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Posts posted by drat01

  1. Supporting the team isn't "blind faith".

    who said it was? See at least read the post before making comments like that

    You definitely seemed to imply that by saying "blind faith?" when Darren said we need to support the team and club as much as possible. That isn't what's being called for at all, unless of course you class supporting the club (especially in a time of crisis) as "blind faith". You don't have to approve of the manager to support the team - I hope everyone else at VP remembers that today as well.

    i think you instant desire to argue with anyone or anything that you deem to be anti-lambert is clouding your judgement here. Fans whos views and feelings are suppressed either by idiotic peer pressure or via censorship (see dross that used to be on o/s for example) have as much right as anyone to cheer, boo, comment positively or negatively as anyone else. Comments about anything whatsoever at the club should be allowed because at the end of the day the fan is the soul of the club why it exists for so long.

    If things are not going well or a fan is not happy with something today then they have as much right as anyone else to state their feelings despite what people like you may think. Paul lambert, and i appreciate this will not fit happily with a few, deserves as much questioning as fans feel like giving him, considering his position and job to date.

    • Like 4
  2. Let's just plod along at the bottom of the table then and accept rubbish.

    No, I don't think we should do that at all. I think we need to support the team and club as much as possible.
    blind faith? You see that is all i am seeing being called for. Supporters / fans call them what you want have a perfect right to voice an opinion whenever they want. Having views suppressed just because those who dont want hear any dissenting voices is far more destructive
  3. Got myself all worked up yesterday that a lady doctor would be checking out both my arse (intimately) and my junk (intimately) only to get to the doctors surgery and find that I had come on the wrong day, now I have to wait for a week or so. 


    Hang on a second, my sister is a GP, where is your doctors?


    Can we draw up a list of years people were born? I think we need to look at who is allowed an opinion. Anybody born after 1980 doesn't count? Age is certainly the best way to choose who knows better!


    Can we include Methusela in that? He was born a Villa fan in 687 AD before Villa had even been invented. He's also a big Paul Lambert fan. :P  & so sagacious ;)


    I knew his dad

    • Like 2
  5. Just to play Top Trumps with a few posters in this thread - My following of Villa goes back to just before our demise to the 3rd division (so think 1970ish) - I was "lured" by the Tommy Doc spin. So I have seen some very poor times, some crap football, I was there in Rotterdam to see the total opposite and have seen the side play some wow type football.


    Under Lambert though it is up there with the Billy McBingo days for being dire, weak, clueless. It is terrible and he is a terrible manager. There is nothing that he has shown that gives any indication that he has the necessary attributes to take the club forward. I have seen over the past two years some frankly outrageous claims to his abilities from (and I am paraphrasing) being the best of his generation through to someone that can take us back to champs league. There is nothing whatsoever that can show where these thoughts have come from other than a total blindness to him, his abilities and his approach to the job. I fully appreciate that all have differing opinions and so be it but they have to be backed up with a few facts. Also I know that Randy's actions in the past few years are certainly contributors to the mess we find ourselves in, but they are not the sole cause by a long shot


    Hopefully the removal of two of his appointments is the start of the end for the dire mess he has dished up over his two years in charge

    • Like 4

    He has failed basically and simply to do the job he was employed to do.


    Hmm...  Not necessarily true.  If the job he was employed to do was reduce costs and keep the team in the league then (so far) he's done what he was employed to do.


    Whether he's done what the fans would've liked him to do, or done what was asked of him in a manner the fans approve of, is a different question altogether.


    Rob - I see what you are saying mate, but I cannot believe that was his sole remit when taking the job else it would seem to be a strange one for someone like him to take, IMO


    But your last point is a key one because at the end of the day that is typically what employees of the club are judged by in terms of criteria etc



    Why is he either a liar of stupid? That's a pretty childish thing to say. 


    He gave an interview where he claimed that the reported costs of his signings were rubbish.  The accounts reveal that they were actually pretty well spot on.




    He was asked in an interview about the cost of a couple of his signings and he said the fees were lower than reported. It is quite possible for the total amount spent to be right AND Lambert to be correct on the players he mentioned.


    Still, lets not let that get in the way of childish & cowardly abuse.


    Childish and cowardly? with all respect that has to be one of the silliest retorts I have seen on VT for a long time. Come on mate you are better than that.


    There is now more and more "proof" that Lambert is thrashing around trying to blame anyone and everyone than himself. That is seemingly the make up of the man. Where in reality the manager should have the broadest of shoulders and take the criticism, each day and defeat we see the thicker layers of teflon being applied by him and his dwindling band of supporters so that nothing can apparently stick to him.


    He has failed basically and simply to do the job he was employed to do. Football managers like him are 10 a penny in the whole scheme of things, and he has done nothing on the field to prove his worth to the club and it seems now very little off the field either. He should go, he should have gone before but for some obscure reason he plays the "emperors new clothes" game and a lot of the fan base got suckered. Luckily now people are seeing him for what he is and what he has achieved.


    I am sure he is a fair bloke, but he is not the right man to manage us and should be out of the club at the first opportunity

    • Like 2
  8. Shot 1 hits her , she must have screamed . He hears that and shoots again, and again and again. Til she's quiet. Til she's dead .

    He's as guilty as I've ever seen , just hope he doesn't get off on some legal technicality.

    why must she have screamed? Does everyone who has been shot scream?
  9. DHUTW. It is so annoying that every time someone mentions that they have a date or some kind of liaison with a female those initials are dug up almost every single time. In my opinion it's getting old now. I know this won't go down well on the forum, but to be honest I'm not here to be popular.

    its a pain in the ......?
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