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Posts posted by stuart_75

  1. 47 minutes ago, RichardCanning said:

    Interesting to see some pedaling GGG v Saunders as a possibility in the new year. Whilst there is only going to be one winner (GGG) it makes you wonder if BJS is doing the correct thing in taking a bucket load of money before GGG moves up a weight class by fighting him, or is it the wrong thing as it will effectively end BJS's career with the pummeling he will inevitably take?

    Frightening thought. Paramedics required at ringside I think.

  2. 38 minutes ago, PongRiddims said:

    Mate don't listen to anyone that recommends Fahrenheit over Boss Orange, she's clearly a complete nut

    School teacher. Obviously thinks she talking to one of her 14yr old pupils.......

    I'll give it a week to see if it fizzles out, then back on Tinder for new year, new me shenanigans.

  3. 13 hours ago, stuart_75 said:

    Her text response time is now 6 hours and counting. 

    Took 8 hours to get a reply yesterday......."sorry for not replying, been busy all day with child"

    I call bullshit. I wont be sending a text today until she does. Come on Tinder, recommend me some more fruitcakes.......

    • Like 1
  4. 4 hours ago, Xela said:

    What aftershave you using? Brut?

    The least she could have done is tossed you off. Otherwise you say to her - "Show us your fanny or GTFO"

    Hope this helps

    Xela, Agoiny Uncle. 

    On date 1 I had on Fierce by Abercrombie & Fitch. Date 2 I used Boss Orange.

    She's said they are both girly smelling and suggested something more "musk" smelling. Fahrenheit was her suggestion (bound to be what her ex has)

    Her text response time is now 6 hours and counting. Starting to think I should reactivate the Tinder profile. I'd rather be bombarded with pointless text garbage than have nothing at all.

  5. Had date number 2 with my Tinder match. She's 2 hours late (blames ex being out and not picking up the nipper), then says she doesn't like my aftershave (2nd date running I've had this feedback), I agreed to find another if there is ever a date 3.

    So I pay for the meal, my treat, get her back to mine. She shows me her guitar skills (impressive, she's a teacher) then we progress to some spit swapping. I can feel she is wearing hold up stockings, so by now I'm ready to blow a load. After 10mins of that she she's she wants to leave, she's not in a rush to jump into bed and buggers off.

    Now this is the one who mentioned her fondness of hair pulling on date 1. This to me is your typical mind-f*** woman tactics. Left me rather annoyed to say the least.

  6. 3 minutes ago, Demitri_C said:

    Mate the way I play it if a woman takes one hour to respond I take two hours to get back to her. Shows you have a life outside her and your life doesn't evolve around her.

    the thing that messes you up is watsapp as it bloody tells the person when they have read the message. That's why I try texting a girl I am going out with not watsapp.

    By the way I have a date with a nice nice blonde English girl that I use to work with tomorrow :-) hopefully goes better than that bloody crazy Greek girl. 


    I'm using whatsapp and she gets the message but takes an Ice Age to reply! I know she fiddles with her phone all the time, because ALL women do.

  7. Women and texting. Whats the deal there? Some want to bombard you with a barrage of texts all day long, basically real-time blogging with you. Then others (one Ive just had date number 1 with) who only reply when they can be half arsed which is sometimes hours after I have text her. I'm wondering if she has several blokes on the go at once.

    • Like 1
  8. 4 minutes ago, Genie said:

    It seems (from the outside) that dating is far harder now because of Internet dating sites. People are now disposable, there is always 100's of other potential dates at the click of a mouse. The grass always seems greener with the other person you haven't yet dated. I think this is the problem nowadays.

    Back in my day (15 years ago) it was the opposite. You had to make it work for fear of not getting a better offer... (may be just me....).

    Like was said earlier. I'd dread having to get back in the game now. It looks like trying to find a needle in a hundred hay stacks.


    If you don't shape up, you'll be shipped out because there is plenty other length waiting in the wings to take your place.

    • Like 1
  9. On 26/12/2015 at 00:13, Wainy316 said:

    Well she'll never be able to use the excuse tat she's working to get out of a date ;)

    Well the date seemed to go well, everything going to plan. But over dinner she just comes out with "I like having my hair pulled".

    I had to do a double take and clean my ears out because I thought I misheard. I couldn't come back with a witty reply because I was shell shocked.

    Hopefully date number 2 will result in hair pulling and DHUTWU.


    • Like 3
  10. 5 minutes ago, Demitri_C said:

    Haha I met this one on tinder!! Its true about the first part being fun its not its just irritating. What annoys me is me why the hell am I attracted to her FFS? She isnt even all that to be honest. our brains our effed up things

    The thing is my cousin knows her (by coincidence) and said she is actually a softy just has her guard up until she knows the guy is the real deal. But I have resisted messaging her in last 24 hours as I wanna see what she does. But yeah i am thinking of moving on - cant be asked for all this nonsense head **** crap

    I'm using tinder too and as I'm a 40yr old munter its very difficult to find someone who is not fat, not a pig and most importantly doesn't have a shitload of baggage.

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  11. 1 minute ago, Wainy316 said:

    Is a solicitor a must if you get divorced?  Can't you just decide between yourselves?  Why does somebody else need to make money out of it?

    This is exactly what myself and wife tried to do. Sort it between ourselves. She knew she had been a clearing in the woods and didn't deserve to clean me out so accepted 100k in the bank to part ways. The courts don't like it and insist on legal representation (basically drag it out and rape your wallet). I now cant get her name off my mortgage until a judge think shes had her "fair share". My solicitor who I was forced to use is useless and is just in it to make money out of the pair of us


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  12. 1 hour ago, BOF said:

    Sounds like you've encountered at least 2 different kinds of sssssssssnake in the recent past Stuart.  Don't become bitter or they win!

    Its hard not to become bitter BOF. Me and the ex agreed to a financial split and who gets what. Then a judge says "No, that's not very fair, give her more". She doesn't want anymore though. Now its back on the solicitor merry go round for another few months.........

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