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Posts posted by sam100

  1. i reckon hes there to look at sidwell/take in a local game

    i doubt he would have predicted that sidwell wasn't to be involved today

    i can't imagine us being interested in doyle just yet

    we've got 2 young strikers, 1 experienced but isn't a 20 goal man, i would of thought our 4th striker will be one who has done the business for a good few years rather than someone relatively new to this level, even though hes done well.

    I also reckon that reading would fight tooth and nail to keep him, and the price would be too unrealistic.

  2. i'd love us to sign trabelsi off man city

    he isn't getting a game, which i don't know why? because he is a top class full back

    he is as good a right back as laursen is a centre back if you know what i mean

    i remember hearing he was quite injury prone i don't know if that is true or not?

    but if he could stay fit he would be a fantastic signing IMO

  3. we definatly need a 4th striker IMO, maloney and young aren't strikers and i think we would jeopardise our chances of winning games by playing them upfront

    a 4th striker should and will be a priority by the sounds of it, if only to keep the strikers on their toes

    we could do with an experienced striker to partner carew and i agree with the people who say we should bring in bent, as he can play both striker roles

    but i'd be happy with any of keane, defoe, bellamy etc

    its not just about scoring goals its about overall play as well, and i think bringing in someone like bellamy will improve our overall play because hes a much smarter striker than the youngsters

  4. Correct me if i'm wrong but I think Strachan took Boruc to Celtic so it is incidental which club he plays for.

    it was martin o'neill who originally tried to sign him, then he left and strachan continued the deal.

    i'd take either bellamy or bent, but it will be bellamy we sign so we may as well get use to it IMO

    interesting to see robbie keane has 21 goals this season, just shows if you give a quality striker plenty of opportunities he will put the ball in the back of the net.

    judging on tevez's first season in the premiership, i think he could manage 20 goals in a season also, he's had alot of bad luck i.e when the ball hit the inside of the post today, or he could create a lot more goals for someone like gabby

    not that i think we wil sign him, but i just think he could well get near 20 goals in a season in the future

  5. whats wrong with tommy? we dont need a new keeper! well, maybe a back one anyway, get rid of taylor

    we don't need one no, but when you have the chance to sign a keeper who is better than your current one by quite a distance then surely we should go for it?

    we don't need to replace taylor at all IMO, hes a pretty good keeper and you must remember its pretty hard for a keeper to just come in now and again and never get a proper run in the team, so all in all hes a good back up to have especially as its usually hard to keep the back up keeper happy with hardly ever playing.

    apparently boruc's been seen at bodymoor heath before one of the games so maybe its more than just speculation

  6. apparently gravesen and strachan aren't getting on too well up in scotland

    if we miss out on sidwell, i'd like us to go in for him

    i know he's another celtic player, but he wouldn't cost that much and he's a definate step up to mccann

    and would help bolster our centre midfield spots, whcih we need to do if davis and mccann leave, and he'd add that steel and energy in the middle of the park which we need

  7. I think there could be an entirely new central defensive partnership next year

    i disagree

    i think we will bring in two defenders, but with one being a fullback

    ridgewell will go

    but i can't imagine him getting rid of any of the other centre backs

    laursen will definatly not go, i really can't see mellberg going, and cahill has too bright a future to leave

    if we bring two centre backs in then it will only puish cahill further and further until he may have to leave in order to progress to a top level defender.

    angels gone and samuel, dj dj, hendrie, sutton, ridgewell, and bardsley are leaving

    then you have davis, mccann, sorensen, hughes possibilities to leave

    how many can you afford to let go?

  8. Woodgate and Bellamy are exactly the type of players I expect us to be going for. Footballers with world class potential with some kind of baggage that makes them available to us.

    I'd be delighted with the pair of them. I realise they'd split the fans slightly, but for me it's always what they do on the pitch that counts and I trust O'Neill and our alegedly tight nit dressing room to keep their personalities in check.

    i agree and i'd be delighted with both of them

    especially woodgate, i still can't believe that we have john carew so woodgate coming who is a top top defender would be amazing

    and boruc i'm expecting him to join

    remember it was MON who originally tried to sign him for celtic, but he then left and strachan took over the deal, and since then boruc has only improved so i'm sure o'neill rates him highly

    and with a 6.25m release clause i can't see why MON wouldn't go for him. A goalkeeper might not be a priority but when one the standard of boruc is available then we must go for him

  9. i'd like us to sign jagielka

    hes like the right sided barry as he can play right back, right mid and central mid, a very handy player to have

    but i think we would be priced out of it tbh, if sheff u stay up that is.

    if they went down, warnock would let him go for a decent price, he would recognise that jagielkas been loyal for quite a while now, and would probably repay that loyalty by not trying to hold on to him against his wishes.

  10. MON said he was going to look over things and could possibly go in for him, even though he has young

    as he said in press conference as well he was trying to sign both

    but anyway i agree i don't think they would sell him now

    they've played him more regularly and hes started to produce good performances, the only chance we have of signing him is if ricardo queresma goes to chelsea

    although we might sign him actually, as thats realistic :roll:

  11. to the SWP doubters, thats the reason we should sign him, shades of his days at man city when he played regularly

    when he's confident thats the sort of quality he produces, he was immense in that half and has been in quite a few games recently

    if he carries on producing performances like that, he will be well out of our reach if MON decides to go back in for him in the summer

  12. not really, because angel's attitude was fine as Martin O'Neill commented on

    lee hendrie's the one you could draw comparision with, or maybe baros

    but not angel

    when i said he would be the first out the door was because of his attitude rather than performances, hes very lazy, tempermental and a bad example for youngsters to follow, hes just not the sort of player you would expect martin o'neill to keep in his team or try and sign in the future

  13. mido's a no no

    on his day a very good player

    but hes the sort of player that if o'neill was to take over the spurs job, mido would be the very first player to be shown the door

    hes too inconsitent, and some of his performances this season have been appaulling,

    and for barton theres no specualtion because he said he had no interest in moving earlier on in the season, the journalists wouldn't stop speculating because a deal could already be sorted would they? they would tell us about as its there job

  14. havent we been linked with Marlon King ? i believe he was quite flattered by the interest aswell ?

    page 93

    distin and bent would suit our squad perfectly

    samuel is leaving, so distin would be a solid centre back and can fill in at left back comfortably when boumas out

    and bent would play alongside carew, but could fiill in for him when carews injured and play aslongside gabby

  15. someone tell MON hes manager of Aston Villa not Leicester.

    He can go for bigger names than Championship players!

    got any ideas for anyone better then?

    carew wouldn't settle at being with us if we was having a rotation policy, he joined us because we offered him regular first team football

    dean ashton wouldn't join us if he thought he wouldn't get many games, as he could go elsewhere and play regularly

    tevez isn't the target man we're looking for as back up to carew

    bent yeh but he would cost 15 million +, can we spend that much on one player at this time, i'm doubtful

    maybe in a few seasons when we are only looking to bring in 1 or 2 players, but we are needing to improve to many positions to be able to splash out over 15 million IMO, unless we somehow manager to get sidwell, distin and saviola on frees which is hardly likely

  16. yeh hes available on a free, i'd like him but MON said on the radio that he didn't rate him and didn't think he was the player he once was.

    i really don't see anything wrong with king joining, he won't add to our status no, but he would only be a back up to carew

    hes got decent pace, is big and strong so is more than capable of winning the knock downs for his pacey partner and he knows where the goal is

    he's not brilliant, but i don't think we can attract anything remotely brilliant as an understudy to the main striker

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