauded.
  25. General Krulak here: 1. I have read your comments re. the Moscow game...and have read MON's comments on the OS. I do not think I can say it better than MON has said it. I would recommend that each Fan go back to the official site and read, CAREFULLY, what Martin had to say. First off, he would not say that he is throwing in the towel. We can win the game. Are we putting out our "best" squad...MON was clear on that. I would ask that everyone read what Martin has to say because he did a very good job of articulating exactly where he sees our Club. As for squad size, I have said it over and over again, I am not in the transfer window business. What I will say is that MON is not going to go for numbers...he will go for players that he feels will work within his system. I continue to have total faith in MON and so does every member of the Board. 2. Adbo9: "I will certainly think twice about renewing my season ticket as, from a personal point of veiw, playing half a side in major competitions that we could possibly get silverware from is scandalous". I am terribly saddened to read this post...for it shows a remarkable lack of understanding of what we are trying to achieve. At the end of the day, we have to trust our Manager. If this means you don't renew your season ticket...I am sorry.
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